21 December 2012
The ancient peoples of Mesoamerica were of a vast interconnected empire, filled with rich art, education and destruction. The Maya were one of these tribes. Other than archaeological intrigue why are these people so studied? Their written language was based on pictographs, much like the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Mayan culture was like most other native cultures.
The Maya had an understanding of mathematics and understood the value of zero long before its discovery in the Eastern parts of the world. Their understanding of numbers and astronomy gave us the Mayan calendars of the Long and Short Counts. So why does this calendar attract so much attention now? The Mayan calendar ends on the Gregorian calendar date of December 21, 2012, which most people believe is the total end of civilization, as we know it, while others believe it is simply a change of enlightenment in this current time. Many theories have sprung up about this end date, ranging from the laughable, to the religious, to the scientific.
There are actually three Mayan calendar systems, the 365-day Solar year, the 260-day Ritual year, and the 5,128 years of the World Time calendar. The Haab or Solar year was broken down into an 18 month plus five days cycle. 18 months of 20 days and the 5 soulless days which were thought to be of ill omen, kind of like 5 days of Friday the 13th. The Tzolkin (zol-KEEN) or Sacred Round was the 260-day ritual calendar was broken down by days, not months. This religious calendar was the basis on how the people, singly and collectively, went on with their day-to-day lives according to destiny.
August 11, 3.114 B.C. when the world began in, long count to Gregorian translation. This beginning date was reached by finding a point in future time (December 21 2012) and counting backwards, as theories go, which gives us a 5,126 year span.
5 Natural Disasters Headed for the United States
By Jim Gorman
Source: http://www.popularmechanics.com
Earth is one rough place. Even the most devastating storms of recent years pale in sheer destructive power against outsize natural disasters of the past, such as continent-smothering ice sheets, ocean-raising floods, super volcanoes and the occasional asteroid. Because cataclysms will always be a regular feature of life on Earth, PM consulted with leading scientists to detail five more disasters that may be in store. Some will be beyond human control; others could be disasters of our own making. Either way, prepare for a real doozy.
40-Mile-Long Mudslide, Washington State
Movin' Mountain
On an overcast afternoon high on Mount Rainier, a rocky slope slumps and then cuts loose from the mountain. Small rock slides are common on the volcano's steep flanks, but this one is different. Most of Mount Rainier's west face is in motion. Into the tumbling maelstrom go millions of tons of ice from the Puyallup and Tahoma glaciers. House-size rocks disintegrate in the downward crush. “With Rainier's active hydrothermal system saturating the rock, the landslide would reach the base of the slope as a flowing mass of watery, muddy debris,” says Kevin Scott, scientist emeritus at the U.S. Geological Survey's Cascade Volcano Observatory (CVO).
So a lahar is born--a volcanic mudflow--and a nightmare realized for the approximately 150,000 Washington residents who live and work on the solidified debris of past flows. The mass of roiling mud, rock and trees, traveling at 60 mph, would quickly funnel into the canyons of the Puyallup and Carbon rivers, where it would rise 180 ft. high before spreading into the lowlands as a 15-ft. wave. The 5000 residents of Orting, at the rivers' confluence, would have less than 45 minutes to evacuate. People downstream, in towns such as Puyallup and Sumner, might have twice that long.
Despite its iconic standing, 14,410-ft. Mount Rainier is pocked with corroded, unstable rock capped by a cubic mile of ice and snow. The mountain--weakened from the inside out by acids resulting from upwelling magma--has partially collapsed many times in the last 5600 years, unleashing mudflows that have inundated five of six major drainages. Six of those lahars surged at least 45 miles to reach Puget Sound.
The USGS gives a 1-in-7 chance of a similar event occurring in anyone's lifetime. And, says Dan Dzurisin, a CVO geologist: “There's no guarantee there would be any advance warning.”
80-Ft.-High Tsunami, Atlantic Coast
Coast Buster
A massive collapse of Cumbre Vieja in the Canary Islands would cause a tsunami to radiate all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the East Coast. PHOTOGRAPH BY J. SCHWAKE/ALAMY
Cumbre Vieja, the most active volcano in the Canary Islands, lurches as a violent earthquake wracks its upper slopes. A third of the mountain breaks away and plunges into the Atlantic Ocean, pushing up a dome of water nearly 3000 ft. high. They don't yet know it, but tens of millions of Americans from Key West, Fla., to South Lubec, Maine, have just 9 hours to escape with their lives.
The collapse of Cumbre Vieja unleashes a train of enormous waves traveling at jetliner speed. The first slam into nearby islands, then the African mainland. By the time they reach the East Coast of North America, the waves are up to 80 ft. high, and in low-lying areas, sweep several miles inland.
When tsunamis strike the United States, it is usually Hawaii or Alaska that take the hit. But topography and population density put the East Coast in a special risk category. “More Easterners are exposed to potential tsunamis--from the Canary Islands or the Cape Verde Islands--than the people on the West Coast, which has a steep coastline and few lowlands,” says Steven Ward, a geophysicist at the University of California, Santa Cruz. A Cumbre Vieja eruption in 1949 opened a mile-long, 20-ft.-deep fissure near the crest, forcing the volcano's western face to slump several feet. A 1971 eruption didn't budge it.
Marine geologists at Southampton Oceanography Center in Great Britain have a different take. They conclude the volcano would collapse in stages-- at worst threatening nearby islands. Ward calculates only a 5 percent chance Cumbre Vieja will trigger a tsunami in a given century, but that when it does a chunk of earth 15 miles long, 9 miles wide and nearly 1 mile thick will plunge into the sea--a landslide 250 times larger than the collapse of Mount St. Helens.
The tsunami's probable trajectory within 5 hours of the collapse of Cumbre Vieja.
The tsunami's potential range of destruction 9 hours after the collapse of Cumbre Vieja
Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake, Mississippi River Valley
Stress Test
The New Madrid Seismic Zone, which extends into five states, is part of a rift that formed more than 500 million years ago when tectonic forces began pulling the continent apart.
Ten miles beneath Caruthersville, Mo., stress along an ancient rift zone releases in a violent spasm. Shock waves from the magnitude 6.9 earthquake roll 160 miles up the Mississippi River Valley to St. Louis, and 75 miles downriver to Memphis, Tenn. The soils under Memphis ripple like a shook rug. Century-old brick buildings heave, then crumble. Sewer and water lines rupture. Gaslines snap. Downtown, the 14-story federal building, a decade overdue for quakeproofing, rains 3-ton panels.
While all eyes are fixed on California as the site of the next “Big One,” damage from a quake along the New Madrid Fault--which runs for 150 miles between Marked Tree, Ark., and Cairo, Ill.--may be greater. The hot, shattered crust beneath California absorbs seismic energy quickly and focuses it at an epicenter, says Gary Patterson, a geologist at the University of Memphis. But, he says, “the relatively hard, cold slab of rock beneath the central U.S. allows that energy to travel great distances.” A quake's impact zone is at least 10 times larger on the New Madrid Fault than on the San Andreas, and its shock waves reverberate longer.
The New Madrid Fault has produced the strongest earthquakes in the contiguous states: three tremors near magnitude 8.0 that struck from December 1811 to February 1812. Odds of a quake of that scale are small: 7 to 10 percent in the next 50 years. But factor in unprepared citizens and infrastructure and even a 6.0 earthquake, which has a 25 to 40 percent chance of occurring, would be a disaster.
“There's a lot about the New Madrid we don't know,” Patterson says. “But what we do know is very concerning.”
195-MPH Hurricane, Florida
Tropical Terror
Packing maximum sustained winds of 195 mph, Hurricane Lyle slams into Coral Gables just south of Miami. The breadth and intensity of the storm dazzles meteorologists, who rank it the strongest hurricane ever to hit the U.S. mainland.
On the north side of the storm's eye, Miami Beach, which has the second highest housing density in the country, is in shambles. Many residents don't evacuate, believing they are safe in concrete high-rises. They are wrong. Then it is too late, as the causeways connecting them to the mainland wash out. Waves riding a 15-ft. storm surge gut oceanfront condos up to the third story; windows blow out, allowing wind and rain to ravage upper floors. The storm surge sweeps over the island, carrying wreckage into downtown Miami, where the 70-story Four Seasons Hotel and Tower is reduced to a sodden shell.
Low-lying coastal areas would be hit twice by a supercharged storm—as waves rushed in and then back out. PHOTORAPH BY WARREN FAIDLEY/CORBIS
Block after block of homes in Coral Gables, West Miami and Sweetwater--many not yet retrofitted to the tough codes imposed after Hurricane Andrew in 1992--are blasted down to roofless frames. Waist-deep floodwater inundates areas as far north as Fort Lauderdale. Insured losses exceed $100 billion--nearly twice the amount caused by Katrina--making Lyle the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.
Katrina should have been a wakeup call, but coastal development has continued unabated, exposing the 4 million people in Florida's Miami-Dade and Broward counties to deadly monster storms. Warm water is rocket fuel for hurricanes, and global warming is predicted to heat tropical oceans by 4 F in the next century. Sea surface temperatures in the tropics have already risen by about 1 F since 1970.
Researchers at Georgia Tech and at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., have measured a near doubling in the annual number of Category 4 and 5 storms during the past 35 years. And Kerry Emanuel, professor of meteorology at MIT, has found that Atlantic storms today wield twice the destructive force as those in 1970.
Wind speeds increase with altitude, and so a Category 4 storm at ground level can be a full category higher at the top of a building. While the storm surge scours the first two stories, overpressure blows out windows in the highest floors, exposing the interiors to wind and rain.
Some scientists dispute the global warming-hurricane connection. They attribute the intensity of recent hurricanes to natural cycles, or they contest the accuracy of early data and the objectivity of techniques used to analyze it.
Supercharged or not, hurricanes promise to wreak unprecedented damage in the decades ahead for one simple reason: More people have put themselves in harm's way. Coastal zones from Texas to North Carolina have gained 24 million residents since 1950.
Climate-Changing Ocean Disruption, North Atlantic
Sea Change
Winters in the Northeast begin to bite with a ferocity last seen during the deep freezes of 1936 and 1978, when icebreakers plied the Mississippi and Hudson rivers. Winter temperatures in Washington, D.C., begin to approximate those of Boston. Extreme drought grips the Midwest, sending grain commodity prices soaring; crops fail and farmers spin into bankruptcy. Climate patterns go haywire. London, Paris and the Scandinavian capitals shiver through their coldest winters since 1850. Summer monsoons in India and China weaken, affecting harvests that feed hundreds of millions of people. Fisheries decline when plankton populations collapse. Drought and flood push worldwide agricultural losses to $250 billion.
The cause of the big chill is an unlikely culprit: global warming. The northeastern States, eastern Canada and, primarily, Europe
enjoy warmer climates than they otherwise would because of an ocean-based system of heat delivery called thermohaline circulation. This vast ocean conveyor sweeps warm, salty water from tropical latitudes north along the surface. After shedding heat to the atmosphere, the chilled brine becomes denser and sinks. Thousands of feet beneath the surface it flows back toward the equator, completing the loop.
Freshwater melt from the Greenland ice sheet contributes to a layer of buoyant water that is beginning to cap the North Atlantic Ocean. PHOTOGRAPH BY BLICKWINKEL/ALAMY
But as the climate warms disproportionately at the poles, the gears of the system begin to wobble. Freshwater runoff from Greenland's ice cap and from melting glaciers across the Arctic, combined with increased precipitation, could form a thick, buoyant cap over the North Atlantic. Already, the great gyre may be sputtering. The surface of the North Atlantic is becoming noticeably less salty, and thus less driven to sink.
Thermohaline circulation shut down as recently as 8200 years ago, and some scientists contend that the Little Ice Age of 1300 to 1850 was due to a hiccup in the system. The chance of another collapse is hotly debated. Terrence Joyce, a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, calls it “unlikely” if Greenland's ice cap continues to melt at the current pace. However, “Greenland is a wild card,” he says--its melt rate remains unpredictable. Michael Schlesinger, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, calculates a 45 percent chance of the system shutting down in the next century if nothing is done to slow global warming.
Cold, dense water typically sinks near the Arctic and flows in deep currents to the equator. When this cycle is disrupted, warm water is not pushed as far north along the surface.
Ice core samples indicate the switch from temperate to bitter could be measured in mere years--and last for centuries. The timing of such an event will determine the severity of its consequences. “If the shutdown happens 100 years from now, it will bring us back to where we are now, canceling 4 to 6 F of atmospheric warming [predicted] in the Northeast,” Joyce says. “If it happened tomorrow, that would be something more significant.”
Recent Sumatra earthquakes precursor to probable mega Volcano in 2012 that can end human civilization
Toba in Sumatra experienced the massive volcano of VEI 8.0 – super volcano 74,000 years back. The deep Java trench marks the line where the Indo-Astralian plate subducts, i.e. slips under, the section of the Eurasian plate on which Indonesia sits. While sinking, the Indo-Australian plate heats up and its water content turns to superheated steam under enormous pressure. Prodigious energies are generated and the volcanoes on the fault line release a part of these energies. The speed of that push is 70 mm (2.75 in.) per year, adding up to more than 5 km (3.1 miles) in the 73,000 years since the last major Toba eruption.
According to computer models, somewhere near Toba, along the fault line there may be another super volcano getting ready for eruption. 3.1 mile sinking of Indo-Australian plate under the Euresian Plate in the last 74,000 years has created enough magma for a super volcano.
The recent series of volcanoes in that area have increased the level of alarm. Some of the quakes mistaken as aftershocks were harmonic tremors signifying lava movements. If Toba or along Toba the volcanic eruption take place, it can bring the human civilization to its knees. This has the potential 3000 cubic Kilometer of eruption. That can be so devastating that earth may experience a drop in temperature of 30degrees Fahrenheit for many years. It can actually larger than the one Toba experienced 74,000 years back.
Simultaneous Terrestrial and Solar polar reversal in 2012 accompanied by recent tectonic movement as well as harmonic tremor in the area shows high probability of a mega volcano in 2012 in that area.
Source: http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/2282.asp
Earth Changes, 2012 and Eschatology pt. 1
by Jonathan McGregor Bethel
Considering all the earthquakes, volcanic activity, and extreme weather
we have been experiencing, it's hard not to have apocalyptic thoughts and speculate that we may be approaching the end of time. It is very telling that many cultures have prophecies and calendars that focus on our current world age. These prophecies predict that our current time will be a period of great strife and transformation; they further predict this chaos will precede the creation of a new form of mankind.
I am endeavoring to present a series of articles delineating earth changes, eschatology, and the year 2012. I will discuss the nuances of our rapidly transforming biosphere, and I will describe the advent of the noosphere, a layer of collective synchronous thought surrounding the planet. I seek to present the facts as they are, how they are related to our current outlook, and what could be on the horizon. However, I also desire to dispel the fear about our approach to this radical shift and describe what it “could” mean for us.
Why is 2012 related to the end of the world? To look at this as the “End” and not the beginning of a new cycle doesn't fit what is really happening. There are several lines of thought that point to the year 2012 as a period of radical transformation and the culmination of human history.
First of all, it is during this year that the Maya 13 baktun long-count calendar has its termination point - December 21, 2012 - the winter solstice. This 13 baktun calendar began on August 12, 3114 B.C., and its duration is 1/5 of a precession, a 26,000 year period. John Major Jenkins discovered that the 2012 end-date coincides with an alignment with the galactic center. Consequently, after 26,000 years we are completing a cycle, and we are realigning with the galactic center; this is the wake-up call for human history.
Secondly, Terence McKenna's “TimeWave Zero”, which is based on the Chinese system of the I-Ching and maps the fluctuation between habit and novelty, is the other belief system which points to this date. The “TimeWave” reaches infinite novelty at the same time as the end-date of the Calendar of the Maya during late 2012. In other words, what it says is the complexity of modern life reaches it zenith on this date, and mankind enters a new phase of being. There are various other intimations and prophecies of 2012, and we will discuss them later in this series.
There is evidence to suggest that 2012 will coincide with what is expected to be a very active year for sunspots. Some predictions even state that the sun is going through a magnetic pole shift, and this pole reversal may be brought about by the extreme solar activity of 2012.
If this were to occur on the sun, it could bring about a devastating situation on the earth, including a pole shift. This pole shift on the earth may be actually occurring whether the sun shifts poles or not. One thing is for certain. The extreme weather we have been witnessing appears to be a direct influence from all the anomalous solar activity, not just the human induced “Global Warming” many are claiming.
In spite of that, it may very well be that the sun is emitting evolution altering energy, torsion-wave energy, and mutating us all into beings capable of operating in a new and higher existence. This is the perspective of several researchers; although, I don't think you will get any reductionist scientists agreeing with that. True or untrue, we should remain open-minded until we find out otherwise. Main stream science would consider this to be preposterous. We shall see; this evidence, including the extreme weather is not bogus and cannot be faked. It appears that we humans veil the unknown and uncertain in ominous imagery out of our own fear. Therefore, because we're in a time of rapid change, a disintegrating biosphere, extreme weather, and an uncertain future, the 2012 end-date takes on threatening and apocalyptic image.
On the other hand, we have others who think they have it all figured out, thinking things will remain the same as always, and that we have nothing to fear. These two perspectives are typical of human beings and get us nowhere. We need to face all of this with open yet discriminating minds, without casting doom on everything we hear and without being so self-assured that we think we have it all figured out. We need to take in the facts as they become apparent and make decisions accordingly.
Whatever the facts are, we need to be creating spiritual ideals and treating the others around us with the kindness we would like to receive, creating a positive morphic thought field and influencing the course of events in a beneficial way. This way, we will be in the best frame of mind to meet any challenges that may arise. If nothing happens, wonderful, we're all better off with our benevolent behavior!
Jonathan McGregor Bethel
Writer, Researcher, Lecturer
Founder, Omega Point Institute
Source: http://jonathanmcgregorbethel.spaces.live.com
2012 completes 74,000 year cycle of super volcano
2012 completes a 74,000 year cycle of super volcano – all signs point towards a massive under water eruption
India Daily Technology Team
Jan. 8, 2006
The underwater volcanoes are increasing exponentially. The harmonic tremors are also on a steep rise. A 74,000 year cycle of devastating super volcano nears as we approach 2012. The December 2004 Tsunami epicenter points towards a possible site for the super volcano.
According to some geologists, it is possible that the recent Tsunami is precursor to a massive shift in tectonic plates and a super volcanic eruption in that area dwarfing what happened even 74,000 years back.
The year 2012 is specially mentioned in many ancient civilizations as something to be scared about. Many believe that will the year when human civilizations will be threatened. It is the year some say when the whole human civilization will change forever.
74,000 years back a massive volcano in Sumatra filled the earth’s atmosphere with dark cloud for years. The event reduced the world temperature by 8 to 10 degrees Celsius. Close to 80% of the living beings including humans were dead on the earth. According legends among Indonesia tribes, the calamity was accompanied.
The super eruptions can cause massive calamity devastating all vegetations and farming in the earth causing massive starvation and hunger.
According to some geologists, the next one is due around 2012 based on that 74,000-year cycle. Many are pointing towards Yellow Stone National Park in America where Earth’s crust is wafer thin in geological scale.
Mount St. Helens has started erupting. The Geological calm of the world is extremely disturbed. Tsunamis, Landslides, Minor earthquakes in tune of thousands are shaking the whole world’s tectonic plates.
Most countries are reporting unusual weather patterns and excessive major and minor quakes. In many parts of the world lakes are losing their water and manifesting a sinkhole. Mud volcanoes and geysers in Yellow Stone National Park are manifesting excessive temperature rise and increased frequencies of eruptions.
2006 Earthquake Prediction Trends
By Lance Winslow
Earthquakes in 2005 set the pace early on, even days before 2005 got underway, as the Sumatra Earthquake created such an incredible landscape change that it sent a Tsunami barreling to shore in Indonesia. This Earthquake had 5.0 or greater aftershocks for six months. But that was hardly the only Earthquakes on our globe in 2005. Japan, which usually sees lots of seismic activity had nearly twice as many as usual. In Pakistan near the Kashmir Border 79,000 people lost their lives in 2005. There were also major Earthquakes in Peru, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and the Caribbean along with the Volcanic Activity, which follows and precedes such natural disasters in that region. We have seen Earthquake swarms around and near Mt. St. Helen minor eruption, as well and some notable activity in Earthquake prone California.
