Edwin Lam Chou Yin (蓝超荣)

Name: Edwin Lam Chou Yin (蓝超荣) Date of Birth: 5 October 1982 Mobile Number: *120*0060128113838# E-mail Addresses: 1. Edwin_lam_chou_yin@hotmail.com 2. edwin_lam_chou_yin@yahoo.com.my 3. edw983@icqmail.com 4. edwin.lamchouyin@gmail.com Windows Live Messenger: edwin_lam_chou_yin@hotmail.com Yahoo Messenger: edwin_lam_chou_yin ICQ: 81814507 AIM: edwinlcy Skype: lam.chou.yin.edwin Google Talk: edwin.lamchouyin@gmail.com

星期日, 四月 01, 2007

The Outbreak of Persecution


Jesus has returned to heaven before the very eyes of the astounded disciples. Matthias has been chosen to replace Judas. The Holy Spirit has descended upon the earth with great power and in ways that cannot be explained away by the religious leaders. Thousands are coming to Jesus. The believers of Jesus are together in love, fellowship and meeting each other���s needs. Instead of the world rejoicing and embracing with open arms all the good things God is doing, resistance begins to build.

This resistance to the gospel of Jesus Christ continues today. The church needs to observe and learn from the early church how to remain faithful and active in the proclamation of truth, even though the cost is great ��� through the power of the Holy Spirit. Although the coming of the Spirit was a unique and unrepeatable historical event, all the people of God can now always and everywhere benefit from his ministry.

Peter seized the opportunity to preach. Just as the Pentecost event had been the text for his first sermon, so the cripple���s healing became the text for his second. Both were mighty acts of the exalted Christ. Both were signs which proclaimed him Lord and Savior. Both aroused the crowd���s amazement.

Summary: We observe that before the people came to any petition, they filled their minds with thoughts of the divine sovereignty. First, he is the God of creation, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them (v. 24). Second, he is the God of revelation, who spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of David, and in Psalm 2 (already in the first century B.C. recognized as Messianic) had foretold the world���s opposition to his Christ, with nations raging, peoples plotting, kings standing and rulers assembling against the Lord���s Anointed (vv. 25-26). Third, he is the God of history, who had caused even his enemies (Herod and Pilate, Gentiles and Jews, united in a conspiracy against Jesus, v. 27) to do what his power and will had decided beforehand should happen (v. 28). This, then, was the early church���s understanding of God, the God of creation, revelation and history, whose characteristic actions are summarized by the three verbs made (v. 24), spoke (v. 25), and decided (v. 28).


When have you been persecuted for living or proclaiming truth about Jesus?


Read Acts 3:1-10. What triggered the opposition of the Jewish authorities was the healing of the cripple, together with Peter���s sermon which followed it. Luke began his second volume by telling his readers that he was going to record what Jesus continued ���to do and to teach��� through his apostles (1:1-2). He has also told us that ���many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles��� (2:43). Now he supplies a particular, dramatic example.

1. Describe, as if you were there looking on, what happened between Peter and John and the man who was crippled from birth.

2. How did the crippled man respond? How did all the people respond?

3. Read Acts 3:11-26. The most remarkable feature of Peter���s second sermon, as of his first, is its Christ-centeredness. He directed the crowd���s attention away from both the healed cripple and the apostles to the Christ. What vital points did Peter make in his sermon to the crowd?

4. Look at each of the titles Peter gives to Jesus. How does each of these speak to the uniqueness of Jesus?

5. Peter ends his sermon by challenging his hearers with the necessity of repentance. What blessings would follow if they repented (vv. 19-26)?

6. Read Acts 4:1-22. What do we learn about the attitude of the religious leaders toward Peter and John?

7. Peter has given a comprehensive testimony to Jesus as rejected by humanity but vindicated by God, as the fulfillment of all Old Testament prophecy, as demanding repentance and promising blessing, and as the author and giver of life, physically to the healed cripple and spiritually to those who believe. This aroused the indignation and antagonism of the authorities. Why do you think this proclamation of Jesus was disturbing to the religious leaders?

8. How would you explain the connection between the healed cripple and salvation (vv. 9-12)?

9. What evidence do you see of the power of the Holy Spirit throughout this section?

10. Read Acts 4:23-31. Describe the prayer in these verses. How is it different than you would expect it to be after all that Peter and John had been through?

11. List the three requests in verses 29-30. What is the significance of these requests?

12. Why were they able to respond to persecution in this way?


When have you seen resistance, subtle or overt, to the gospel of Christ? What truth from this passage equips you to face this resistance? Who is suffering persecution for the gospel that you could be praying for?


Praise the Lord Jesus for who he is and specifically for what is revealed about him in this passage. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare you for and minister through you in persecution.



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