Scientists are predicting that 2006 will be a year of many Earthquakes and forewarn us of overdo timelines for Mexico City
, San Francisco Bay Area, Alaska, Seattle and outside Memphis, TN. Of course even though we are learning so much from our studies of Earthquake both from CalTech and University of Tokyo, Japan; scientists still cannot pinpoint when these quakes will happen, only that they will. In studying these quakes and volcanic counterparts, Geo Scientists are pretty certain that the Earthquake trends of 2005 will continue and increase throughout 2006. There will be some large quakes this year. Think on this.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow
Inside 2004-2012 Solar Window
By Will Hart
In an article published in AR, early in 2004, I presented the case that we are in the final leg of a solar cycle. I called the 8-year period from 2004 to 2012, ‘The Portal’. That article presented the results of 27 years of research into the Mayan calendar system, which led to investigations into the sunspot cycle, the transit of Venus and the their respective relationships to natural disasters.
The last pieces of the puzzle did not fall into place until 2002. That year, I finally realized that the 2012 end date of the Mayan calendar was also the peak of the next solar maximum and the second leg of the Venus Transit. Extensive research into the sunspot cycle had shown me that the 11-year solar maximums had multiple effects on the earth and on human beings. I found that everything from wars and natural disasters to fluctuations in the stock market move in tandem with the sunspot cycle.
Many other independent investigators had already reached similar conclusions. However, nobody that I was aware of had linked the Mayan calendar and the 2012 forecast with the sunspot cycle and Venus Transit. The connection gave me a new insight into what the term ‘Solar Priest’ really meant and what the basis of the ancient science actually was. In fact, the Maya made their science very clear. It revolved around a cyclical passage of ages they called ‘Suns’ – a time period of about 5125 years- and according to their system of reckoning we are near the end of the Fifth Sun.
When I fit the transit of Venus into the calendar system I was struck by the fact that the ancient priests were aware of a periodic, astronomical event that western science only discovered 300 years ago. Was it an accident that they selected the exact year (2012) when a number of important cycles converge to end their Long Count (5125-year) calendar? No, that seemed too improbable a coincidence to chalk up to chance. But like any serious investigator I wanted proof. So I went back and examined the historical record to see if there was any association between the Venus Transit and natural disasters.
What I found startled me. The findings also solved a mystery that had puzzled all investigators including myself. I was intrigued to discover that a transit of Venus had occurred on 1518-1526. Those dates were the bookmarks of the Conquest of Mexico by a handful of Spaniards led by Hernando Cortez. I had long scratched my head over just how 300 conquistadors managed to mount a military campaign against the extremely militaristic and successful Aztec Empire.
The key seemed to lie in the mysterious prophecy that the priests had made concerning the return of the god Quetzalcoatl in the year 1 Reed (151.
The god was associated with Venus and he was said to be a bearded, white man who had come to ancient Mexico bringing the gift of civilization. That may sound like a colorful myth to us but it had the potency of the apocalypse to the Aztecs when they learned that a strange vessel had arrived on the shores of the Yucatan. The warrior-emperor Montezuma was plunged into spiritual confusion and political paralysis.
The mystical side of this fascinating history never quite made sense to me. However, the strange fact is the Aztecs could have easily crushed the conquistadors if it were not for this prophecy.
As I dug ever more deeply into the history I learned that the Aztecs were rattled because other strange signs had already preceded Cortez’s arrival including the eruption of Mount Popocateptyl. In addition, a number of paranormal events had also occurred including UFO sightings and inexplicable flooding of their capitol city. The Aztec priests had forecast a dire end to their civilization at this time and, in fact, Cortez brought an end to the last pyramid-building civilization by the second leg of the transit of Venus in 1526.
The 2012 prophecy took on an entirely new meaning after I concluded this line of research. The next 8-year Venus Transit cycle took place in 1631-’39. I was astounded to find that, immediately following this transit, sunspots disappeared for 70 years. The period is known as the ‘little ice age’ the sunspot cycle resumed in 1720 and the levels of solar activity have increased since then with a sunspot peak in the 1960 solar maximum.
Now, here is where things begin to take a dramatic turn. If the Mayan priests were right, I reasoned that they were forecasting a solar ‘blow off’ that would culminate in 2012 with the converging sunspot cycle peak and the transit of Venus. At this point I turned to the record of natural disasters from 1900 to present. I must admit that what I found alarmed me. The number, frequency and magnitude of natural disasters from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to severe storms increased dramatically after 1960.
Scientists try to hide this information from the public by focusing on the ‘averages’ instead of on the major and potentially catastrophic events. In other words, they use statistical averages, which are skewed by the large swarms of minor events, to conceal the upward trend of major volcanic events, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc., which have been rising for the past 45 years. We can only surmise that their reason for fudging the numbers - to obscure the increasing dynamism and instability of the planet - is to avoid alarming the general public.
In fact, we don’t care about the large number of small, non-threatening events, which has not changed much on the whole. We do care about the potentially catastrophic major events that my research revealed have increased dramatically. My contention is that the Maya priests accurately forecast that, as the sun reached this point in its long-term cycle, natural disasters would rise. After all the sun is the electromagnetic dynamo that drives the earth’s biosphere so we should not be surprised that when its output fluctuates we experience changes on the planet.
Now let’s compare some revealing data. There were only 2119 earthquakes recorded in the entire 19th century. A recent U.S.G.S report shows that there were 4,139 in 1970 alone. Does that not sound like a powerful upsurge? The largest earthquakes on record have all occurred since 1960, with the biggest taking place in Chile that year. We find that this trend is echoed by the increasing frequency of large-scale volcanic eruptions, severe storms, hurricanes and typhoons.
In fact, Mount Popocatpetyl began erupting in the 1990s after being dormant for centuries, as have other volcanoes in Mexico. There were very few volcanic eruptions in the first half of last century. Then after 1960 many dormant volcanoes began coming to life and the activity over the past decade and a half has been extraordinarily intense. Take a look at the tornado chart below
1950's 4796
1960's 6813
1970's 8580
1980's 8196
1990 to date 10,000+
The decade and even year by year increase in the number of ‘killer’ tornadoes is even more significant. There were 13 in 1996 and 28 in 1998. According to a report released on September 17, 2004 by UN-ISDR – the United Nations disaster reduction agency – there has been a global spike in worldwide natural and manmade catastrophes. The report said that more than 254 million people were affected by "natural disasters" in 2003. This is an almost three-fold jump from 1990.
According to statistics from the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters at the University of Louvain in Belgium, "The long-term trend over the past decade shows a steady rise in victims." This concurs with statements made by the head of Zurich Re, the world’s largest reinsurance company that I quoted in my earlier piece. He summed up the situation by saying that ‘natural disasters have been a growth industry since 1960’.
Our scientists are discovering what the ancients seemed to have known long ago, the earth goes through periodic cycles when natural disasters rise dramatically.
What they have not yet learned is that these cycles are tied to the short and long term fluctuations in solar output. I believe that this is the essence of the ancient solar science that I have re-discovered. Do not get me wrong, I have not invented anything and I am not making any claims or insinuating that I created this predictive science.
This system was developed long ago, of that I am sure. Be that as it may, the accumulated evidence and ongoing events ought to command our attention. We are counting down to 2012 and the earth is rocking, rolling, spewing clouds of ash, fuming hot gases, and sending molten lava streaking down the sides of mountains.
In my earlier article I made a number of predictions and I asked to be held accountable. That is the only way to publicly establish the validity of my findings. I said that we would start to experience an acceleration of natural disasters after the first leg of the June 2004 transit of Venus. That would be the point of entry into the portal era; we are in it now. So what does the record show?
There has been an absolutely staggering increase in volcanic activity. It began on June 22, the day after the transit when the Ijen volcano in Java, Indonesia became active. That was followed on June 29 by an eruption of the Bezymianny volcano in Russia.
July brought eruptions to 8 volcanoes spread around the world from Japan and Central America to Indonesia. August saw eruptions taking place in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, Papua
New Guinea and Indonesia. Do not be fooled, this is not a normal level of activity over such a short time span. The increased frequency of volcanism continued with activity greatly intensifying in September. An alarming 15 volcanoes showed increased levels of activity from swarms of tremors to small and medium size eruptions.
In this month alone, Mt Aetna in Italy, Mauna Loa in Hawaii and Mt. Kiki in Japan sprang to life along with volcanoes in Columbia, Alaska, Indonesia, the Congo and Russia. The trend has continued into October. As I write, Mount St. Helens is roaring back to life and Mt. Rainer is displaying more activity. On October 5, an astonishing TEN volcanoes became active on the same day that Mt. St. Helens quaked, smoked and spewed ash. At present 11 volcanoes around the globe have ongoing volcanic and seismic activity including St. Helens.
Large and major earthquakes show a similar upward trend as the following figures show.
Earthquake Activity (June-Oct 8, 2004)
June 10 -- Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia - 6.9M
June 28 -- Illinois -- 4.2M
June 28 -- Southeastern Alaska -- 6.8M
July 01 -- Eastern Turkey -- 5.2M
July 24 -- Southern Sumatra Indonesia -- 7.3M
September 05 -- Near the South Coast of Western Honshu, Japan -- 7.2M
September 05 -- Near the South Coast of Honshu, Japan -- 7.4M
September 28 -- Central California -- 6.0M
October 08 -- Solomon Islands -- 6.8M
October 08 -- Mindoro, Philippines -- 6.5M
October 09 -- Near the Coast of Nicaragua -- 6.
In addition, we have just gone through one of the worst hurricane seasons on record. If we were to go back five and six decades we would find levels of significant volcanic and seismic activity far below the above. This points up the fact that the intensity and frequency of major events have been increasing steadily every decade since 1960.
This increased activity conforms to the predictions made by the Mayan priests. It should culminate between 2010 and 2012. Does this mean that the world is going to end and all life will be wiped out?
The 2012 prophecy does not say that life comes to an end, only that the age that we have been living in for 5,000 years ends. We have already been witnessing rapid changes around the globe.
The old USSR collapsed and religious fundamentalism is on the rise, not just in Moslem countries the Religious Right in the United States already controls the Republican Party. Our environment is deteriorating and we seem to be coming up short in terms of finding solutions to our mounting crises. According to my research the period from the end of this decade until 2012 we be one of increasing social unrest and international conflict.
The point of all this is not to create an atmosphere of anxiety. We need to use this knowledge and these predictions to prepare for the approaching chaotic era. The signs are in place and the handwriting is on the wall. In fact, if you have been paying attention, our scientists have been studying, monitoring and trying to formulate models that accurately predict volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters over the past decade. There is an urgency animating geologists that the general public is not aware of.
They know that something is going on. Solar physicists were also stunned a year ago when the sun suddenly burst into a brief period of super-intense flares and storms.
It was not supposed happen because we just went through a sunspot cycle from 1999-2001 and the sun should be calming down as it moves toward the solar minimum (2005-’06). This too shows that we are in an unpredictable era because the sun is shifting its output as the ancient solar priest’s forecast it would at this time…
[PS- Update: On Dec. 26, 2004 one of the four largest earthquakes on record a 9.0 caused a tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Earthquake and volcanic activity remain high]
2012 The Astronomy Connection
The following article was written by Roderick Marling and posted on his Kamakala.com website.
Mr Marling gives an excellent explanation of the astronomy behind the Winter Solstice 2012 event, and the possible symbolism behind the mystery of this much-discussed occurance, the Mayan calendar date of that corresponds to the winter solstice date of 12-21-12 at 11:11 PM UT (which in itself is an interesting set of numbers!)
From the beginning of Time human beings, from the most primitive to the most culturally sophisticated, have followed and recorded the natural rhythms and cycles of the Earth. The intricate dance between the Earth and the other heavenly bodies has been the source of wonder and amazement giving rise to innumerable stories and myths all over the world. Many of these stores are still passed on today.
Ancient people of the Earth were concerned with these natural rhythms and cycles because their lives and livelihood depended on them. In certain times of the year food was plentiful in certain regions and not in others. At certain times the rains would come, at others they could expect the heat and drought. They also observed that fertility was somehow linked with the cycles of the Moon.
According to these various cycles of Nature then, people began to recognize a Cosmos of increasing complexity - repeating patterns and cycles enfolded within even larger cycles of order. The cyclic movements of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars indicated a Natural Order to Reality that provided our ancestors with meaning and the reassurance of continuity.
Heaven and Nature touched every aspect of their lives. Not only did their astronomical observations indicate when to plant their crops and when to harvest, but also where to locate their temples, how to design their homes and even how to orientate their cities. These people occupied a living and intelligent Universe that governed their lives. Survival and success then, depended on how well one could read the celestial signs.
As a brief review of the some of the most basic of these natural cycles, we will begin with the rotation of the Earth on its axis. Because the Earth rotates one complete revolution every 24 hours we observe the reoccurring periods of day and night.
Unfortunately there are surprisingly large numbers of people today that still do not understand that this daily cycle is caused by the motion of the Earth and not by anything the Sun is doing. This could somewhat be explained by the fact that our linguistic customs lag centuries behind our scientific understanding, and we continue to speak in terms of sunrise and sunsets.
Be that as it may, the next cycle we will look at is based not on the motion of the Earth but of the Moon. The Moon revolves around the Earth every 29.5 days, giving us the concept of the month as it appears in its different phases from New Moon to Full and once again back to New.
Then there is the observable cycle of the year, as the Earth dances around the Sun in an elliptical orbit taking 365.25 days to complete one revolution.
As people continued to observe the heavenly bodies they also began to notice that some of the bright lights in the sky moved while others stayed relatively stationary. These wandering bodies we have come to know as the planets, and various people all over the world took a special interest in their particular movement and cycles, spawning a huge number of stories, myths and legends.
To those early astronomers who kept records of the movement of the Sun, Moon and Planets one of the greatest mysteries that they observed was the fact that every year they would wait for the Sun to appear on the Spring Equinox or Winter Solstice at a specific place on the horizon signaling the New Year.
Over time they were dismayed to find that the Sun no longer appeared in the same place it did just 70 years before, but had moved one full degree (the equivalent to the diameter of the Sun - times two). This slow movement, called the Precession of the Equinox, causes the Equinox Sun to appear to slip backward against the backdrop of the stars.
Astronomers have now managed to figure out that the Earth is not a perfect sphere by any means. It’s actually a bit flattened at the poles and has a bulge at the equator. As a result, the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun exert an uneven influence on the Earth. Their gravitational forces try to pull the equatorial bulge toward them. Because the Earth is spinning these forces make the axis of the Earth wobble, shifting ever so slowly. Gradually the polar axis that was at one time aligned with a particular star begins to shift until it is aligned with another star.
Right now the Earth’s axis at the North Pole points to the star Polaris – which appropriately we call the Pole Star. But 5,000 years ago the north celestial pole aligned to the star called Alpha Draconis. Eight thousand years in the future the pole star will be Vega.
This Precessional movement then is the same motion responsible for the shift of the location of the Equinoxes and the Solstices. The ancient astronomers detected the long term Precessional motion of the Sun through the back drop of the constellations and calculated the length of this Cycle to around 25,600 to 26,000 years.
This means that the Sun that marks the Spring Equinox which now appears in front of the background of stars in the constellation of Pisces, in about 500 years will rise in the constellation of Aquarius. It will continue to shift backwards through the various constellations Capricorn, Sagittarius, etc., until in about 26,000 years it will arrive back to the exact same point in Pisces.
The understanding of this Precession of the Equinox then gave rise to the many myths and legends of the different World Ages. As the Processional movement continued to shift the Equinox into a new constellation, various cultures perceived this as a New Age or New World. As the Spring Equinox Sun appeared to rise in the constellation of Taurus, people perceived this as the Age of the Bull; the Age of the Ram as it rose in the constellation of Aries; the Age of the Fish as it rose in Pisces and so on.
At one time many civilizations on Earth were aware of this natural cycle of the Earth and incorporated it into their cosmologies and concepts of Time in various ways. Each one reflecting a slightly different interpretation and meaning, but in their different ways they all held the Precessional Cycle as involving nothing less than the Cosmic process of Life’s evolution, subtly influencing all of Earth’s Life Forms to move to higher levels of organization and complexity. It came to symbolize the Spiritual Process of Unfolding Consciousness on our planet.
What is important here is that this belief was actually based on an observable astronomical cycle: every 72 years the Solstice and Equinox Sun appeared to move backward through the constellations one degree - as a hand on a clock indicating the hours of the day. In this Cosmic Clock however, the hand or marker in motion is the specific location of the Equinox or Solstice Sunrise, while the face of the clock is represented by the relatively stationary constellations of the stars.
With this in mind then, we will now turn our attention to how this Precessional Cycle became incorporated into the Mayan Cosmology and how it relates to their long count calendar and specifically to the year 2012.
Perhaps more than any ancient culture that we are aware of at this point, the Mayan people were obsessed with Astronomy. Not only were they able to project their astronomical calculations thousands of years forward and backward in Time, but developed a recyclable Venus calendar that was accurate to one day in 500 years and a table of eclipses that still functions today. They also accurately calculated the solar year out to four decimal places. To accomplish these impressive computations they created a sophisticated system of mathematics utilizing place value and the concept of the zero. And all this while Europe was still wandering around in the Dark Ages.
In a complex culture such as we find with the Maya and considering it spanned a period of almost a thousand years, it is important to remember that there arose different belief systems at different times, some of which were coexisting at the same place. Just as if we were to look at the demographics of say modern New York city, we would find Jews perhaps living besides Moslems, Protestants and Catholics - all entertaining different belief systems.
And so it’s appropriate here to limit our considerations of the Mayan culture to only those beliefs that lend meaning and significance to the auspicious date indicated in their long count calendar - Dec.21, 2012.
As we more sharply focus in on this date, we find that one of the indicators to its probable significance is that it specifically designates the Winter Solstice. As this is our starting point in our analysis then, let’s take a closer look as to what this might mean.
First of all it is good to be aware that around the world in various past cultures, each one designated a specific time to mark the beginning of their New Year. In ancient Sumeria and Babylon the New Year began with the Spring Equinox. In Israel the New Year was gradually shifted to the Equinox in the Fall, while in Northern Europe, New Year was celebrated at the time of Winter Solstice. We still observe this particular New Year tradition, but add a few extra days so that now our New Year begins on January 1st.
In the context of this tradition then, the Winter Solstice on December 21 was celebrated as the Sun’s birthday. It is the longest night of the year and therefore the shortest day of the year. It represented the ultimate power of the dark forces of Nature: the long winter night when things appeared to be dead and still. And out of the depths of this longest night the new Sun was born. From this point on, the power of the light grows in strength and the days slowly begin to grow longer.
The Winter Solstice then inaugurated the birth of a new solar year. The Sun appeared to come back from its annual trip to the South and begins its slow return in to the Northern Latitudes. The sunrise on December 21 was believed to be like the first sunrise, and the start of the New Year was in fact a celebration of the beginning of Time.
With this particular context in mind, we are now prepared to examine more closely the reasons why the Winter Solstice in the year 2012 is so important. In the Mayan long count calendar a cycle of 5,200 years ends on this date, and it just so happens that it also points to a rare astronomical alignment. In fact this alignment only happens once every 26,000 years.
The auspicious year of 2012 indicated in the long count calendar illuminates the fact that the Precessional movement of the Winter Solstice Sun will gradually bring its position into alignment with the very center of our Galaxy
. For the Maya, this is like the last stroke of Midnight on New Year’s Eve, only in 2012 the New Year is the New Galactic Year of 26,000 solar years. The Galactic Clock will be at zero point and a New Precessional Cycle will begin.
At this point you may be wondering what is so important about the Milky Way and why were the Maya even concerned with it?
Our scientific culture has finally come realize that our planet, the Sun, and the entire solar system had its origins at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. We also have recently found that our Galaxy is 70,000 light years in diameter, with most of its 400 billion stars concentrated in the great central bulge.
Equipped with ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray instruments, plus infrared telescopes most astronomers are now convinced that at the center of our Galaxy is a massive black hole the unimaginable seize of millions of our suns. This is where Science and Mythology truly meet. For what the center of our Galaxy may represent in terms of energy and the properties of time/space, no one has a clue.
But to the ancient Maya the Milky Way Galaxy represented the Great Cosmic Mother from which all Life was birthed. They saw our Galactic Mother stretching out across the night sky and somehow recognize the place where we all had come from. And the great central bulge at Her center they perceived as the Cosmic Womb. Within the central bulge there is what looks like a dark corridor, known as the dark rift. To the Maya it was referred to by many names but the most pertinent here is their reference to this area as the "birthing pace". Are we beginning to get the picture here?
Considering then the significance of the 2012 date in the Mayan calendar, it has been discovered that this year specifically points to a period of time when the December Solstice Sun aligns with and arises out from the backdrop of the dark rift, the "Galactic Birth Canal" in the central bulge. It's as if the Sun is actually being birthed anew from the Galactic Womb.
The Mayan Cosmology was not written in a book, but in the very stars above their heads. The meaning of this story was not revealed through the study of obscure interpretations, but through correspondence of associations assigned to the individual parts in the story. All we need to do is recognize those original associations and the story unfolds all by itself. Just as in our culture we have built up associations between the Winter Solstice, the New Year and the birth of Jesus Christ "the Son of God" who came into this world as "a savior of mankind".
With the Maya we have discovered another story associated with the Winter Solstice, the New Year and the fate of people on Earth. The astronomical alignment of the Precessional Cycle of the Winter Solstice and Galactic Center represents the "Zero Point" on the Cosmic Clock, thus marking the beginning of the New Age in our evolutionary journey in consciousness. It tells us that a New Sun is born, a New Year has dawned, a New Galactic Cycle has begun, and the transformation of our World is well underway.
The big secret in this particular story is that we need not wait for the Winter Solstice in the year 2012 to recognize that we are entering into this time of profound transition. For according to the most recent astronomical calculations the Solstice Meridian actually coincided most precisely with the Galactic Equator between 1998 and 1999.
Just as the Earth’s equator divides the planet into two hemispheres of North and South, the Galactic Equator is the astronomical term for the dividing line of the Milky Way, separating the Galaxy into two halves. Similar to the time of the Equinox when the Sun appears to cross the Earth’s Equator and thus enters into a new hemisphere, so too in 1998 the Winter Solstice Sun began to cross over the Galactic Equator. Considering that the Sun is so large (about one half a degree wide) and the motion is so slow, our Sun will not be completely across the Equator and fully into the new Galactic Hemisphere until 2018.
So we need to understand then that the Mayan 2012 date is simply an indicator to this 20-year period of transition – the birthing process of the New Age and the beginning point of the New Precessional Cycle of 26,000 years.
I find it almost the height of irony that the descendants of those white Europeans who came to the "New World" to bring enlightenment and salvation to the indigenous population, would now find buried here in some remote jungle a stone calendar/clock telling them what Time it is. A calendar or clock not foreign to their own cultural background, but one that actually incorporates and fulfills their most expansive vision of cyclic Time, the Precessional Cycle. This "Great Year" was long known to the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians and the ancient Greeks but lacked a point at which it began or ended. Somehow down through the Ages that knowledge had been lost.
Perhaps the greatest gift the Mayan culture has given our world is the Zero Point to the Precessional Cycle of 26,000 years. Through the 2012 date in their calendar, they have indicated the importance of the Galactic Equator and it relevance to the Precessional Cycle, thus giving us the ability to now pinpoint the exact Time on our Galactic Clock.
Over the span of the 20 year transitional period as the Solstice Sun crosses the Galactic Equator and moves in to a new hemisphere, we will indeed witness the falling away of the old structures and the birthing of the new. For those who have eyes to see we are actually witnessing the birth of a planetary civilization. And the very logistics involved in this process will determine that the old values of the Nation States which was primarily based on competition and exploitation will have to eventually give way to a collaborative effort, where cooperation will be the dominate social value. This will arise not out of some new political, social or economic theory but the very desire of the human species to continue to survive and be successful
Reference Material
Maya Cosmos, Three Thousand Years On The Shaman's Path. David Feidel, Linda Schele, Joy Parker. William Morrow and Company, New York. 1993.
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. John Major Jenkins. Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1998.
Beyond The Blue Horizon – Myths & Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars, & Planets. Dr. E.C. Krupp. Oxford University Press, New York, 1991.
Stairways to The Stars – Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures. Anthony Aveni. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 1997
What is the risk that a hidden asteroid in a stealth-path will hit the earth of December 21, 2012?
India Daily Technology Team
Jan. 3, 2007
There are thousands of asteroids in hidden orbits that scientists cannot observe. Many of them were seen after they kissed the earth and went by in galactic scale. The known danger from the asteroid is in 2028. But some scientists are watching the possibilities that a hidden asteroid in a stealth-path can destroy human civilization by hitting the earth on December 21, 2012. This is the same date when Mayans predicted the end of the world.
The probability that a ‘50-300 Meter (150-1000 Feet) Diameter Asteroid Hitting the Earth’ is 1 in 250. It can actually happen any time. The estimated fatalities would be 5000. The probability that a ‘1.5 Kilometer (1 Mile) Diameter Asteroid Hitting the Earth’ is 2 in 1 million with estimated fatalities of 1.5 billion. A similar catastrophe by a ‘10 Kilometer (6 Mile) Diameter, or greater, Asteroid Hitting the Earth’ has a probability of 1 in 100 million with 10 Billion fatalities.
Some scientists are concerned that Mayans in their time could see some hidden asteroid paths that are stealth today. The alignment of Sun, Moon and the earth on December 21, 2012 is significant because gravitational release of hidden asteroids can take place. The probabilities shown above are in normal circumstances.
However, the probabilities go thirty times higher during galactic alignments. This means that if there is a lose asteroid in a stealth path, it can deviate from its path and come towards the earth. The biggest problem with the terrestrial science is that we cannot see these stealth asteroids till they hit us or go past us.
December 21, 2012 - are you ready?
India daily technology Team
Aug. 2, 2006
The simultaneous polar reversal in earth and sun will throw the solar system out of whack. That will cause massive upheaval in the earth. At that point of time, the extraterrestrials will officially show up and put “cosmic seat belts” around us as they apply the superpower of the Hyperspace to bring the solar system back to what it is today.
This has happened before. The extraterrestrials take care of the earth and the solar system whenever the solar system faces challenges like that.
According to scientists and technologists something strange is happening behind the scene. The terrestrial and solar polar reversal peaks are coming within three weeks of that day, December 21, 2012. Innumerable UFOs are scouting our skies regularly and increasing as we approach that day. The tectonic plate shifts, underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and Tsunamis are increasing at rates never seen before. The solar flares are increasing. The earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere are experiencing strange disturbances. The numbers of typhoons and cyclones have increased many folds. The number of floods and droughts has increased beyond imaginations in the last ten years. Scientists who look beyond conventional science point out that that the Hyperspace that contain our Universe is also showing signs that something strange is happening in our universe. The multidimensional time research is showing that a parallel universe may be predicting strange effects.
Sunspot activity to peak in 2012The year 2012 might not be such a good one if you happen to own a satellite or a lot of shares in the electricity generating business. That's because 2012 is being forecast as the peak of the next sunspot cycle, and physicists are saying it's going to be an active one.
Sunspots are regions of the solar surface that are darker and cooler than their surroundings. Caused by fluctuations in the intense magnetic field that surrounds our closest star, sunspot activity increases and decreases on an 11-year cycle. Intense sunspot activity brings with it solar storms. , events where charged particles stream off the surface of the sun, with the potential to wreak havoc with our planet's upper atmosphere. During solar storms, satellites can be damaged, power transmission can be disrupted and the skies light up with auroras. There are also links between sunspot activity and climate.
Researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, have used a new model of the sun
's interior to refine predictions of future sunspot activity. By using data going back over a century, the scientists were able to determine that the sun's magnetic field has a memory of around 20 years. This model was able to predict the past six cycles with around 97 percent accuracy, and has led to revised predictions about the next cycle, number 24.
According to Mausimi Dikpati, one of the physicists who gave a press conference, the next sunspot cycle will be between 30 and 50 percent stronger than the current cycle, with a peak in activity in 2012. Armed with a six year warning, mission planners at NASA, satellite controllers and engineers in the power industry ought to have ample time to take this looming danger into account.
Stargate: 2004-2012 Venus Transit
By Will Hart
We have experienced an increasing number of large-scale natural disasters since 1950. This includes earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and floods. While people are waiting for an explosive 2012 event to announce Armageddon, the signs these are indeed the ‘End Times’ appear to have already occurred.
According to the ancient Maya solar priests, the end of this age – the 5th Sun – would be precipitated by an era of increasing earthquakes. Seven of the ten biggest tremors of last century happened after 1950. In fact, there has been a sharp increase in the number of large-scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions since 1960.
The frequency in occurrence of earthquakes analysed from data accumulated since 1900 shows there were 120 strong (6-6.9) tremors, 18 major (7-7.9) and 1 great quake (8-8.9) on average annually. A chart for the number of earthquakes worldwide from the last decade is more revealing of recent tremor activity. In 1994 there were 161 strong, 13 major and 2 great earthquakes. The next year there were 185 strong, 22 major and 3 great earthquakes. In 2000 we find 153 strong, 16 major and 4 great earthquakes.
The data makes it very clear that the latter half of the century diverged greatly from the first half in terms of Earth changes. From 1900 to 1960 there were few major volcanic eruptions. Over the past 43 years dormant volcanoes around the globe have become active again. The 1990s saw swarms of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the globe. At the same time weather patterns became more erratic and severe storms more potent.
My research into the Maya 5th Sun prediction, over the past 3 decades, has turned up some very interesting connections: 1) the 2012 forecast is tied to the sunspot cycle and 2) the 2004-2012 Transit(s) of Venus.
The solar priests appear to have been aware of short and long-term solar output cycles. I am convinced the Five Suns or ages the Maya Long Count calendar kept track of were linked to the 26,000-year equinoctial precession, which is connected to the patterns of alternating ice ages and warming interglacial periods.
The Long Count calendar, which marks the passage of a ‘Sun’ cycle, about 5,150 years, began for this age in 3013 BCE. This calendar cycle simply counts the number of days in a ‘Solar’ age. When that number has elapsed the age comes to an end. The previous, 4th Sun, was said to have ended in a deluge, and this 5th Sun is predicted to culminate in earthquakes and impacts from cosmic objects in 2012.
Now, here is where things get very interesting and even disturbing. When I realised the Transit of Venus occurred in June of 2004 and then again in December of 2012 I knew I had to go back and examine past transit cycles. Venus Transits are much like lunar eclipses only the planet passes between the Earth and Sun. It is a fairly rare celestial phenomenon and they occur, in pairs separated by 8 years, in alternating cycles every 105 and 120 years. My first surprise came when I went back and discovered a Venus Transit took place in 1518-1526.
It was during this transit that Cortez invaded and conquered Mexico. The Aztec priests predicted this period would be fraught with danger and this is why Montezuma failed to meet the challenge the Conquistadors posed.
During this 8-year period many paranormal events occurred in Mexico. Strangely enough, “shields” appeared in the skies booming out dire warnings to the citizens of the Aztec Empire. Several temples were set afire by curious beams of light flashing down from the heavens. And the people also told the Spanish chronicler, Bernardino de Sahagun, that a “Pillar of Fire” had been seen hovering on the horizon for an entire year.
Perhaps even more chilling, a decade before these events took place unexplained events accompanied a lunar eclipse. Just after the lunar eclipse occurred, Mt. Popocatepetl erupted. The volcano, which can be seen from the Valley of Mexico, had been dormant for many years so the eruption made the people apprehensive. In 1991, a similar sequence of events took place. As the residents of Mexico City lined the streets to watch a full lunar eclipse, a UFO appeared over the city at 1 pm.
Mount Popocatepetl and nearby Mount Colima began erupting shortly thereafter and they have remained active ever since. UFO sightings have become common throughout Mexico over the past decade. In fact, so numerous that local bishops petitioned the Vatican asking how they should handle the increasing inquiries about UFOs from their parishioners. The Vatican told them to simply accept the reports at face value.
I examined the next Venus Transit, which took place in 1631-39. I found that sunspots stopped appearing for 70 years immediately following this cycle. The radical drop in solar output caused the ‘little ice age’ from 1640 to 1710. Then I pulled up solar data and found that solar output has been on the increase for almost 300 years. Sunspots went from zero in the late 1600s to above 200 in 1960, which appears to have been the peak.
This is when the real meaning of the 2012 prediction dawned on me. The ancient priests were alerting us to a change in solar output. I then turned to the 11-year sunspot cycle and found connections between rising solar maximums and increasing natural disasters, wars, economic cycles and so on. It became apparent that natural disasters and human activity were clearly tied to the sunspot peaks and troughs. You can look at the recent sunspot peaks in 1990-91 and double peak in 2000-02 to see the connections to earthquakes, volcanoes and wars.
We are in a solar minimum phase right now, which would normally last until the end of the decade. The next solar maximum is predicted for 2012. Now, this certainly puts a sharp edge on the end of the 5th Sun prediction. It would appear the ancient solar priests were aware of this double conjunction, the sunspot peak and the second leg of the Venus Transit both occurring in the same year.
Looking at a graph of sunspot activity over the past 300 years what jumped out was the fact 1960 was the peak. Sunspot peaks have actually been declining in each succeeding 11-year cycle since then, from over 200 down to about the 150 range. Oddly enough, the last two peaks have been mirror images of each other. There was a dramatic increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from 1990-92 and again in 2000-02. In terms of the human sphere we witnessed attacks on the World Trade Centre and Bush I & II go to war against Iraq.
The wild cards in this next cycle are the Transits of Venus. We have never gone through a Venus Transit since the advent of our ‘electromagnetic’ civilisation. The last transit was in 1882 and Mt. Krakotoa erupted in that year.
My theory on the transit is that it disrupts the normal flow of energy, the solar wind and other energies the Sun transmits to the Earth. We already know solar flare-ups disrupt radio-telecommunications and even power transmission. If my take on the ancient perception of Venus is correct, we are in for some nasty surprises in the coming eight-year cycle.
Normally, the solar minimum period from now until 2010 would be a fairly calm time with few natural disasters and little social unrest. However, the transit may change that scenario. We can surely count on the years from 2010-2012 being intense and chaotic. We have been very lucky so far because none of the huge earthquakes have hit major cities. If the 9.2 quake that hammered Alaska last year had struck Los Angeles, the American economy would have gone in the tank and taken the global system with it.
We forget how interconnected we are today. My own forecast for this period includes a radical increase in paranormal events, UFO sightings and even miracles. The world is going to be transformed and that process is already underway.
The unity of all life in the cosmos and the fact the Universe is teeming with intelligent beings on many worlds will be an undeniable reality by 2012. We will know the truth of the ancient mysteries and also experience the reality of being spirits in a material world.
Will Hart is a journalist, photographer, and filmmaker who has been investigating ancient mysteries and evidence of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth since 1969. His articles have been published in Wild West, Sierra Heritage, Nature Photographer, Atlantis Rising, Nexus and New Dawn. His first book The Genesis Race: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species, available in Australia from New Dawn Book Service for $39.95 plus $4.95 p&h, is the outcome of three decades of research. Will has made three films and is interested in corresponding with production people who would like to produce a documentary series based upon this work. His web site is located at www.genesisrace.com. Email address: Cwillwrite1@hotmail.com
Biblical Response - Dec 21, 2012
Recently I have come across the idea going on around about Dec. 21, 2012.
This is what they say:-
“There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as doomsday. The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called “The Web-Bot Project” makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future… and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012. Skeptics point to a long history of “Failed Doomsdays”, but many oracles of doom throughout history have a disturbingly accurate track record. ”
I thought I should write about here so that people who don’t know will get an idea about it and I will also try to give a Biblical response to it and also mention what Bible says about all this. Read it with an open mind and feel to ask me questions if you have any.
What is going to happen on Dec 21, 2012?
There is a common belief that according to Mayan Calendar the end of the world will happen in Dec. 21, 2012. The Maya calendar is actually a system of distinct calendars and almanacs used by the Maya Civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and by some modern Maya communities in highland Guatemala. These calendars could be synchronised and interlocked in complex ways, their combinations giving rise to further, more extensive cycles. The essentials of the Maya calendric system are based upon a system which had been in common use throughout the region, dating back to at least the 6th Century BCE. It shares many aspects with calendars employed by other earlier Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Zapotec and Olmec, and contemporary or later ones such as the Mixtec and Aztec Calenders. Although the Mesoamerican Calender did not originate with the Maya, their subsequent extensions and refinements of it were the most sophisticated. Along with those of the Aztecs, the Maya calendars are the best-documented and most completely understood.
More on the Web-Bot Project referenced in the show’s PR blurb quoted above: They seem to use a program ’spider’ to scan the internet for patterns of great complexity which they somehow read into current and future events. They use them to make predictions. My impression is, they see patterns, imagine they see vague sorts of events in the patterns, decide it’s a prediction, and when something in real life perchance matches up to their vague prediction they call it a “hit”.
Now it is believed that this Calender end on Dec 21, 2012 and hence people believe that its will be the ned of the world and thats the reason there is no more prophecy or events written beyond that day. Hence people think that world will come to an end on that day. If you want to learn more about it then you can search for it and you will get lot of information about it.
Actually, the Mayan calendar doesn’t actually end on 21 DEC 2012. It simply marks the end of an Age. The calendar is made up of a series of three calendar “circles”. They all just begin again, as they have in the past.
Why do people believe in it?
People believe it because they say that what ever it predicted in the past has come to pass and hence this will also come to pass. Also people have come up with few scientific discoveries to prove the fact that there will be a big disaster. Now some has even tried to interpret the Book of Revelation from Bible and come to some conclusion that Dec. 21, 2012 will be the last day of the world.
There has been few who have come up with their own ideas to support this. One example is Mataji Nirmal Devi. She has tried to quote many things which Jesus said in Bible and took few things from different places. But the fallacy there is that she said at one place “ But today it is the day I declare I am the One who have to save the humanity.” More information can be found on their web site about all her claims. A person who knows the bible can easily understand all the misinterpretation which is given on there. I am sure in the coming days many more will come and may have already come who will try to take advantage of these things. That will fulfil What Jesus Spoke.
What is Science saying about it?
Science and theology (study about God) has always been on conflict with each other starting with the idea of evolution and creation. Bible clearly speaks about creation and has nothing to say about Big Bang theory. Now the fine tunning of Earth out of all the planets of the universe itself shows that there is someone behind it and nothing is accident. So it shows that there is a intelligent designer behind everything and thats what we say as God. British scientists Hoyle and Wickramasinghe estimated that the chances of life evolving from the random shuffling of organic molecules is virtually zero. They calculated that there is only one chance in 10/20 to form a single enzyme, and just one chance in 10/40,000 to produce the approximately 2,000 enzymes that exist. However, Hoyle and Wickramasinghe point out that the production of enzymes is only one step in the generation of life. Therefore, they concluded there must be some type of Cosmic Intelligence to explain the origin of life. Hoyle compared the probability of life spontaneously generating from non-life as equivalent to the chances of a tornado producing a Boeing 747 from a junkyard.
Now Science has also certain things to say about Dec 21, 2012. There are people who claim that sun will be hidden behind the moon and it will not give light to earth and also few who says that there will be a sudden change in earth poles and change in gravitational forces.
Based on what is happenening with sun spots, and the Earth’s position in the Milky Way, doomsday is a real threat to our existence as we know it. Scientists also know the Frequency Hum in the Earth is Rising. Our Earth Hum was a constant 7.8 Cycle frequency. we used that 7 cycle format for almost all communications since it is the Baseline. In the Past few years, the Earth’s Hum is Changing. The Frequency is rising and has been recorded past 11 cycle format. Right now the Earth Raised about 4 solid cycles in frequency measurements. Scientists believe this raise in Frequency goes directly hand and hand with the Poles getting ready to flip. That’s right, Earths Magnetic Properties are changing. The North Side Will Soon Point South, and South Will point North. The Earth Will Flip 120 degrees. Also it speaks about Brain frequency and sine Waves. We know that Change in frequency affect the brains reception guidelines. In other words, If you use a frequency brain stimulation machine doctors can enhance, change, and alter a persons senses. If two frequencies are transmitted with a small gap between them, Like 400Hz and 410Hz The brain will even out the difference naturally make the brain produce a 3rd tone. This 3rd tone made by your brain is a pure Sine wave. The sine-wave will be a 10 Hz tone. Experimenting through the whole range of alpha and theta waves ( from 5 - 12 Hz) it was found that a combination of frequencies consistently caused a complete shift in consciousness. So when the Earths Frequencies finish their change, our senses and brain thought pattern will be seriously deformed. Our electrical body pulses that control every move your body makes, will adjust itself to the Earth.
What’s the response from a Biblical Perspective?
From a Biblical perspective I can say that we cannot be sure of this particular date. But the things which are mentioned as will happen will happen as many of the things are found in the Bible. Whatever is happening in the world simply proves that the Bible accound is clear. When we read the scientific facts then we can be more sure. There are many signs mentioned in the Bible as end time signs and we can see most of the things happening. So from a Biblical perspective we cannot be sure of the date but one thing is sure i.e. Earth will be destroyed as God’s Judgement.
What does Bible Say about End Times?
Now dear friend, you might be bit confused if you are not aware of the message of Bible. Let me give you a small idea about what Bible teaches about human beings and how can a person get salvation. After that I will write about End Times.
Now in the begining God Created the heavens and the earth. Now Bible says that God created the Earth in 6 days and on the Seventh day he rested. Thats why we have 7 days week. After he created everything he also Created Man i.e Adam. Now it says that God created Man in his own image. You may wonder why human beings are so different from all other animals. Man was created in the image of God. Now after that God also created women i.e Eve as a companion for Adam. So in God’s Creation man had a special place. Now God placed them in a Garden called Eden Garden and allowed them to eat the fruits of all tree expect one tree i.e. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. But they didn’t obey and ate it and hence they sinned against God. There is a whole story as who tempted them to eat and all and if you are interested I will explain later but not in this post. So man was separated from God due to Sin. Jesus came in to this world to give salvation to the mankind which was lost in Sin. He was the Son of God and took a virgin birth. He died on the cross and was raised from dead on 3rd day. So now whoever believes in him have eternal life.
We will have to go to 1 out of 2 place- Heaven or Hell. Jesus said who ever will receive him will go to heaven and whoever rejects him will go to hell for eternal condemnation. When God created this world he created it so that Man will lead a good life. But we can see how sinful the Man has become on the earth. We hear of same-sex marriage, prostitution, abortion, people without shame ready to show their nakedness in media and Internet, films promoting ideas which are against the law of nature, pronography taking hold of people, people killing each other etc. We hear of reports that Wife killed husband to live with her lover. I don’t need to mention more but we can very well understand that man’s moral standards have gone down and the world which was created as a beautiful place by God has been polluted in every manner. We see that due to the things which man did the environment has also got effected. We also know of diseases like AIDS whose origin is in the sinful actions of man. It was always been God’s plan that Man should have one wife and they should remain loyal to each other. But we know whats happening all around the world. We have TV shows which promote evil practices like couple- exchange. All these things are abominable in the sight of God and due to all this we see that Bible predicts a Judgement of the Earth from God.
A Good parallel about present times can be found in the events which happened during the times of Noah. I will write about it in another post.
Now only way to save yourself from this eternal condemnation is to receive Jesus as your savior and lead a life which is pleasing to God. Basic Steps to Receive Jesus is:-
- Accept that you are a sinner and you need God.
- Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again.
- Confess Jesus as Lord of your life.
After this you can read Bible to know more about God and understand the things we are supposed to do. Also attend a good church so that you can grow in Jesus Christ.
So this world awaits a Judgement from God. But the question is are we prepared to face it when it comes. Some people think that there is no way to escape out of it but we know that there is a clear way out of it. This is a matter concering our eternity and we should be very serious about it.
Source: http://gospel-link.com/blog/?p=21
Revelation 16:8-9 "And they fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given to it to burn men with fire. And men were burned with great heat; and the blasphemed the name of God Who has the authority over these plagues; and they did not repent to give Him glory."
The sun-worshiping Mayans decided that the year 2012 is the end of this age. The Bible Codes hold cluster after cluster describing a nasty solar event, as well as a terrible disaster in 2012. Even scientist agree that every 100 years or so, the sun flares up and fries the solar system. Please read on for the Bible Codes and an article published in News Scientist magazine that indicate that a solar eruption event will cause terrible destruction on Earth.
Isaiah 30:26-27 �Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: ..."
The tongue of fire is an important clue. The Bible Codes are clear that the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 has some significance in regards to apocalyptic events. There is a large, stone-like comet due to approach the Earth around 2012. The destructive characteristic of this event is described as “tongue-like�. The folks at Exodus 2006 theorized that the comet breaks up like the Shoemaker-Levy comet did when it approached Jupiter, thus creating a tongue-like array of comet matter which impacts the Earth in a shotgun effect. I have a different theory, though it does seem likely that a massive comet would break up upon entry. The approach of a large comet in 2012 will trigger a solar eruption that will fry the Earth like a rotisserie. The solar flare and resulting coronal mass ejection (CME) will be the tongue-like characteristic of this event.
Here is one very tight Bible Code cluster that describes the approach of a large comet in 2012…
2012 – comet – large - stone-like / stony – object - sped
Tongue-like – Sun - whole earth / earth annihilated - smitten / stricken - smitten
Planetary / wanderer – fragmentary – sixty – mile - blunderbuss / scatter-gun
Crater – Canada – ultimate – terrifying – appalling – lethal
Modifier - mantle - axis - tilting - tipping – Speeded
Seismic - eradication - It will be crumbled / I will tear to pieces
There are many aspects of this event that take on apocalyptic meaning. The rain of huge flaming hailstones described in Revelation can easily be imagine to originate from a celestial body breaking up as it penetrates the Earth’s gravity field and creates an array of impact events. The poles shifting as a result of the energetic disruption from the comet and from the reaction of the Sun can also be easily imagined to be a result of the mantle shifting (mentioned in the Bible Code above, as well) and the electromagnetic field of the Earth undergoing a dramatic change. All of these possibilities can be associated with the approach of a massive comet, but the central focus... the most damaging aspect of the 2012 time period seems to be a solar eruption and the resulting CME.
There are two more Bible Code clusters that describe this solar kill shot. These clusters a re specific and point directly at the sun as the cause of destruction on Earth…
Solar Flare – Holocaust – I will send to all the men – Guilt – Day of Judgement
A sign – To Flare, the sun will go away/depart/vanish – The sun will stand still in the midst of heaven
If that’s not enough for you, then read what the scientist say. In the January 9, 1999 issue of New Scientist magazine, they propose that the sun could “send out a monstrous flare powerful enough to melt the ice on Jupiter's moons, destroy much of Earth's ozone layer and obliterate all our satellites.� This is another verification, a scientific verification, of the threat that the sun holds for life on Earth…
Thank our lucky star
09 January 1999
Charles Seife
A catastrophic explosion on the Sun and long-distance calls to aliens were hot news at this week's meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas. Charles Seife reports
COULD the Sun send out a monstrous flare powerful enough to melt the ice on Jupiter's moons, destroy much of Earth's ozone layer and obliterate all our satellites? It's possible, say astronomers who have studied other Sun-like stars in our Galaxy, which seem to produce enormous "superflares" about once a century. They are baffled by the fact that there are no records of similar solar explosions.
Our Sun often sends flares towards Earth, and more energetic explosions can spit out giant blobs of ionised gas called coronal mass ejections. Roughly once or twice a decade, the eruption of stellar material is powerful enough to send huge electric currents racing around the Earth's upper atmosphere, disrupting power grids and communications satellites. In 1989, one such explosion knocked out a power grid in northern Quebec.
The 11:11 phenomenon
By Uri Geller
Source: www.uri-geller.com
If your attention has been drawn to clocks and watches at exactly 11:11, then read the following:
I started experiencing this rather bizarre occurrence when I was forty years old, at first I thought they were coincidences, I would stand with my back to a digital clock and something made me turn around and I would notice that the time would be 11:11. These incidents intensified I would be checked into hotel rooms on floor 11 room 1111. I started noticing these digits on computers, microwave ovens, cars, documents, etc. I decided to write about it on my website. I was immediately inundated by hundreds of emails from all around the world. Individuals were telling me their own 11:11 stories, almost always saying “I thought it only happened to me”. It is difficult for me to decipher what this is all about but my intuition tells me its positive.
I have been asked many times about the September 11th 2001 attacks in New York and Washington. People ask me how I can claim that 11/11 is positive when there were so many deaths in those attacks?
My answer is that those attacks would have been far worse if the terrorists had used a dirty nuclear weapon in the form of a suitcase bomb that could have been placed anywhere in New York, Los Angeles, London or any other heavily populated city. If that had happened the consequences would have been far more devastating.
I believe that those who died on September 11th did not die in vain.
This was a massive wake-up call to the world reminding us that the know-how to put such a bomb together is already out there.
Needless to say, such an explosion would have killed over 100,000 people and irradiated an area of hundreds of square miles with deadly radioactivity that would remain there for years.
Remember Chernobyl, now a ghost town?
When I see the number 1111: I pray for sick children and world peace, the prayer takes a moment but it's very powerful. Please if you can do the same I believe it helps!!!!
I believe that people who have constant contact with the 1111 phenomena have some type of a positive mission to accomplish. It is still a mystery to me what it is that we all have to do or why are we all being gathered and connected together, but it is very real and tangible, I feel that it is immensely positive, almost like there is a thinking entity sending us these physical and visual signs from the universe. In me, it activates the power of prayer, love and determination to some how help the world. Some day I suspect we will find out the true meaning behind this puzzling phenomenon. It could start happening to you too after reading my website.
String theory is said to be the theory of everything. It is a way of describing every force and matter regardless of how large or small or weak or strong it is. There are a few eleven's that have been found in string theory.
I find this to be interesting since this theory is supposed to explain the universe! The first eleven that was noticed is that string theory has to have 11 parallel universes (discussed in the beginning of the "11.11" article) and without including these universes, the theory does not work.
The second is that Brian Greene has 11 letters in his name. For those of you who do not know, he is a physicist as well as the author of The Elegant Universe, which is a book explaining string theory. (His book was later made into a mini series that he hosted.) Another interesting find is that Isaac Newton (who's ideas kicked off string theory many years later) has 11 letters in his name as well as John Schwarz. Schwarz was one of the two men who worked out the anomalies in the theory. Plus, 1 person + 1 person = 2 people = equality.
Also, the two one's next to each other is 11. The two men had to find the same number (496) on both sides of the equation in order for the anomalies to be worked out, so the equation had to have equality! There were two matching sides to the equation as well because they ultimately got 496 on both sides. So, the 1 + 1 = 2 = equality applies for the equation as well.
Here is something more than the paranormal or numerology - something very fundamental about the scientific and mathematical nature of the universe, involving unary arithmetic.
(a): 11=3, in binary arithmetic. 3 is the cornerstone of the trinity and also Hinduism.
(b): 1 male + 1 female are needed to produce 1 child. Ergo, 1 + 1 = 3, in reproduction.
(c): The building block of all existence since the "the Big Bang" is Hydrogen, which through nuclear fusion has produced all the other atoms known to humankind. Hydrogen is another 11, in binary. Another 3: 1 electron; 1 proton and 1 neutron.
(d): The Yin and the Yang are also 11 - two ones of opposite kind, reflecting the duality of the universe in eastern religions and modern computer technology.
(e): Following year 1BC is the year 1AD - another 11, since our modern calendar has no year 0, which is why the 21st century officially began on Jan 1st, 2001.
(f): And finally there is the oddity of the number 10, which historically grew out of counting on our fingers. The oddity is that 10 = 1010 in binary arithmetic - 10:10.
HOWEVER, if you count the fingers on your hands in unary arithmetic - no zeros - then 10 fingers, in unary mathematics, = 11111111111 - EXACTLY 11 ONES
Our research on September 11 in history uncovered many anomalies and perhaps a significant prophetic sign.
The most startling discovery was a book written in 1981, 20 years prior to the 2001 attacks, called "The Birth of Christ Recalculated". The author, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to have calculated the exact date of Jesus Christ's birth based on the celestial charts for that era. The date of Christ's birth, based on the famous Star of Bethlehem, is calculated to be September 11, 3 B.C.. Dr. Martin's findings have been accepted by many scholars, theologians, historians, and astronomers. We also note that Jesus Christ has 11 letters. The crosses found standing in the ruins of the WTC, and the dominance of the number 11 in the 9-11 events, make this combination even more mysterious.
There is another significant religious event occurring about 2000 years later on September 11, 1999. According to Hebrew Scriptures September 11, 1999 was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation, and year 1 on the Hebrew calendar.
The majority of computers today use binary coding but what is it?
Think of an on/off switch where 0 = off and 1 = on. These codes are linked together just as letters and then words are put together to make a sentence. In turn this is speeded up within your computer. It has become an electronic language - a form of communication that can cross many barriers such as language itself. Not only that but it can be applied to so many things some of which have yet to be discovered or thought of. Its not a new concept. I think it began with a piece of string and a knot and then a piece of string and several knots, thousands of years ago. Throughout man's history it has evolved and developed, for example, the Abacus, a more sophisticated and effectively simple 'computer'. Everyone and everything in the world today is based on and affected by this electronic language. In the realms of 11:11 perhaps it can be seen as the communication between two people (and or their computer) for what is the human brain but a computer in the 'on' position. Through communication we learn to appreciate and respect one another's values, customs and beliefs - that has to be a good thing - and all this from a knot and a piece of string thousands of years ago!
The 11:11 enigma has been here for a while now and has affected the lives of countless thousands of people. Is it really a phenomenon, or is it our internal body clocks playing tricks on us? For many people seeing the 11s in such abundance makes them certain that this goes far beyond the realms of coincidence. If this is a message then four ones would be the most noticeable of all numbers to have appear on a digital clock. The major question is what can be gleaned from this 'message'.
In Colin Wilson's book, The Occult, his discussion of the Pythagoreans (the first numerologists) we get the first glimmer of a starting point, "Creation starts with the 'divine pure unity', number one, then develops to the 'holy four', and the first four digits beget ten, the sacred number, from which everything else springs" (p251).One and one is also the beginning of the Fibonacci curve, a universal pattern of nature found in everything from conch shells to galaxy spirals.
If you multiply 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. Eleven is also a number harmonious with Pi. Therefore, it seems that number eleven is of central importance in understanding the mathematical infrastructure of the universe. This appearance of an abundance of 11:11 sightings on clocks seems to be is about thinking out of your box and letting your mind stretch outside it's comfort zone.11:11 does not allow you to forget about the larger questions because it is always popping back into your reality, acting as catalyst to distract our consciousness away from the sublime and on to something far more challenging.
In my own reflexive understanding of this phenomenon, I have taken it to mean the need to find balance in life and avoid becoming too ensconced in the superficiality of our corporate/consumer society. September 11th has created a miasma of evil and has connected the number 11 with much negativity. This, to me, is misplaced, as the choice of date by Bin Laden is probably a cruel joke to reflect the American emergency number.11:11 seems to be the choice before man. Either realize that 1 Muslim is essentially the same as 1 Jew, 1 Christian or 1 Buddhist, so we can either live side by side in harmony, or we can concentrate on the small differences between us and use it as an excuse for conflict.
Optimism or pessimism is the choice before us.
Solara's (an amazing intuitive) and Uri's opinions:
The endless reoccurrence of these hours 11:11, 11:01, 11:10, 10:01, 10:11, 10:10, 1:01, 1:11 represents a positive connection and a gateway to the mysteries of the universe and beyond.
A trigger of remembrance
For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There’s a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It’s time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.
The 11.11 is the bridge to our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the positive unknown and beyond.
The Doorway the 11: 11
This can presently be perceived as a crack between two worlds.
It is like a bridge which has the inherent potential of linking together two very different spirals of energy.
As we unite together as One, bringing together our fragments of the key,
we not only create the key, but we make visible the Doorway.
Thus this bridge functions as an invisible door or a doorway into the Invisible realm.
The 11:11 is the bridge to an entirely different spiral of evolution.
The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago.
Returning our cycle of incarnations upon the Earth. The 11.11 has rested dormantly within us since that faraway position under time-release mechanization, combined with sealed orders which would only open when the 11.11 was fully activated. It has been gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering. And now the 11:11 is finally activated...
11:11 is the pre-encoded trigger and the key to the mysteries of the universe and beyond.
Some of you have recognized this symbol as something of significance, yet have been unaware of its true meaning. With the advent of digital clocks many years ago, the significance of 11:11 began to make itself felt, often appearing on clocks at times of accelerated awareness. For those of you who have know that 11:11 was something special, we now need you to come forth into positions of leadership. For you are important parts of the key.
11 isn't just a precursor to danger etc – it’s the whole point! 1+1 = 2 - unity, togetherness, peace. September 11 was a tragic event - no-one would question that - but if it leads to people realizing that the only way for this race to survive is togetherness and peace, maybe those deaths will not be in vain.
The Number 11
Some interesting observations
11 August 1999 at 11:11 am there was a total solar eclipse.
21 December 2012 at 11:11 am the Mayan calendar ends.
In the astrological sense with the precision of equinoxes & the 26,000 years cycle of Earth wobbling through the 12 signs of zodiac we are moving in to the new age of Aquarius and Aquarius is the 11th astrological sign.
Returning to pyramid numerology and the significance of the number 11:
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
In binary 11 stands for 3, which is the trinity. 11 x 3= 33. 33 is the number of 33rd degree mason.
The first plane that hit the world trade centre was flight 11.
Total number of crew on flight 11 was 11.
New York State is the 11th state of the US constitution.
September 11, 2001 is 11 years from 2012.
The world trade centre commenced building in 1966 and finished in 1977. It took 11 years to build.
On September 11, 1990 at 9:09 pm (11 years prior to September 11, 2001) Bush Sr. made the very first speech entitled “towards the New World Order” at the UN.
Going back 60 years in time, on 11 September 1941 soil was broken to lay the foundation of Pentagon.
The American NASA project to the moon was Apollo 11.
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Remembrance Day is celebrated in Britain.
The word crown was derived from Anglo French word caroon, which is derived from the Latin caroona. The year the word crown was first established was 1111 AD.
The 1972 Munich Olympics provided the first world stage for global terrorism and the inclusion of the significant number '11' was anything but a coincidence.
11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month 9/11), a group with ties to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization.
The Olympics were host to 121 countries.
121 divided by 11 gives 11.
What is 11:11
Doorways of Destiny
The symbol of 11:11 is a complex symbol having multiple related meanings and purposes. From the outset, 11:11 is a symbol that announces that a particular change is eminent and that a new course in your destiny has been prepared. It is also a symbol of chaos because the moment of change is marked by the shifting of one pattern - or way / state of being - into another. When you see 11:11, either after thinking of someone or something, or preceding or during a personal event, you are being told that a certain variable has been introduced into your life that will alter it somehow. 11:11 is almost always meant for and experienced by the 'First Wave' Starborn who are also Warriors for the true righteousness, much as the Knights Templars were in the beginning of their Order; the codes they lived by are embedded in the DNA and are not so much a belief system as it is an instinctive way of responding to circumstances of this world.
This code is within all Starborn and governs our lives instinctively. It does not matter what, if any, religion one is indoctrinated into (religion is manmade with political motivation) the genetic code supercedes any and all manmade doctrines - but you have a choice not to follow your instincts and succumb to social and peer pressure. This code is encoded into our very DNA and into what is commonly referred to as the 'Junk' DNA. The 'Junk' DNA contains the programs and scripts which are directly related to the Mind and Emotion of an individual, not physical characteristic. It determines, I believe, who is Starborn, who is Darkborn and Everyone Else. It is closely connected to the 'soul' element and whether one has a 'conscience' or not.
Within the Code are many 'modules' containing individual packets of information, each correlating to life and the treatment of all living things and how we respond to our environment - both locally and globally. A Starborn is repelled by injustice or abuse to the innocent and the helpless while a Darkborn revels in it. The Darkborn find pleasure and power in performing belittling and cruel acts. A Starborn loathes such things instinctively. To learn of or witness such acts embroils us in rage. BUT as far as the war between the Starborn and Darkborn are concerned, a Starborn is not a passive push-over. On the contrary, we are designed to fight fire with fire when needed. We have no problem inflicting justice and retribution against the aggressor, particularly against those who who support, condone or are directly responsible for acts of oppression, enslavement, inhumanity, etc.
The Code also gives the Starborn an ability to detect not only Darkborn but other Starborn. We are repulsed or repelled away from association with Darkborn while at the same time we are drawn to the Starborn - our own kind. One thing I have noticed is that the Darkborn don't seem to be instinctively aware of the Starborn when we meet. They learn who we are instead by our actions. I've encountered many Darkborn, as I'm sure you have also, but rather than possessing a negative reaction to us they seem to almost want to be in our presence. Perhaps it is the power they feel from us. Or, it might be that they hope to befriend us in order to try and corrupt us. I'm not certain about which. Another thing I've noticed about Darkborn through the years is their lack of intellect, despite the fact that many Darkborn reign in high positions of political, religious and social influence. They are almost Neanderthal-ish in their thinking and behavior and their actions are predictable as their lies are transparent.
We've all encountered people in our life who seem to thrive on causing misery to others whether human, plant or animal. These people seem to lack a 'conscience' that make us human - or should make us human, rather. These individuals commit acts from an early age that seem so appalling as to not have words to explain. I've known children in my youth who enjoyed torturing animals for kicks. One such individual eventually grew up to murder several people in cold blood while robbing a service station in San Jose, California. Mind you, this individual's parents were much the same. One might think, as psychology would teach, that this trait was simply handed down through some never-ending cycle of abuse. Perhaps. But when you look closer and sense these individuals with your intuitive senses, more often than not you will find a strange feeling difficult to explain but one which leaves you believing they possess some 'evil' resonance about them as if the core of their 'humanity' is missing from the gene pool. I would like to say they are 'soul-less', but I believe even the Darkborn have souls. In their case the behavior is more to do with genetic programming than whether or not some part of them exists after death. Furthermore, I have been told that these Darkborn have a unique aura nearly the color of blood. But since I can't see auras myself I can only guess that perhaps they are correct.
Like two opposing ends of a magnet the Starborn react the same way toward the Darkborn. We indeed seem to have opposing polarization. You just instinctively know their is something not right or good about them and hope to move away as quickly as possible. A Starborn can detect them when they walk into a room. Seasoned Starborn - who are aware of who they are - can detect the Darkborn across many miles, on TV, News or even in some remote location. Further, a Starborn can detect even when Darkborn are thinking of them or conspiring upon some evil event. It's similar to the same ability used in dowsing or remote viewing. Some Starborn - myself among them - have waged draining psychic battles with the Darkborn in order to foil their plans or ward off a life-altering attack. Starborn feel their foreboding energies
which can cause depression and anxiety in us. The feeling of some impending disaster is not necessarily a premonition of war, earthquakes and such but is, instead, a direct connection to their anti-matter-like thought process as the plan against humanity. One reason for prescribed mind-numbing drugs offered so relentlessly to the populous is top numb our senses from them and our ability to recognize their dirty deeds.
For the person who sees 11:11 this symbol has a deep and profound feeling to it that seems to emanate from deep within the soul or echo from a long forgotten memory - perhaps genetic memory. 11:11 does not necessarily have to be a ‘time’ displayed on a clock. In fact, the symbol can just as easily be acknowledged as four vertical ‘bars’ or lines ( |||| ). However, the two ‘dots’ or 'colon', as it were, that separate the two ‘bars’ as displayed on digital clocks 'feel' to have a certain purpose. When 11:11 is seen in conjunction with the 'dots' it will create a deeper reaction within the psyche than when the bars are displayed without them.
The reason for this may be rooted in antiquity. In Mayan counting the symbol for the number 'eleven is written as:
We should remember that not only were the Mayans relentless and accurate time keepers but it is also their calendar and legends that point to the date of 2012 as a period when Time ends and Time begins again; the end of this world and the beginning of the new world. Their calendar and legends have been the foundation for all the buzz about the year '2012'. Furthermore, it is believed that the Mayan culture was founded by Thoth (Quatzequatel), the Egyptian god who gave writing, letters, music, astronomy and numbers to mankind. In olden days, just as with Hebrew letters today, each letter-symbol was an archetype containing a greater meaning. So, we have an advanced Mayan culture whose symbol for 'eleven' is two bars and a dot and a calendar that points to a year of 2012 as the ending of one world and the beginning of a new world.
Too many people look upon the Mayans as some kind of super-intelligent and spiritual race. Perhaps at one time, but like all societies and cultures, they too, ultimately became corrupted from having too much for too long. The bloody wars and human sacrifices marked the last period of the once great era. Such events often are the harbingers of cultural collapse. The sciences and calendar were not created during this period but much earlier while the culture was still pure. Likewise, there are many who look upon Atlantis as some mystical salvation of future generations without remembering that Atlantis fell during a similar period of warmongering and spiritual corruption - as will the mighty nations of today. I have long stated that civilizations collapse under the weight of their own ambition.
The Spanish conquest of Mexico was solely responsible for destroying nearly all records and artifacts of the Mayan as well as the Aztec, whose own calendar is a watered down version of the Mayan calendar system. Much more about this enigmatic date could have been learned if it weren't for greed and self-righteous 'Christian' zealots determined to mold the world and humanity into its own image. Nonetheless, we can still glean fragments of information concerning the 'end times' and 2012 through other cultures such as the Hopi, Tibetans, Asians and others who have also retained legends of an 'end-time'. But, it is interesting to note the Mayan number for 'eleven' is similar to what so many people today are experiencing through the symbol of 11:11 on digital clocks, not to mention that the clock would be an appropriate medium to display a message / symbol concerning 'Time' ending and 'Time' beginning.
The Mayan symbol for the number 11:11 would be displayed as thus:
If someone would want to create a symbol for when one thing ends and another thing begins, they would likely show the symbols reversed of each other. Therefore, 'eleven-eleven' in Mayan would be written as thus:
Actually, the symbol would represent 'positive eleven' (+11) and 'minus eleven' (-11) with Zero (0) in between them (referring to the zero-point of time which would act, in this instance, similarly to zero-point in physics). This is the world we are in and the world coming with Chaos in between - the changing of something into something else. A cocoon would be an analogy of a chaos, darkness or zero-point between a caterpillar and a butterfly
Everything in my research and experience over the last 30 years, including an elaborate 'Stargate calendar' which came to be in dreams from 1988 to 1990, seems to be about 'reversals' and 'opposites' (more on this here).
Learning to decode 11:11 (as well as the Stargate) required living life and observing situations which became as living parables. It is, therefore, a long process to decoding and understanding 11:11 and the other number-symbols we commonly see. But I feel this is designed this way. Certain events must occur before we can understand the meaning embedded within the symbol. In short, 11:11 is a symbol of change. More notably, it represents the 'Chaos' within the moment of change. For here, between to opposing energies of positive and negative lays the spirit of creation. Creation is not the result of something but rather the making of something. two wires of negative and positive (heaven and earth), when placed in approximate contact with each other will create an 'arc' of energy. Commonly we use this reaction to create light. The light energy occurring between the two forces is the spirit of creation. The 11:11 symbol is directly related to 2012 when this world (presumably) ends and a new world begins. We experience 11:11 in association with subtle or major changes in our daily lives as 'living parables' through which to decode the symbol. This is why most people believe - and rightfully so - that 11:11 has something to do with 'change'. More correctly, it has to do with the creation experience occurring between the change - between what was and what is yet to be. This moment is Chaos, where anything is possible and nothing has form. It is ' In the beginning....' of a new world being made, either in a personal life or, ultimately, on a global / stellar level.
The changes we experience now in daily life is only to teach us to recognize the real event of 2012 and thus - also through living examples - learn to prepare for it. The earth and even the solar system and galaxy
, seem to be also preparing for the change. Indeed, it is not just our little spec of rock and H2o that is going through the change. We think it is because of our minute view. I've long maintained that Global Warming was caused but some unknown cycle and not by our pollution. But marketing global warming as being caused by industrialization has given governments and corporations a new domain with which to point fingers and pursue fear while evading the real issue - that the world as we know it will likely end in 2012 (at the current rate of bio-decay). We know the event of global warming is at least solar-system wide for the ice caps on mars are receding rapidly, also. As Whitley Strieber pointed out during an Interview with with William Henry and Jim Marrs, 'There's only one car on mars....and its electric!'. Also, the sun should be at its quietest right now (2005). Instead its been more active than if it were at the peak of its eleven-year cycle. (Why eleven years to the sun cycle?)
If the entire event of 2012 were to be drawn symbolically it would look very much as this:
2011 - 2012 - 0001
The green area are the 'Worlds', both this one and the one to come. The violet symbol (which is also reminiscent of the Orion/Osiris constellation) is the symbol of the mergence of the two 'worlds'. The blue circle denotes the center-point between the two world 'patterns' known as 'Chaos' where nothing seems to have any order or design at all. This point, I believe, is 2012. The blue line is the direction of linear Time as we travel through into a new world and of course, 11:11 is the symbol we are all familiar with. It is a 'reversal' of each other and suggests that the world coming will not be materialistic but spiritual or intellectual (for those who live through it).
From the onset 11:11 is a sign of eminent change, or more precisely, it is a point within the change itself - the point of Creation. It is a symbol which announces that you are currently at a crossroad in between the place you have been and the place you are going. It is a symbol of Chaos – that which is not what it once was but not yet that which it will be.
An analogy of the point of Creation would be likened to the use of sound to create patterns in fine sand (after all, everything exists because of 'vibration'). When a particular tone or frequency is directed beneath a plate of fine sand a certain distinguishable geometric pattern is formed. As the tone is raised to another pitch, note or octave the pattern begins to change with it. In between the two notes (say A and B) there is a moment of chaos where all the sand vibrates with no apparent order or design. Then, as the tone slowly reaches the next note the new pattern begins to form in the sand. When the note is perfect so is the pattern in the sand and there is once again sense and order out of chaos.
The ‘chaos’ is the moment and realm of creation – a moment in which dreams and desires and choices can determine the future and a moment which begs to be resolved in way or another. It is within this chaos that life and existence is born and it is here where 11:11 appears to us in our life-changes.
For those who experience 11:11 there is a deeper and more important purpose than simply announcing when your world is falling apart in order to be rebuilt in a new pattern. 11:11 is very much a signpost that announces both that a change is eminent and that you are also on the right track going to where you need to go; its time to move on, change your pattern or frequency and often this requires changing locations, jobs and sometimes partners. In our personal life the experiences of these changes are also meant to teach us the larger meaning of the symbol - that an ultimate change for the whole world is eminent.
In my early years of experiencing the 11:11 I fought what it was showing me (frankly, I didn't know it was trying to show me anything). Change would come, my world would fall apart and I would find myself in a new job or location or even relationship meeting and exchanging with new people. In the midst of it all was the ever-present 11:11. I always complained, Why Me? Why does my life always seem to be in chaos? Why can’t I just have a normal life, job and career like everyone else? As I grew to learn through observation of such events I became acutely aware that 11:11 was always associated with a personal change. It would announce the coming change and appear often during the change. I would also come to learn that the change was for a specific purpose seemingly orchestrated through a higher order or design, for every new situation I found myself in (regardless of how much I had fought against it) I would very soon learn the 'reason' for why I was there in that place. I learned to recognize the purposes for which I was sent and began looking for them. Eventually, as now, I went with the flow knowing I had no choice in the matter anyway. But for all my resistance and bitching about having my world torn from under me and not getting what I envisioned I wanted, that same 'higher order', would always provide what I was looking for anyway, just in a different way.
Nonetheless, there were very emotional moments, such as when my wife and I divorced, that the appearance of 11:11 created a strong bitter reaction towards it as if it was some living entity. On the night my wife and I parted ways and ended our 9 year marriage I found myself suddenly and inexplicably homeless and living in my Ford Bronco. Our divorce was not a bitter one. We both still loved and respected each other but had simply and irrevocably drifted into two different people wanting two very different things out of life. This in itself is just a natural part of growing and evolving and I knew, too, that something out there had been molding us both for different purposes than what we had thought. Our marriage had served its purpose and were no longer the same people we were when we had met. We knew for a long time that our day of separation was coming. We worked together to pay off the bills and when I left I gave her the home we had built and everything in it. I took only a bag of clothes and my lifetime of writings and journals and left in my Bronco with little fanfare. I had long since made arrangements to move in with a friend who had also recently divorced. But on the night of my own separation he was suddenly called to Cincinnati where his mother had suffered a stroke. He was not coming back and I had no way of getting into the apartment nor was I in a position to take on the lease. I was effectively homeless and, through my own choices, I would remain as such for five years.
As I sat in my truck that cold, snowy January night many memories of my life and marriage flooded back. I was sad that things had not worked out the way we had hoped in the younger days when love was new and we had been so happy and hopeful. I was extremely bitter that 'god' or 'fate' had put me in such a desperate situation when I had been so good to my wife and gave her everything out of love and not contested the divorce for her sake. What was going on and why was I being punished? In the midst of this emotional moment I started up the Bronco to provide heat. The second I did the radio clock blazed 11:11 on the display. Why at that moment? Why did I turn the key on then rather than sixty seconds earlier or later? As I stared at the all to familiar digits burning through the cold darkness into some forgotten memory of my DNA something inside me snapped and, perhaps needing something more tangible than an illusive ‘God’ to blame I lashed out at the number in fury. “What the fuck do you want from me,” I screamed at it. "Why do you fucking haunt me so?". I found my self kicking the stereo display in with my boot heel and cursing as if the 11:11 was a living thing who was trying to drive me insane by subtly placing one obstacle after another in the way of my dreams and goals. The stereo shattered but the radio still worked and display did not break. Its guts hung out awkwardly as a testament to the fact that I was on the verge of a mental breakdown and in that moment I held the 11:11 solely responsible.
But by contrast, it was also in this moment that I reached a major crossroad concerning the 11:11 and my life in general. It suddenly dawned on me that my life was not entirely mine to direct; that something bigger and indefinable was at the helm and while I could walk about the ‘ship’ of my life interacting with passengers and facilities the course was set and I had no idea where it was going. Indeed, looking back over the years since I was sixteen all my life-plans had been altered to point me in some other direction than what I had planned and while I hated the moment of loss I also learned that the ‘new world’ awaiting me was never really bad, just not exactly what I had planned. The next five years of my life led me through an incredible maze of learning and experiencing. The people I met and the magic and power around me in the form of synchronicity and spontaneous messengers and guides and uncanny events further raised me to a higher awareness of reality and the 11:11. I had not simply surrendered my life to the whims of fate - I'm too stubborn for that - but rather, I had come to understand that I was as if a sub-contractor sought out to do a specific job for a specific reason and while I didn't always like getting to the 'job site' the actually job was rewarding. Further, I was being trained every step of the way for more and more difficult jobs ahead. I was a messenger and healer and at the same time a warrior. When I was led into someone's life it was always for a purpose that would soon reveal itself whether to help save their home from demolition, to give advice and direction or simply to pass on a 'message'. But this roll is not just to act as some benevolent good samaritan. Everyone I was led to had something to give me that I was searching for or would need just up ahead on life's road. We were all being directed towards similar lessons and courses - and, I believed, ultimately to an event in 2012. The 'mission', so to speak, is never one sided with me helping and someone receiving. On the contrary, it is always a two way street with them giving something to me in return - something I needed in life either at that moment or to be able to continue onward to the next destination.
Each one of us who experience the 11:11 contain the same genetic consciousness and have the same inner qualities regardless of race or religious influence and each of us live and do what I've been doing - meeting each other, lending a hand, giving advice, championing something or just being relocated to establish our energy and sphere of influence at a particular location on the planet. (My book, '||:|| - A Journey to 2012' elaborates in greater detail these experiences and encounters and the lessons learned from each as well as providing an in-depth understanding of the who we are, where we came from, the Stargate and the lessons life teaches in order to prepare us for 2012).
11:11 was the sign that announced I would be going somewhere unknown and while I had always bitched and blamed it or 'god' for the failure to possess a single dream, I did, from that January night onward, acknowledge 11:11 as a sign that something out there had bigger plans for me and the other people like me than I could realize. After all, I am Starborn. And like all other Starborn I have encountered we all share the same experiences of change in life. Our vibration – our life force and frequency and knowledge and wisdom and compassion are needed in new areas in order to meet new people to exchange with - and we often need those whom we are seemingly sent to help or interact with.
I’ve learned through these experiences and observations in my life that if I happen to come into someone’s life by one of those 'uncanny' situations it is because they are going to experience an unsettling but inescapable change of direction from their current plans, or they are in the midst of it and need help or comfort from the load. Almost always it happens. Also, looking back, I can see that during my times of crisis when chaos seems to rule there had been ‘messengers’ there for me, too. Some who startled me with what they knew of my personal life and where I would be going.
I look at this part of my life now as just a job – a job we were selected to do by genetic design for the betterment of humanity in a post 2012 world. It is a thankless job and filled with no material rewards but rather with rewards of the satisfaction of knowing you’ve done your best - you've changed someone's life for the better - and that for what ever purpose, it is all towards the culmination of some greater event which cannot yet be seen but only guessed at.
11:11 is the sign of Chaos; a moment in life between what was and what will be, where we were and where we are going …or what is needed elsewhere from us. If you see 11:11 no doubt you have experienced very similar events and also see purpose in the patterns that perhaps you just can't put your finger on. It’s mostly a frustrating life but a privately rewarding life when you become aware that there is something bigger and you are a part of it - that life itself and not the things in it - is the true contentment.
However, having said all that flowery stuff - is now a time to mention that we are also hunted? Or that there is a group in humanity who is opposite to us who takes great pleasure in doing away with us? Not to worry. We are also the Hunters - and they fear us.
Source: http://www.ghostradiox.com/ar/1111/whatis1111.asp
Alien Nations 2012
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
Source: http://www.ufodigest.com
2012 will be when the population of earth will accept that alien civilizations exist!
2012 will be a time when people will be healed without doctors being present.
2012 will be a time when people will accept that alien nations exist off planet earth.
2012 will be a time when we accept that there is life on other galaxies beside ours.
2012 will be the year of major discoveries on earth to support life in other galaxies.
If you knew what I knew would you share the information or keep it to yourself until the year 2012? What if it was not up to you alone? What if it was up to the many who also knew the truth to wake up and share in the knowledge that we are not alone in the universe? Would you be in fear of being shunned and ridiculed? What if you made a choice to be one of the light workers. What if you are here at this time on earth for a purpose? What if you agreed to share the truth so that others could benefit? What if you now know that you were fortunate to have lived before and agreed to share this time on earth? What if you knew you had a part of the truth that was to be released in this time and dispensation on earth. Are you part of the alien nations 2012?
The intelligent beings that we think we are do not compare with the alien intelligent beings that are now monitoring earth and always have. We are a race of humanoids put on earth by ancients and we are created in their images.
It is inevitable the way that the bodies rotate in the galaxies. There are wormholes that come and go that can be predicted by intelligent beings that explore the galaxies. Every thirteen thousand years or so there is the center of our galaxy we call the Milky Way in perfect alignment that could be seen from earth. Many beings one earth have been trained with the knowledge and it is up to them to share what they know with others.
There is a reason that we have certain memory codes in our genetic threads of DNA. There is also a reason that there is a raison de’ tre, reason for living not just existing. We are the star seeds of those who have come before us in ancient times. We are they who were planted here one of four root races and it was the plan for us to become the fifth. There are actually over 87 species of intelligent beings in the allied federation of intelligent beings that coordinate together to defend galaxies.
There are warring galaxies. For lack of better words, there are human beings that are coming up with a name for these warring beings . The grays are allies and have always been allies. They can come and go from the earth’s atmosphere much easier than the humanoids that we are designed after in form. Most all humanoids have the same torso, head, arms, legs, and similar equipment designed to breath an oxygen and hydrogen atmosphere.
We were designed as humanoids and intelligent beings who are in training for existence in the future of what is yet to come. Do you think that as a species of humanoids that we are ready to accept the truth of what really is outside of our own galaxy? There are many galaxies in this universe. But, we are the only inhabited planet in our own solar system. The earth is the only planet that has intelligent beings. Mars was once inhabited but is no longer due to the change in the location of the planet due to an asteroid collision.
At one time, the earth was not located in the present position. Mars was located here and had the same makeup as earth. Mars was knocked out of the position where earth is located now while rotating around the sun. Both planets are still in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest inhabited galaxy with intelligent beings. There are others. There are more than 87 varieties when we had last count given. There are many human beings on earth that are presently aware of the many alien humanoid beings due to some have crashed on earth. Some crashes were planned and others were simply accidents after coming and leaving earth’s atmosphere.
For instance, the Roswell crash was actually two alien spacecraft that were on a mission to earth. There were actually five (5) alien spacecraft left in strategic positions on earth. The Roswell spacecraft commonly referred to as a galaxy universal shuttle (GUS) was left intact. The alien spacecraft that was picking up the two grays allies had picked up the two pilots. The four pilots known as our allies and grays as they are called on earth could be considered small or little people. The grey suits they wear are of a mesh that has not been seen on earth prior and the filaments were for protection.
The two pilots that were flying the older alien aircraft were killed on impact. The two that had flown Gus were injured. One severely, and one would have lived had he not been shot by a trigger happy troop of the army at the time.
The two alien spacecraft were found. One was in pieces over a scattered area. This was the one that imploded while still in the air before crashing. It was a small miracle that two of the pilots lived. Unfortunately, at the time, human beings were too afraid of what they represented. At the time nuclear propulsion was being used. The alien spacecraft was fueled by nucleonic fusion of a type that is not known on earth. Basically, the alien spacecrafts can scoop up in a type of scoop in the front and it goes into the nuclear power generator and is separated from the trash. The nuclear trash then is thrown out of the back foil area of the alien spacecraft. There is back engineering available to us on earth when we are ready.
We will not however receive the actual alien construction nor the alien material used which of course is not of the earth. The material is formed on another planet as is the technology. In our history, we were once given technology too early in our evolution. It was a disaster. We then were shown alien aircraft coming and going. We have since been given a change and a chance for only a few of us to be considered as those who had progressed enough with an open mind to work not only with our governments but with the aliens. There are still people that do not want to believe the truth even after sixty years have passed and many people of that era in Roswell have since passed away. This is not acceptable of our human race.
This is the time to recognize that there are reasons for the aliens desiring to come and go. But, until enough of us can accept that they are our allies, and if the military will recognize that they will not be given complete control over the alien spacecraft then we can complete our missions on earth.
There is much to be considered. First, we must reach an agreement not to panic. We must all on earth realize that there is a race of intelligent beings that have chosen to rape and pillage planets in galaxies. They desire to take what they can for their own use and have no regard or empathy for other intelligent beings.
Then there are other intelligent beings that are humanoids who through the galaxies have created allies of many other humanoid intelligent beings. They have all banded together. They do not desire to interfere with our own progressions and evolution.
Some of the human beings on earth have been given the chance to make changes for us all. Some who I will not mention have taken the laser technology and nuclear weapons into consideration. We on earth have been found not ready to cooperate.
We are still warring among ourselves on earth. This is not good for other alien intelligent beings and they do not want to participate in our destruction.
It is the desire of the intelligent beings that we grow in our thought process, be it our spiritual growth as a whole planet of intelligent beings desiring to communicate, be educated in higher technology, and to be considered peaceful explorers of other galaxies. We are just now reaching the outer realms in the stellar regions of space.
There is much for us to know and NASA is the largest representative with the United Nations that is watched by our Galaxy Friends and Allied Federation of Galaxies. There is a high council that is chosen that rules and governs all of these intelligent beings. They live in another galaxy that is many light years away.
Time as we know it is not considered in their lives. They aliens work in shifts. The aliens are all assigned jobs and careers. The details are not important at this time.
What is important is that others on earth learn what I know to be the truth. That the countries on earth that are aware of the five (5) monitoring alien spacecraft allow for the inhabitants of this planet to know the truth. This is the beginning. The rest will happen with or without the governments approval by way of progress.
There is a reason for us to be here. There is a reason for us to learn that we are not alone on planet earth. Just as Columbus traveled from Spain to America, and found new ground, so will we when we are ready.
The reason that the aliens are not seen are for several reasons. They can come and go as they please now without fear. They are in the same bodies as humans of earth. They do not desire to cause alarm and for now with the way earth beings are so fearful and can panic at a moments notice, there has been no reason to make themselves known to all of humankind.
Many, they will consider the non-believers as stuck in the old way of thinking. This is inevitable and it has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a control and can cause fear. Fear among human beings has caused religious wars due to not wanting to change for fear of being outcast from the various cultural societies that human beings have created out of superstition.
There of course was always laws written that were passed down from above to assist us in our eternal progression. Some of these laws have been followed. Some have not. The reason for all the religions and wars all stem from control factors. There of course is the Bible, Koran, Kabala, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bag Avad Gita, and many other religious scrolls that have been translated from ancient languages and been misinterpreted in the translations from Roman, Hebrew, Greek, Coptic, and other languages.
There is no need for us to keep antagonizing poor countries into submission because of our own countries belief systems. They are all variations on the same theme. We all come from another place, another galaxy. This is no surprise. We all have spirits and souls. We are to return to our own kind to be counted among those who have progressed into intelligent human beings with a cause to assist others of our kind succeed and have health and prosperity.
There is a plan for all of us. There is a plan from our creators. The plan is now to introduce us to our future which includes other intelligent beings from other galaxies.
History will prove these words and there is no reason to wait until 2012 to accept this. There has always been alien landings and always will be. Don’t let beings control you with fear. There will always be some threats to our planet. There will always be ways to leave earth. What the alien spacecraft offer is a way to go to other galaxies in space. There are major space ports. One Flag ship and four carriers in orbit to be exact.
There is no better way to tell the truth. The alien spacecraft is kept hidden underground in America and there are two of us who have been chosen to fly GUS out of the hidden underground facility for all human beings to accept as our new beginning on earth. I am expecting the world and the United Nations to make the decision before 2012. If not, then maybe the Allied Council will agree with me if enough people unite in the understanding that we are not alone in this universe.
This is an acknowledgement that we are ready to work together on earth. There are people in power that know we exist. There are people who know that I speak the truth. But, there must be enough of us to prove to our alien allies that we can work together as one race of humanoid intelligent beings.
The beings will be working along side of us as they always have. The only difference will be that the population of beings on earth will be knowing what many have always known. The truth! War in heaven is inevitable, aliens exist, accept this fact of life, and all nations are alien nations under GOD. We are aliens to our allies.
Pyramids were built by human beings with the assistance of higher intelligence beings. One might be correct in saying that the pyramids were built as alien pyramids. The alien pyramids were built for a reason. The pyramids were built to serve as markers form space.
On earth, there are three sets of pyramids strategically located near the civilizations of human beings on earth. One set in Africa, one set in Egypt, and one set in Mexico.
Three sets in order to use as markers on earth from space, or to be seen from high above.
There is much intelligence of the ancient beings on earth that has been lost or is still hidden from view. We as human beings are suppose to search as part of our history. We are natural born peaceful explorers.
Exploring is what we do not just on earth but in space. If we are not exploring, then we should be teaching. If we as humans are not teaching then we should be learning. Three things that intelligent beings do are explore, teach, and learn.
Human beings throughout time in history have allowed certain sects to form and create belief systems, religions, and empires. History has shown that we have destroyed much of what has happened on earth due to some natural catastrophes but also due to some human beings and their cultural civilizations.
Fortunately, some of us are here to share some of the shards of truth that were destroyed.
For example, the Library of Alexandria, one historical archive location was burned and destroyed for the most part. This is but one example of our ignorance due to allowing warring social gatherings of beings power over the whole civilized population. There are so many times in our ancient civilizations history that made for loss of more than beings.
As a whole once civilized nation of intelligent beings on planet earth we must learn from our mistakes made in the past throughout time and history. This is now what the pyramids represent. If you need proof that ancient astronauts lived then look proof on earth and in space.
Intelligent beings do not exist without each other. Nor do other intelligent beings in another galaxy exist without desiring to assist other younger galaxies. We assist each other. This is our creators design. This is the plan. We explore, we teach, we learn, and we grow new environments, we learn from our experiences, we look forward to creating future growth, and due to our human nature, we are motivated to explore, teach, and learn. Survival is simply the mainstay of existing in order to exist on earth or another planet. This is not enough.
We have a master plan and are guided by the High Council.
These are ancient beings that have always been are aware of the power of the creator. There are higher intelligent beings who will assist the beings who live under their rule. There are masters of knowledge. There are those who are chosen to rule.
The pyramids are a reminder that we are not alone on this planet and that there are higher intelligent beings.
The pyramids were built and only later allowed for the Kings to use as burial chambers. These Kings knew that they were guided by those from space. Only the rulers and a few chosen spirit beings on earth were taught of the higher beings existence. For example, Moses being led by day and by night, is but one example of being led through wilderness by an alien ship. During that time frame, a being from above would have been called God because of the voice coming from the ship that only Moses heard. Hipparchus understood that systematically the stars shifted from positions with some divine intervention that was alien beings. There was very little interference in the evolution of the human race from those from upon high other than when was necessary. There are a few times when certain alien beings appeared to let certain people out of prison or to visit as alien beings from above. Some alien beings were considered angels and both were around at some times when nuclear technology was used to destroy. Some alien beings, and angels were around when human beings just could not accept that there were beings who visited earth from space. One hard to believe fact and fascination was in numbers such as pi 3.14... And the number 12, 9600 used in ancient Babylon. On earth there were those of a civilization that were in the know about alien beings coming and going from space. Since, it was hard to rule a young planet with new human beings, there was time needed to evolve. There is proof that alien beings, as well as, angels have always existed on earth.
For historians, look far beyond those known civilizations of the Minoans, and Cretes, in a time before the ice age one earth. There are findings left to search out as explorers on earth. There was a time of Lemuria and Atlantis. There were times on earth when human beings were given technology that was to sophisticated for their people. Destruction occurred during that time that was created by human being on earth. The Lemurians were a peaceful civilization with many great qualities. Atlanteans were a great race but were not as intelligent and peaceful enough to handle the high technology of nuclear and laser technology. We once again had to wait for human beings to evolve in mental capacity.
We are now ready to embrace theories about space-time and other theories that excel the speed of light. We are more able to accept truth as more than being science fiction and fantasy. Time is relative and not absolute. When we go to the space carrier one minute on earth equals one day in our space place. Time slows down as an object gains momentum in space. There are wormholes that can be traveled in space to get from one galaxy to another therefore bypassing what we know on earth as light speed, a theoretical limit of acceleration.
The Torah Code is ready to be broken and there are some keys and adjustments that have to take place first. If we can’t accept that alien intelligent beings assisted beings in building the pyramids, how can we as a race of intelligent beings on earth be trusted with the Torah Code? For researchers and seekers of the Torah Code and Da Vinci Code mysteries, follow and keep seeking mysteries of the pyramid markers.
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris writes about people, places, and things pertaining to "Alien Civilizations Exist!" She is a believer and supporter of the future and the accepts that other solar systems and ascended beings exist! She believes that we are not alone in this universe and that we are being visited by other beings more sophisticated than ourselves. She would be glad to speak on the subject and why she believes so strongly. You can read her articles and books. Visit her websites: http://www.roswellconnection.com/ and http://www.ufoassociation.com/.
Extraterrestrial contact with Earth's indigenous peoples reveal Western societally repressed knowledge
Guardians of the Past -- Harbingers of the future
by Julie Gillentine
Anthropological orthodoxy insists that civilization began in Sumeria six thousand years ago, and the modern metropolis is the pinnacle of culture and evolution on the planet. But, circa World War II, humanity shattered the rails of our technological playpen, sporting new atomic bombs. And, it is said, Space-faring ETs took notice, and silver saucers suddenly filled the skies. The UFO era was born; Roswell was a defining moment.
An alternate view is emerging, however. According to indigenous peoples from the Americas to South Africa, they have guarded the hidden history of humanity all along, quietly maintaining contact with visiting and resident stellar relatives. Mobilized, now, by what they believe is the fulfillment of long-prophesied warnings, the elders of these indigenous people around the world have begun, they say, to break vows of silence and share their ancient secret stellar wisdom.
African Epiphany
Thanks to the work of Robert Temple, in his book entitled The Sirius Mystery, the startling knowledge of Sirius and its dwarf companion by Africa's Dogon tribe is widely known. The Dogon possess knowledge, such as the star system's orbital periods and the companion star's invisibility, which cannot be confirmed by naked eye observation, and which modern Astronomers have learned only relatively recently.
In South Africa, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa, a renowned Zulu elder and author of Song of the Stars: The Lore of a Zulu Shaman, claims that, in terms of knowledge of African shamans, this is but the tip of the astronomical iceberg. Credo Mutwa has chosen a path of 'openness', coming forward to share secret star lore of indigenous Black Africans. "I pray that this effort will unite thinking people around the world and diminish the severity of our prophecies," Credo explained recently. A master storyteller, he has traveled to more than twenty countries sharing his vision and wisdom despite the great personal loss which his openness has cost him. Credo's son was brutally murdered, apparently, by those who want him silenced.
Indigenous cosmology of stellar relationships is complex, he explains, often dwelling at the heart of sacred ceremony. Rich oral traditions, including protocol for contact and how to distinguish friendly off-earth visitors from those who are potentially harmful, have been handed down from one sangoma, (shaman) to the next for thousands of years. Star lore is an essential component of sangoma training.
According to Credo Mutwa, "In every language in Africa, the meaning of star is Bringer of knowledge? or Bringer of enlightenment." Elder Credo Mutwa has traveled the continent of Africa, sculpting haunting images of visitors from the stars, which were described to him by other African shamans. "These beings have been coming and going to Africa for forty thousand years," he says. Some bear striking resemblance to beings reported by modern experience's of the UFO phenomenon.
Cradled in South Africa's Krueger National Park lies a private game reserve called Timbavati. This emerald jewel of the African bush is almost mythical in reputation. White lions are born in here, it is said. "A long story is told about a chieftainess called Numbi," Elder Credo recounts. "Many generations ago, she and her people saw a burning white light like a star fall out of the sky right where Timbavati is today.
The story is that it was not a star; it was a shining ball of metal, brighter than the Sun. When this ball came down to the ground, Queen Numbi, who was a sick old woman at that time, went towards the light and was swallowed by the light. In that light, very faintly seen, were strange beings with very large heads. These beings received Numbi into the light, and for some hours she was inside. When she emerged and walked toward her people; she had become much younger than when she had gone into the light.
"After that star fell, stayed on the ground for some days, and then rose back into the sky, strange things started happening there. Cattle with two heads were born repeatedly. Lions, leopards and even impalas with snow white fur and green eyes were born, until to this very day. This story is one of the most amazing in Africa. Even to this day, white animals are still being born in Timbavati. Some years ago, a snow white elephant with beautiful blue eyes and long tusks used to roam the area, until white adventurers shot it.
"When a tribe of invaders appeared at Timbavati many years after Numbi's experience," Credo said, "they brought sacred stones which had been taken from Zimbabwe, and planted these stones there in honour of that place. Timbavati, which is Zulu for 'the falling down of a star'? is one of the holiest places in South Africa . But now its story is lost and has been overshadowed by a lot of nonsense."
The standing stones of Timbavati, brought from Zimbabwe to honour Numbi's visitors, are reminiscent of megalithic sites around the world and give mute testimony to the antiquity of the place. Most of the stones now lie on the ground, overgrown by the grasses of the African bush, but the outline of a large circle is suggested. This writer stood on the spot at March Equinox sunrise--the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere--and the alignment of certain stones which remain erect pointed to the eastern horizon.
The standing stones have a resonant quality when struck with a smaller stone, similar to the deep, bell like resonance of certain Egyptian monoliths. Adjacent to Timbavati is an enigmatic place known as Manyeleti, which means, "Gateway to the Stars." A community of thirty shamans lives there because they believe Manyeleti binds heaven and Earth.
In his book, Credo Mutwa relates a prophetic vision of four great leaders emerging around the world: red, black, white and yellow. The colours are the same as the Lakota Medicine Wheel, mentioned below, and four races of humanity. "These leaders will work to unite the planet," Elder Credo says. "One of these, a female leader, will arise in America. She will be called the Red Savior, because of the fiery color of her hair." Native Americans, such as the Lakota Sioux, have an expression, "Mitakuye Oyasin," which means "All our relations." Four-leggeds, winged ones, crawling ones, plant and stone nations are greeted as relatives. The Lakota Medicine Wheel is composed of red, black, white and yellow, representing four races of humanity. Within Native American cosmogony, it is natural to include and respect the Star Nations among extended family members.
Standing Elk, Dakota Elder and Sun Dance chief, recently presented an open letter to the Elders of Turtle Island. "My heart told me to speak of the secret knowledge of Native Americans concerning the Star Nations, since the time of our prophecies is at hand." Believing the knowledge belongs to the world, Standing Elk has created Star Knowledge Gatherings, a forum to share this information. Sharing such secrets is controversial and unpopular with some native peoples. Standing Elk, like his African counterpart, has received numerous threats.
At Standing Elk's gatherings, Native Elders share the conference podium with prestigious researchers in the UFO field. "Alien" contactees speak openly of their experiences. Indigenous Elders perform ceremony and give candid testimony of their knowledge and relationship to the Star Nations
Humanity as seeded from the stars
"Humanity was seeded from the stars, and we have a profound genetic kinship with humanity's stellar brethren," Rod Skenedore, a native elder, who told an audience of hundreds in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
At the same Star Knowledge Gathering, Quiche Mayan Elder, Grandmother Windrider, talked of her visions and her challenging personal path. "I challenge conscious people to stand together in peace and tolerance to make a difference at this time on Earth," Windrider said.
Mayan Calendar Connection
From Central America, Guatemalan Mayan Elder, don Alejandro, speaks of vast and repetitive cycles of time. "The Mayan calendar never has to be altered, because it is based on the stars," he points out. Our unwieldy western counterpart, on the other hand, has been changed many times and is still not very accurate. "This knowledge was bequeathed to the Mayas by the Abuelos, the grandfathers, who came from the stars," Don Alejandro said. He enigmatically links the origin and destiny of the Mayas with the Pleiades, who he says, were called May. According to the work of archeoastronomer Anthony Aveni, certain Mayan sites appear to be aligned with zenith rising of the Pleiades. One of the named stars in the constellation of the Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, is Maia.
December 21, 2012, will be the end of the current Mayan long count. According to scholars, this Great Cycle began August 11, 3114 BC. In Mayan terms this time period equals thirteen baktuns. In the Gregorian lexicon, this equals 5125 years. Five Great Cycles, or suns, equals 25,625 years, which is amazingly close to what modern astronomers count as one cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, 25,920 years. Mayan day-keepers say we are living in the time of the fifth sun, approaching the end of a major cycle. Mayan prophecies also point to this time as filled with earth changes and transformation.
On December 21, 2012, winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, a significant astronomical event will occur. From the vantage point of Earth, looking through the constellation of Sagittarius toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy, our Sun will align the Galactic Centre. This close conjunction occurs only during a specific epoch each twenty-six thousand years. In his book Maya Cosmogenesis, John Major Jenkins likens the four quarters of the processional cycle to seasons of a grand year. He believes this juncture is the completion of one full cycle, described and monitored by the sophisticated Mayan calendar.
Prophets and Seers
Ancient prophets and modern seers seem to speak with one voice and see with a single eye. The Bible, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Hindu texts and Hopi prophecies predicted this time on earth would be marked by miracles and cataclysm, the storm before a long-prophesied golden age.
Credo Mutwa told me, "Anyone who investigates will come upon this amazing fact. In South America, in Brazil, in Peru and in Bolivia, different Native American tribes are expecting a worldwide cataclysm in this coming century. They have been expecting this cataclysm for centuries, and they knew it would occur very early in this coming century."
If numerous traditions concur that we are poised at the culmination of their prophecies, how did they know the specific time frame thousands of years ago? If the triggering event of global cataclysm is an external object like a comet, with a cyclical orbital period, its return would be predictable and monitoring the movements in the sky would be vital. The last such juncture seems to have occurred roughly thirteen thousand years ago, halfway through this large cycle and resulting, it would seem, in the last ice age.
Pieces of this puzzle continue to move into position. Investigators increasingly believe that our history, and that of our progenitors, has been recorded in legend, myth and star lore. William Sullivan's ground breaking work with the Incas, (Secret of the Incas), decoded myths as astronomical metaphor. Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock have shown that megalithic monuments contain critical stellar alignments, and, when understood, convey messages and timing significance. Physical evidence of earlier life experiences may have been left on Mars, as Richard Hoagland and others suggest.
Other forgotten civilizations, perhaps several, may have preceded us -- their life cycles and attainments terminated by cataclysmic events which also destroyed the evidence. Humanity's true origins and history may have been bequeathed to us through the metaphorical oral traditions of Earth's indigenous peoples and a world wide web of stone. Sherlock Holmes asserted that the best place to hide something is in plain sight. It appears that once we have decoded these Rosetta Stones of the stars, our place in the interplanetary scheme may become more clear. When we remember the code and decipher the messages, the truth may be obvious.
Source: http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/
Timewave 2012
The Singularity, the Quickening, the Cosmogenesis, a period of exponential change - the New Age, the New World Order, Times of High Strangeness, the Hunab Ku, Kali Yuga, I Ching, ancient prophecies and predictions - it seems that we are witnessing the culmination of a Global Paradigm Shift.
This is a time where technological and global changes are happening faster than we can track them. The convergence of science and 'metaphysics' is gathering towards some kind of critical mass. Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence are on the cutting edge of Accelerating Change.
Is the human race evolving into some kind of 'biotech' hybrid? Or has Nature outpaced us? Is the 'roar of approaching cataracts' of our own making - or is it simply the clockwork of the Cosmos?
This group focuses on the Mayan Long Count and Terence McKenna's Time Wave Zero, both of which culminate on Dec. 21, 2012 - but other topics are frequently discussed.
But back to the question - are we heading for a Singularity? Physical evidence points to the facts that the earth's magnetic field has weakened by 8% in the past 150 years, the sun's coronal magnetic flux has doubled in the past century, and the magnetic north pole has moved 1,000 km in the past 100 years. The last sunspot cycle ended with two of the biggest flares in history, and the second highest sunspot count on record. The next solar max will be in 2012, the year of the Global Shift, the extinction of Time Wave Zero, the end of the Mayan Long Count. Where will you be in 2012?
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For all club members both new and old who are wondering - "What's this club all about - what's so special about 2012?" This is my attempt to summarize what I have uncovered so far. We appear to be in a time in the earth's history where not only are both human and geological events are speeding up, but the rate at which they are speeding up is speeding up. It's fractal time. At the current rate, the next 10 years will bring about changes so rapidly that we will experience a GLOBAL PARADIGM SHIFT. There is a virtual mountain of evidence out there - and I mean it's HUGE! - both physical and metaphysical, some credible and some incredible, that suggests we are approaching an unprecedented breakthrough on a planetary scale. Some views are cataclysmic, others are a bit more rosy. The truth may lie somewhere in between... First, the metaphysical evidence: As part of his Novelty Theory, the late Terence McKenna devised a graph which attempted to quantify history by plotting 'novelty' and 'habit' against time - as far back as 7 billion years. This graph, which he referred to as "the eschaton mathematically formalized," is generally known as Time Wave Zero or Fractal Time. The graph shows history repeating itself in ever-decreasing intervals until the last several billion years are compressed into a mere fraction of a second as we fall over the lip of the event horizon. I have provided a link where you can download a free copy of the program. Although his criteria were rather subjective, the graph nevertheless shows an interesting correlation between sudden increases in novelty and mass extinctions. The graph has been extensively analyzed, with mixed reactions. He has his supporters and detractors, but regardless of whether the Time Wave is empirically sound or not, his Novelty Theory is both compelling and elegant. The most interesting thing about the TWZ graph, however, is that it predicts that novelty will become immeasurably great on December 21, 2012. Apparently this end-date was discovered before Terence became aware that the Mayan Long Count of 5,125 years ended on the same date - winter solstice of 2012. For more about Terence McKenna, you can go to his home page and explore from there: (http://www.deoxy.org/mckenna.htm)
Now, about Mayan Time. The best source for this is John Major Jenkins, author of Mayan Cosmogenesis. The Mayan method of reckoning time is amazingly intricate and accurate, and even accounts for the precession of the equinoxes. There are many highly educated and scholarly people who study the Mayan calendar - there is even an Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, Florida. Those who dismiss scholars of the Maya calendar as flakes are either grievously misinformed or lacking in knowledge. Jenkins believes that human civilization is passing through an era of great transformation. "When the solstice meridian [aligns with] the Galactic [Center - on December 21, 2012], a rare era in the earth's journey is engaged. How does this affect human society? Maybe it sets the stage for earthquakes and volcanoes and pole shifts and so forth – the recurring Atlantean cataclysm mythos may be based in this 26,000 cycle... My own ideal scenario is that we hear the message that the alignment expresses... The winter solstice meridian [on December 21, 2012] will coincide with the Galactic [Center of] the Milky Way... There are two more celestial features right near where the sun will be on the end-date in 2012 A.D.: 1). The'dark rift' which the Maya call 'the road to the underworld.' This is a dark area running along part of the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds; and 2) The Galactic Center. In many mythological contexts, the 'dark-rift' is understood to be the birth canal of the Great Mother, the Milky Way. It is the birth place of the next World Age. The celestial cross defined by the Milky Way crossing over the ecliptic is also important, and this was recently identified by Mayan scholar Linda Schele as the Mayan Sacred Tree. The heart of the four-directional symbolism is the fifth direction, the center. This is the navel and source of creation. And again, the 'dark-rift' runs through all these features." I disagree with Mr. Jenkins on the alignment of the solstice meridian with the galactic equator. I believe it is actually an alignment with the galactic CENTER. For this reason I have exercised some editorial license in the above quote (shown in square brackets). For more on the Maya Cosmogenesis, you can start with (http://www.levity.com/eschaton/Why2012.html) or (http://edj.net/mc2012/robpaul.htm)
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Scott Mandelker, Ph.D.: Dr. Mandelker discusses, among other things, exponential changes taking place in our solar system culminating in a "Global Shift" on or before 2012. "As I see it, the end of this century and the beginning of the next will treat us to both: an unprecedented, rapid decay of current civilization followed by an equally stupendous rebirth, with long-term implications beyond our wildest dreams. Ultimately, I also expect wondrous things for Earth and her people, but before that happens, a profound Dark Night of the Soul will shake humanity to its roots. In the language of Wall Street, I think we can look forward to some major 'corrections' on many levels: personal, collective, and metaphysical." More at (http://www.universal-vision.com) David Wilcock: "We strive to completely redefine human scientific understanding by proposing an integrated zero-point energy or 'aether' cosmology, backed with credible experimental research evidence. In this model, anti-gravity and free energy technologies are easily explainable. Furthermore, this new cosmology can clearly and scientifically prove that a dimensional shift will occur on Earth on or before 2012. This work is not "channeled" material - it comes from years of our director David Wilcock's rigorous scientific and metaphysical research. This multi-disciplinary information, featured in the Convergence series, is tantamount to the"Holy Grail" of New Age teachings, and is of enormous religious and scientific significance to humanity. More at (http://www.ascension2000.com) Art Bell: The "Quickening" is more than an Earth-Sun interaction; it is occurring throughout the Solar System, as we move into a more energetic area of intergalactic space. More at (http://www.artbell.com) Lawrence C. Hagerty's on-line book, "The Spirit of the Internet: Volume I: Speculations on the Evolution of Global Consciousness." This is an amazing book!!! (http://www.matrixmasters.com/spirit/html/html.html) Raymond Kurzweil: "The Singularity Is Near... We will not experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century; rather we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress... Accelerating technology will lead to superhuman machine intelligence that will soon exceed human intelligence, probably by the year 2030. The results on the other side of the 'event horizon' are unpredictable." A very high-tech site, with lots of graphs quantifying exponential changes in technology and evolution (http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?m=1) (click on "The Singularity is Near."
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Now for the Physical evidence: The earth's magnetic north pole has migrated 1,000 km north in the past 100 years (http://www.geolab.nrcan.gc.ca/geomag/e_nmpole.html) The earth's magnetic field has been weakening for the past 2,000 years (http://earth.agu.org/sci_soc/hoffman.html), and has weakened by 8% in the past 150 years (http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tworx365.htm ). If we assume a weakening of 1% every 19 years, this means that it would now be less than zero - so it must have been more rapid in the past 150 years. In other words, things are accelerating! The sun's coronal magnetic flux has doubled in the past century (http://www.wdc.rl.ac.uk/wdcc1/papers/nature.html ) The last sunspot cycle ended with a bang, with THE most powerful flare ever (an X-20 class CME on April 15, 2001) and the second highest sunspot number in the past 400 years (http://www.spaceweather.com)Okay, there you go people - I've done my homework! Now it's up to you to explore these sites and decide for yourself - are we in for something BIG or not??? My conclusion is that yes, I see time and change accelerating immensely in the following decade. We all know we are on the accretion disk, we just can't see beyond the lip of the event horizon. But I think it will be something that will utterly revolutionize science. The Age of Science will come to an end - not to the end that it is invalidated, but to the end that it becomes a useful tool in a realm of consciousness where the soul is openly acknowledged, and intelligence is much more clearly experienced.
Experiencing the Timewave Shifts
by Peter Farley
UFODigest - Hamilton,Ontario,Canada
Experience anything funny last Thursday? Something perhaps in the air beside the soft subtle hint of autumn? Did you perhaps feel the soft rippling shadow of a timewave coming through our sector of Creation bringing with it a ‘correction’ to the future, a correction brought about by all the changing that has been going on due to the work of a very few light-WORKERS over the past few months and years.
One of the essential understandings for each and very one of us at this present time is that this is the PAST, not the present nor the future. If the energy around us feels a little ‘dead’ then think back to Stephen King’s seminal work The Langoliers and how the energy of the present doesn’t simply fade away, but gets eaten by the smiley-faced Langoliers of his child-like imagination.
The best explanation for what IS taking place occurs in the Bruce Willis-Terry Gilliam movie, The 12 Monkeys, where Willis’ character is sent back into the past to correct the tragedies that have occurred to create a nightmarish future in which humanity now exists.
The healing of major participants in the Creational hierarchy, grid work extrordinaire, healing miracles, and so many other things have taken place for so many that this latest timewave found much to change. This timewave was not unlike a not-so subtle shifting or correction in the course of a vessel at sea or in the air. And the ripples will continue to occur consistently from now on through the end of 2012. This past has already been altered drastically and thereby has created for all of those ready to make the jump into hyperspace a new opening into a far, far brighter future.
In the 1952 classic short story A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury, a party of rich businessmen undertake a time travel safari to the past to hunt dinosaurs on the eve of an American presidential election. While the organizers have taken every precaution to minimize the impact of the hunting party on the past, one member violates the rules and leaves the designated path. Upon their return to the present the group finds that the world has been drastically altered by the seemingly innocuous death of a pre-historic butterfly stepped on by one of the hunters.
The flapping of the butterfly’s wings is the essential idea of chaos theory, the thing the New World Order hates most –that which is most uncontrollable. And it has been the not-so-silent flapping of some lightworkers’ wings that have created so much change to be rippled forward into the creation of a new future.
Terence McKenna (who died April 2000) was a professional mushroom researcher among other things who in the course of his long first-hand study experienced a visionary inspiration for a fascinating piece of software called Timewave Zero. The official introduction to the original program from Dolphin Software (by Peter Meyer) describes it best:
This software illustrates Terence McKenna's theory of time, history and the end of history as first described in the book The Invisible Landscape by him and his brother Dennis, and more recently in his The Archaic Revival (HarperSanFrancisco, 1992). The theory of Timewave Zero was revealed to Terence by an alien intelligence following a bizarre, quasi-psychedelic experiment conducted in the Amazon jungle in Colombia in 1971. Inspired by this influence Terence was instructed in the certain transformation of numbers derived from the King Wen sequence of I Ching hexagrams. This led eventually to a rigorous mathematical description of what Terence calls the timewave, which correlates time and history with the ebb and flow of novelty, which is intrinsic to the
structure of time and hence of the temporal universe. A peculiarity of this correlation is that at a certain point a singularity is reached which is the end of history-or at least is a transition to a suprahistorical order in which our ordinary conceptions of our world will be radically transformed. The best current estimate for the date of this point is December 21, 2012 CE [common era], the winter solstice of that year and also the end of the current era in the Mayan calendar.
The mention of the end of the Mayan calendar wakes us all to the changes taking place and those proposed by so many native groups and prophetic historians. The reality of this approaching deadline grows ever more apparent to those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the reality of what is taking place around them.
Rushed from Seattle to Sacramento to Reno to Salt Lake City to Las Vegas in a quick three day whirlwind gridwork-session, I arrived back in San Diego on that Thursday morning and could not quite comprehend why the reality I was seeing around me appeared as if being watched through a thick pane of window glass. A weekend spent watching movies and working out what Guidance was trying to show me brought me to these understandings.
Many things have changed since that day, and more and more since then the Spiritual Hierarchy are having me weed out the ‘spiritual parasites’ in my life and those surrounding me –those who talk a good talk but have no real actions or intent to back up there words. And there are many of those.
And the repercussions have been strong, for somewhere someone seems to have written a book which states that ‘spiritual people’ are supposed to be mellow, all-loving, all-tolerant, all patient, all-forgiving people. Nowhere does there seem to be the book of spiritual warriorship that talks about cutting away parasitic people and vampires from out of our lives, kicking the asses of those who spiritually agreed to come here in this past to help change it for the better. Like lumps of large dog droppings on the sidewalk these pseudo Lightworker-wannabes bask in the sun of their own egos and arrogance and crust over to immunize themselves from the others around them who seek their help, those who they agreed to come back here to serve. And there are many like this –the so-called Light-workers or Light Buttsitters of the world sucked in by the easy path laid out for them by the false New Age teachings.
Spiritual warriorship is what is needed at this Earth :Final Conflict, not pussy-footing bedsheet-wearing hypocrites. If certain things are not completed by the time of the passing of each new ‘course-correctional timewave’ then the eventual outcome of the future changes will be lessened. For those still sitting on their fences, these timewaves coming across Creation are final wakeup calls to get down off their fences and do what it is they came here to do with whatever time they have left. And if they get yelled at once in a while to help them get down off their fences, they shouldn’t baulk at what is being said, but rather should thank that person for caring enough to help them with what it is they came here to do. The karma of not-doing is strong. The karma for knowing and not-doing is even worse. We make a choice every minute of the day whether to serve our own wills or the Higher Will, and there
is a deadline for this choice in this ‘past lifetime.’ The next timewave will come through October 21-22 of this year and again the course of the planet and of this corner of the Universe will be corrected, as well as the future for each and every one of those brave enough to have earned the right to change.
Again your Guidance asks you –Are you doing exactly what it is you came here to do? And what is it you answer?
Peter R. Farley
Roswell, NM 88202
For additional information visit:
Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun?
This article summarizes the evidence upon which to hypothesize that the Asian Tsunami of December 26, 2004 (Boxing Day) may have been caused by gravity waves from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy, which accompanied a gamma ray burst caused by the explosion of a Neutron Star in the Constellation Sagittarius, some 45,000 light years from Earth. The article also summarizes analysis of whether the December 27, 2005 may be an indicator that a cyclical Galactic Superwave event, recurrent every 13,000 and 26,000 years, may have begun. The Mayan Calendar's current TUN, or organic unit of Galactic time, ends on December 21, 2012.
According to one analyst, "both our species' recent history and that of the crust of our planet, have been both gradual and catastrophic. However, the catastrophes are of first and most immediate concern, since they relate to periodic "superwaves" or volleys of cosmic rays from the Galactic Center itself. The Galactic Center is an incredibly super dense region only about as big as the sphere enclosing Jupiter's orbit: it is about 23,000 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius."
Others analyze the 13,000 and 26,000 year cycles of the Galactic Superwaves in the context of spiritual and prophetic texts. Under the Mayan Calendar, this TUN, or organic unit of Galactic time is scheduled to end and a new TUN is scheduled to begin on December 21, 2012. According to the "Prophetic" frame of perception, the December 26-27, 2005 Gravity Wave/Tsunami was a Warning that humanity should move out of a permanent warfare economy into a peaceful, sustainable, cooperative, Universe-oriented Space Age society, seeking to integrate with Universe society.
This observer writes: "What could be coming from the sky to earth that the Star People are symbolized above being in between? There is only one thing, that even Plato said descends from the heavens after long periods of time like a pestilence. It has a modern name, given by the scientist that has researched this phenomena, Dr Paul LaViolette. It is called: A Galactic Superwave.
"Stanford had said years back: But there shall come a sign that is a warning. This is related also, in part, to the energization of the ionosphere of the earth. In it, or related to it, there shall appear an "apparition" that will symbolize the way in which men have turned to materialism and to selfishness - in a sense, to death. It shall symbolize the choice that is represented in that recorded of old, "In this day I stand between the living and the dead." That may be seen of all men. Still, by jaded mind, science shall be inclined to dismiss it as natural events and phenomena. But it shall be symbolic, in a sense, of the judgment of the earth, of the karmas, the retribution to come in the earth, that is mind created. So then, science misses the point behind the event?"
Read Source Article by James Finn
In this light, the development of Exopolitics at this juncture in human history seems fortuitous, "just in time." (See: http://www.universebooks.com) The Exopolitics model postulates the Earth resides is a populated, organized Universe, operating under Universal law, with forms of Universal governance, and mediated by the processes of Universe politics amongst its constituent civilizations. Exopolitics provides an institutional and educational bridge for integrating Earth into Universe society. Is one central reason for the outreach of the UFO phenomenon since 1947 to prepare human society for this integration, knowing that the stress of a cyclical Galactic Superwave event would occur by 2012, hypothetically? If there is any truth to this hypothesis, then Exopolitics is the discipline that human society requires to implement that integration - politically, socially, legally, constitutionally, ethically, and Spiritually.
In fact solutions to the ecological, social, and personal stress caused by phenomena such as global warming and possible Galactic Superwaves may lie in an Exopolitical future, in which we in human society decide to integrate other spiritually advanced Off-Planet cultures now in the Earth's environment and willing to integrate with us. Two specific programmes proposed by Exopolitics are (1) A Decade of Contact in the form of an open period of public education, science, community participation, and media/communications about our populated Universe and (2) A Star Dreams Initiative for public interest diplomacy with Off-Planet Cultures designed to establish the infrastructure for our integration into Universe society.
It has not been determined to a certainty that Galactic Gravity Waves caused the December 26, 2004 Tsunami and the many Earth Changes we are witnessing at this time, and which are documented in this article. Nor do we know for a certainty when any Galactic Superwave will strike with the next 10 years, be that on March 6, 2005, as one observer hypothesizes, or before December 21, 2012, or even in this Century.
But we do know enough just in the articles and Links set out here that we must transform to a peaceful Space Age society. Is the Galactic Superwave a form of the War Against the Asteroids, another strategic deception operation to derail humanity away from transforming the permanent warfare state? That is doubtful - The papers below are based on science, and an Exopolitical strategy of reaching out to Universe society seems healthy, sane, ethical and Agape-based, not a strategy based on deception.
Exopolitics.com Vancouver, B.C.
Crop pattern sparks fresh debate
By Neil Leighton
BBC News Online
An elaborate pattern in flattened crops in a Wiltshire field has sparked fresh debate over one of rural Britain's most perplexing mysteries - crop circles.
The formation, thought to be as long as a football pitch, appeared in a field near Silbury Hill over two nights at the beginning of August.
Some say the pattern is made by mysterious forces and features symbols from the ancient Mayan civilisation which mark the beginning of a new world order.
Others believe it is made by commercially-minded 'landscape artists'. The only 'new order', these sceptics say, will be from publishers wanting photographs of the design.
So who is right? Is it possible that someone or thing is trying to communicate with us using imagery from a culture more than 1,000 years old.
'A new era'
Or is this just the latest example of landscape art that will be displayed on the pages of books and glossy magazines?
Francine Blake, a crop circle expert from Wiltshire, believes the crop formation indicates the world is going to change dramatically.
"The Moon has a cycle around the Earth, the Earth has a cycle around the Sun, the Solar System has a cycle in the Milky Way," Ms Blake says.
"That [the galaxy cycle] takes 26,000 years, and this particular calendar is coming to the end of that cycle.
"That long cycle ends in 2012 - it's the end of a cycle, the end of a time. A new era is starting for the solar system."
Ms Blake likens the changes ahead to that of the fall of some of the great empires.
"Just like the era for the Romans stopped and something else started, we are going from era to era and this is the end of one of them," she said.
Crop circles have become a common sight in Britain since the 1970s, when they began to appear in significant numbers in fields, mainly in the south of England.
There is widespread debate over when the first crop circle appeared. Some experts say the first sighting was in Lyon in 815AD.
Others refer to a 17th Century legend called the 'Mowing of the Devil', when a devilish entity visited a farmer's field and trampled down the crops in a circle.
Modern day incidents range from simple circles of flattened crops, to intricate patterns and complex shapes, similar to the one at Silbury Hill
Scientists have examined grain stalks and soil inside circles and found anomalies. For example, they say they have found more magnetic iron compounds in soil inside the circles than outside.
But Ray Cox, chairman of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies, says all but the most simple patterns are created by humans.
"We started out studying the subject from a scientific angle - and there is still a mystery," he said.
"We still don't know their origin. They go back in decades, centuries, but these have been simple round circles, maybe with a ring round them.
"You didn't get the elaborate ones in years gone by. These have only happened since the 1980s."
Mr Cox puts the Wiltshire design down to the work of crop circlers or landscape artists.
And it appears it is not a case of just sneaking out into the local farmer's field armed with planks of wood, rope, and rollers to create this 'art'.
Some crop circlers are far more sophisticated, and more commercially minded, even using computers to design their intricate patterns.
Such is the excitement and enthusiasm for these swirls, whorls and Mayan features, that genuine crop circles often get overlooked, the chairman said.
"You don't get many these days," Mr Cox said.
"There is no point photographing these simple circles because the big and pretty patterns look better and are more saleable as posters, calendars, books and postcards."
Mark Fussell, who runs the Crop Circle Connector website and makes DVDs of crop circles, believes whatever the cause, the designs should be appreciated as works of art.
"There have been ones that are better - there was an 'alien disc' two years ago," he said.
"There have always been really good ones each season.
"These circles are much better than some of the junk in the Tate - some of the stuff they call 'art'."
'Unfair and irresponsible'
Art or a mysterious forces? It seems after two decades of ever more sophisticated designs, the crop circle community remains divided over this rural 'phenomenon'.
But throughout the debate, there is one point on which everyone agrees: these elaborate patterns can be a dramatic and fascinating addition to the natural landscape.
Everyone, that is, except the farmers whose crops are crushed to make the circles.
"Creating crop circles is akin to trampling over someone's back garden," a National Farmers' Union spokesperson said.
"It is unfair and irresponsible. Crop circlers seem to forget that they are damaging someone else's property and there are financial implications."
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk
Is The Pole Shift Theory Possible?
One of the theories that has not been published in the dialog of Global Warming, is the Mayan Pole Shift Theory in which the north and south pole shift. Albert Einstein agreed that this effect is now going on, and can be responsible for Global Weather change.
The theory if correct would make all other theories moot, because they predict the Poles will shift again in 2012. If this occurs, the catastrophe that will include earthquakes, tsunamis and massive destruction could be the “End of Times”.
The end of the fifth creation of the Maya calendar is on December 23, 2012 of the Current Era (C.E.2).That would be 12-21-12, It has to do with the movement of the earths axis where all of the planets line up. It will change the tides and start massive flooding. Not necessarily the end of the world just major change in “mother nature” that could result in devastating events.
The magnetic field of the Earth has actually switched its direction many many times during Earth’s history. Although this is not completely understood, the leading theory of how it works is that Earth’s magnetic field is caused by the motion of the liquid outer core. The churning of the liquid in the outer core acts as a giant electromagnet, moving electrical charges around, in what is known as the “geomagnetic dynamo.” The rotation of the solid inner core also contributes to the magnetic field.
When a certain combination of inner and outer core motion occurs, the Earth’s magnetic field will quickly reverse. For example, lava that solidified 30,000 years ago shows that the magnetic field was in the opposite direction at that time. Evidence from the geologic record shows that this reversal could take less than 1000 or even less than 100 years. The way these reversals throughout geologic history were discovered was by looking at the seafloor. New ocean floor is created along the mid-ocean ridges. When lava along these ridges cools, its minerals harden in line with the Earth’s magnetic field. This causes the seafloor to have magnetic “stripes,” which can be measured and mapped. This is very useful for oceanographers and geologists.
One effect that may occur during a magnetic reversal is that the Earth may not be protected from charged particles streaming from the sun. These particles are called the “solar wind“, and could be dangerous to life if they reached the Earth’s surface. However, the interaction between the magnetic field and these particles deflects them around the Earth. The area around a planet (including Earth) within which the motion of charged particles is affected by the magnetic field is called the magnetosphere. The Earth’s environment extends all the way from the sun to the Earth and beyond? It is not an empty wasteland of space. Instead, near-Earth space is full of streaming particles, electromagnetic radiation, and constantly changing electric and magnetic fields. All of these things make up our magnetosphere (source for this material is from NASA)
We’ve learned that the solar wind travels past the Earth at well over 1,000,000 miles per hour. And thanks to the Earth’s magnetic field, the solar wind is stopped and deflected around the Earth so that most of it does not hit our atmosphere head on.
Sometimes the magnetosphere becomes overloaded with particles. When this happens, some particles escape through the magnetosphere and interact with atoms in the upper atmosphere, making them emit light. This is what creates the northern lights (aurora borealis) and the southern lights (aurora australis). weakened during a reversal, more of these particles will get through to the upper atmosphere. This could be a problem, but most likely the atmosphere is thick enough to protect the Earth’s surface.
Solar wind energy in our magnetosphere can also cause what are known as space plasma storms. These storms can cause communication and science satellites to fail. They can also cause damage to electric power systems on the surface of the Earth. (See picture above of damage)
A large space storm in 1989 made currents on the ground that caused a failure in the Hydro-Quebec electric power system. This prevented 6 million people in Canada and the US from having electricity for over 9 hours. The same storm caused the atmosphere to inflate and dragged the LDEF satellite to a lower orbit earlier than expected.
This phenomenon, can and does have an affect on the Earth and it’s climate. Al Gore’s theory of Global Warming blames man made co2 gases for a decrease in the Polar ice cap, and many other climatology things. He like other hucksters is peddling a disputed scientific theory that will do nothing but slow down the United States economy.
Perhaps politicians and pseudo-scientists should consider the effect of the “solar winds” on climate change, and pay a lot more attention to people like NASA who have sent people into space where they can measure the effects of the Sun on our Mother Earth!
Source: http://rotenochsen.wordpress.com
The Pole Shift in 2012 - What the Mayas knew was coming?
By: Patrick Geryl
As most of us know, the Mayas believed the end of the world would come in 2012. Thats when their calendars great cycle ends.
Author Patrick Geryl came to the staggering conclusion that the Earth will soon be subjected to an immense disaster.
The cause: upheavals in the sun's magnetic fields will generate gigantic solar flares that will affect the polarity of the entire Earth.
The result: our magnetic field will reverse all at once, with catastrophic consequences for humanity.
Massive earthquakes will demolish all buildings on the planet, and instigate colossal tsunamis and intense volcanic activity. In fact, the Earth's crust will shift, sweeping continents thousands of miles away from their present positions.
There is ample evidence in the literature of ancient civilizations that such disasters have occured in the past and also clues that they knew when another such calamity would occur. The Dresden Codex of the Maya for instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle, about which our modern astronomers know almost nothing!
In his books, Patrick Geryl continues his scientific analysis of the millennia-old codes of the Maya and Egyptians that refer to the coming super-disaster. He determines that both cultures arose from an antediluvian civilization which was able to calculate the previous polar shifts and that we should take very seriously their calculations that place the next reversal in 2012!
In the year 2012 the Earth awaits a super catastrophe: its magnetic field will completely reverse in one go. Phenomenal earthquakes and tidal waves will destroy our civilization. Europe and North-America will shift thousands of kilometers northward and end up in a polar clime. Nearly the whole Earth's population will perish in the apocalyptic events.
These predictions stem from the Maya and Egyptians. They are descendants of the legendary Atlantis, which is currently buried under the South-Pole.
The Atlanteans had highly evolved astronomical knowledge and were able to exactly predict the previous world-wide flood in 9792 BC. They built tens of thousands of boats and escaped to South-America and Egypt.
The authors launch this world-shattering message after having cracked several ancient star codes (that are over 10,000 years old) of crucial importance to civilization as we approach the year 2012. In that year Venus, Orion and several other stars will take the same 'code-positions' as in 9792 BC, the year of the previous cataclysm!
But there is more. For thousands of years historical sources have told of a forgotten time-capsule of ancient wisdom located in a massive labyrinth. They speak of secret chambers filled with artifacts and documents from the previous flood. This 'Hall of Records' was created by this antediluvian race and the Old Egyptians, who held strong apocalyptic beliefs and wanted to preserve their accomplishments and wisdom for posterity.
Geryl & Ratinckx have established to locate this famous labyrinth. The authors prove their points with extensive scientific and archeological research. The excavation of this time-capsule will have enormous implications, archeologists and scientists will see it as an invaluable insight into the technologies of a hitherto undiscovered race... if they proceed in time!
Geryl says:
"What I discovered is incredibly shocking and of such crucial importance, that it concerns everybody without any exception.
The Dresden Codex of the Maya, for instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle, about which our modern astronomers know nothing yet! The conclusions that follow, are even more staggering.
At a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms. They will cause a super-catastrophe on earth, without equal. The astronomical Zodiac of the Egyptians described the exact dates of the previous disasters and their consequences for our planet.
When you combine the facts of these phenomena, you are able to prove the source of the number 666, known from the Bible as the number of the Apocalypse. It is taken from the Egyptian civilization and indicates an aberration in the sunspot cycle, which lays the foundation for the forthcoming world cataclysm.
Furthermore, both cultures had made incredibly precise calculations for the orbit of the earth around the sun. They are so accurate, that they exceed our present values! Completely astonished by this discoveries, I could do nothing but acknowledge these ancient particulars as exact, and with that, concede that our end is imminent."
Welcome to this site where you can find all information about the writings and research of Patrick Geryl concerning the coming polar reversal in the year 2012.
Polar Shift & Pole Reversal in 2012
In 2012 the next polar reversal will take place on earth. This means that the North Pole will be changed into the South Pole. Scientifically this can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a huge disaster of unknown proportions.
In my books I reveal the immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth in the near future. It is presently assumed by most people and the general scientific world at large, that the rotation of the Earth is stable, however, as expounded in my previous works on this subject, this is not the case. The gruesome reports of the previous catastrophes should, hopefully, be clear to all.
The historical exploration of cosmology in previous books is founded on the translation of hieroglyphs, cracking of codes, unveiling of the magnetic reversal of the sun, study of old maps, decoding of astronomical clues, geological research, and the discovery of the most exciting archaeological find in modern times.
Considering these I came to the following conclusions:
1. With clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural to the Earth. The result is worldwide destruction, and is supported by paleo-magnetic evidence and early manuscripts.
2. The reversal of the poles is attributed to the harmonic cycle of the magnetic fields of the sun.
3. Polar reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the sunspot cycle theory or the magnetic field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy to. These secrets are contained in the Labyrinth of Hawara, a huge complex consisting of three thousand rooms.
I explained abundantly clearly that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand, like - amongst others - food, transport, and medicines, will have disappeared in one big blow, dissolved into nothingness. As will our complete civilization. It cannot be more horrifying than this; worse than the worst nightmare. More destructive than a nuclear war in which the entire global arsenal of nuclear weapons has been deployed in one blow. Are you grasping the facts?
The earth will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed. That will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal. And it is in this scenario you will have to try to survive.
The Riddle of the Magnetic Field Solved
At present scientists still do not know much about the mechanism that generates the magnetic field of the earth, which is more than frightening. Without doubt, our continued existence depends upon this. Thousands of years ago our ancestors knew that when this magnetic field tilts, a worldwide destruction takes place. The present geologists, astronomers and physicists know little about this. For that reason we are running towards our end, without a single acknowledgement from official sources.
So, what do our professors indeed know? Next to nothing. In short, the scenario is as follows: a solid central core rotates in the center of the earth. It is surrounded by a liquid iron-like layer, on top of which the earth's crust is continuously drifting. This whole structure therefore appears to be a huge rotating dynamo. In addition, the liquid layer rotates in the electrostatic field of the sun, recharging itself.
However, this is not at all efficient: more electrical potential is lost than gained. Just like a battery that is almost empty, it is difficult to recharge and it becomes exhausted more easily and quickly. This is the situation with the "battery" of the magnetic field of the earth. For this reason one sees the force of the magnetic field diminishing, almost 60% over the last two thousand years.
At this rate there will not be much left within a couple of decades! And then one can expect a reversal of the poles. But nobody knows in what way this will happen, nor what the consequences will be, in contrast to the Maya and the Old Egyptians who knew the terrible consequences only too well. Their science, their religion and way of life were completely based on them. They encoded their knowledge in Holy Numbers and in their architecture.
I needed days, weeks, months and years to follow their carefully applied clues and decode them. After an exasperatingly long search, I found out that these codes were connected with the catastrophic events on earth that were caused by pole shifts. Some of the codes were terribly complicated, although not incomprehensible. Once you have figured out the cipher, you are able to decipher the different levels of their scientific language. Then you can literally peel away layer after layer until you reach the ultimate result: the naked scientific figures regarding the background of these catastrophes.
Unknown Sunspot Cycle Theory Gives the Answer
The answers to these questions are alarming and devastating. All my deciphering points to a complex and ingenious science. Let me explain. When you, as a scientist, stumble upon results that the present astronomers do not know, you have, without doubt, stumbled upon something terribly important. Everybody will have to admit it, and that is exactly what I have done: I discovered an echo of a long-lost technological terminology; a majestic building with immensely sophisticated keys. Many numbers were based on the sunspot cycle, which they had discovered. A theory that is irrefutably correct and not known by our physicists! It cannot be more alarming!
This theory, in turn, correlates with the periodical polar reversals of the earth. I succeeded in cracking the whole puzzle and a large-scale structure appeared. Its development was such that the mathematical matrix ends on the day of the next polar reversal!
Just like the way we count down to the launching of a rocket, they counted down to the End of Times. On the last day of the calendar the magnetic north of the earth will change into the south. They knew this would not only mean the end of their civilization, but also of the whole civilized world!
Solar Lightning Causes the Polar Reversal
From legends and the sunspot cycle theory of the Maya, we can reconstruct the cause of a polar reversal. It has long been known that when a beam of lightning strikes a magnet, a reversal of the magnetic poles takes place. Let's apply this principle on a broader scale.
Our earth is a huge magnet, with its own North and South Poles. A short-circuit with another external "beam of lightning,” or magnet, can end in a catastrophic polar reversal. This means that the magnetic North Pole changes place with the magnetic South Pole. But what sort of external beam can cause this? What force is powerful enough to stop the rotation of the earth and revert it?
Only one object can cause this: our sun. You know from my book, The OrionProphecy that the magnetic field of the sun undergoes a drastic change every 11,500 to 12,000 years. Once a crucial point has been reached, it reverses instantaneously. Chaotic outbursts accompany this phenomenon and an immense cloud of plasma is catapulted into space. Then a shock wave of particles reaches our planet and the polar reversal of our earth commences.
With unknown power this solar lightning strikes our planet and causes a gigantic short circuit. That is the catastrophic truth behind a polar reversal of the earth. But how can we scientifically describe this fact? What is the precise physical cause that produces this polar reversal?
Solar Storms Cause the Pole Shift
In the book Earth under Fire I came upon the correct theory. More precisely, in the chapter entitled "Solar Storms and Geomagnetic Flips." The astronomer Paul La Violette writes “Field flips have been accomplished experimentally, by shooting large quantities of loaded particles on a strong bipolar magnet. These particles are then caught in the magnetic fields and cause a "ring-stream" in them. At a certain moment this stream speeds up to such an extent that the field of the magnet reverses completely.”
In an equivalent scenario the field of the earth can reverse in just the same way. Astronomers know that the particles of a solar storm can compress the earth's magnetic field and temporarily speed up the power of the earth's field.
When the solar particles reach our planet, the electromagnetically-loaded particles will move in a spiral along the magnetic lines: from the magnetic north pole to the magnetic south pole and back. While passing this north-south axis, they will move into the direction of the equator. When they arrive there, they will join into a super powerful "ring current."
This "ring current" generates an intense magnetic field that is opposite to the earth's magnetic field. In order to overpower the earth's magnetic field you need a solar flame a hundred times more forceful than the biggest one we have ever seen. At the reversal of the magnetic field of the sun this degree will certainly be reached.
From here on, my point of view deviates from that expressed by Paul La Violette. Not only will the poles reverse, but also the earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction! This can only occur when the "ring current" pushes the inner core of the earth in the opposite direction.
Everybody knows that when you change the poles of an electric motor, it will start turning the other way. The same holds for the interior of the earth. When an external short circuit takes place, the core cannot do otherwise but start turning in the opposite direction!
Destruction & Renewed Life
This catastrophe will not only result in the massive destruction of life on earth, but also its continued existence, however incomprehensible this may sound. Let me explain this.
The magnetic field of the earth is not an accident of natural science. Its primary task is to protect us against cosmic and solar radiation. Without this field, life is practically impossible and in a short time, life on our planet would be extinguished. An all-burning, deadly radioactive radiation would torment the earth's surface.
So here we are talking about an incompatible duality: despite the fact that a huge amount of people, animals and plants will die, life will continue to exist, because the exhausted battery of the earth will be reloaded by the enormous solar storm. During thousands of years the magnetic field of the earth can therefore remain stable, protecting the flora and fauna against the damaging radiation. While doing this job, the inner battery of the earth will run out again and another cycle of destruction followed by creation and mutation will start anew.
A Hopi Prophecy
North American Indian Prophecies
Talk Given by Lee Brown
Tanana Valley Fairgrounds
Fairbanks, Alaska
There was the cycle of the mineral, the rock. There was the cycle of the plant. And now we are in the cycle of the animals coming to the end of that and beginning the cycle of the human being.
When we get into the cycle of the human being, the highest and greatest powers that we have will be released to us.
They will be released from that light or soul that we carry to the mind. But right now we're coming to the end of the animal cycle and we have investigated ourselves and learned what it is to be like an animal on this earth.
At the beginning of this cycle of time, long ago, the Great Spirit came down and He made an appearance and He gathered the peoples of this earth together they say on an island which is now beneath the water and He said to the human beings, "I'm going to send you to four directions and over time I'm going to change you to four colors, but I'm going to give you some teachings and you will call these the Original Teachings and when you come back together with each other you will share these so that you can live and have peace on earth, and a great civilization will come about."
And he said, "During the cycle of time I'm going to give each of you two stone tablets. When I give you those stone tablets, don't cast those upon the ground. If any of the brothers and sisters of the four directions and the four colors cast their tablets on the ground, not only, will human beings have a hard time, but almost the earth itself will die."
And so he gave each of us a responsibility and we call that the Guardianship.
To the Indian people, the red people, he gave the Guardianship of the earth. We were to learn during this cycle of time the teachings of the earth, the plants that grow from the earth, the foods that you can eat, and the herbs that are healing so that when we came back together with the other brothers and sisters we could share this knowledge with them. Something good was to happen on the earth.
To the South, he gave the yellow race of people the Guardianship of the wind. They were to learn about the sky and breathing and how to take that within ourselves for spiritual advancement. They were to share that with is at this time.
To the West He gave the black race of people the Guardianship of the water. They were to learn the teachings of the water which is the chief of the elements, being the most humble and the most powerful.
To the North He gave the white race of people the Guardianship of the fire. If you look at the center of many of the things they do you will find the fire. They say a light bulb is the white man's fire. If you look at the center of a car you will find a spark. If you look at the center of the airplane and the train you will find the fire. The fire consumes, and also moves. This is why it was the white brothers and sisters who began to move upon the face of the earth and reunite us as a human family.
And so a long time passed, and the Great Spirit gave each of the four races two stone tablets. Ours are kept at the Hopi Reservation in Arizona at Four Corners Area on 3rd Mesa.
I talked to people from the black race and their stone tablets are at the foot of Mount Kenya. They are kept by the Kukuyu Tribe.
I once had the honor of presenting a sacred pipe at the Kukuyu Tribe carved from the red pipe stone of Mount Kenya. I was at an Indian spiritual gathering about 15 years ago. A medicine man from South Dakota put a beaded medicine wheel in the middle of the gathering. It had the four colors from the four directions; He asked the people, "Where is this from?" They said, "Probably Montana, or South Dakota, maybe Seskatchewan." He said, "This is from Kenya." It was beaded just like ours, with the same color.
The stone tablets of the yellow race of people are kept by the Tibetans, in Tibet. If you went straight through the Hopi Reservation to the other side of the world, you would come out in Tibet. The Tibetan word for "sun" is the Hopi word for "moon" and the Hopi word for "sun" is the Tibetan word for "moon".
The guardians of the traditions of the people of Europe are the Swiss. In Switzerland, they still have a day when each family brings out its mask. They still know the colors of the families, they still know the symbols, some of them. I went to school with some people from Switzerland at the University of Washington and they shared this with me.
Each of these four peoples happen to be people that live in the mountains.
In 1976 America had its bicentennial celebrating 200 years of freedom. Some of the Native people thought this was significant and they carried a sacred pipe bundle from the West Coast to the East Coast of this land.
They said that the roads of this land should either go North-South or East-West. If they went North-South we would come together as brothers and sisters, but if they went East-West there would be destruction and almost the earth itself would have a hard time. So you all know the roads went East-West.
They said then things would be lost from the East to the West and from the South to the North and that they would come back again from the West to the East and from the North to the South.
So nine years ago in 1976 from the West to East Coast of this land, from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. people carried a sacred pipe bundle by hand, on foot. My aunt had dreamt 15 years ago that people that didn't like them would throw rocks and bottles at that pipe bundle as they carried it across the land. And sure enough that came about. But, as was in my aunt's dream, the rocks only came so close and then they dropped, and nothing touched it.
They said a spiritual fire would be lit in the North and would come down the Northwest Coast of this land. When it gets to the Puget Sound, it would go inland. I think this, nine years later, is the gathering in the North, myself. That's why I came here. This is it. We have the capacity to start the spiritual fire now, here. The old people long ago saw it and foretold it and I'm going to come to that.
So we went through this cycle of time and each of the four races went to their directions and they learned their teachings.
We were given a sacred handshake to show when we came back together as brothers and sisters that we still remembered the teachings. It was indicated on the stone tablets that the Hopis had that the first brothers and sisters that would come back to them would come as turtles across the land. They would be human beings, but they would come as turtles.
So when the time came close the Hopis were at a special village to welcome the turtles that would come across the land and they got up in the morning and looked out at the sunrise. They looked out across the desert and they saw the Spanish Conquistadores coming, covered in armour, like turtles across the land. So this was them. So they went out to the Spanish man and they extended their hand hoping for the handshake but into the hand the Spanish man dropped a trinket.
And so word spread throughout North America that there was going to be a hard time, that maybe some of the brothers and sisters had forgotten the sacredness of all things and all the human beings were going to suffer for this on the earth.
So tribes began to send people to the mounds to have missions to try to figure out how they could survive. At that time there were 100,000 cities in the Mississippi Valley alone, called the mound civilization: cities built on great mounds. Those mounds are still there. If you ever go out to Ohio or the Mississippi Valley, they're tourist attractions now. There was 100,000 cities of Native people and they were wondering how they could survive.
They began to try to learn to live off the land because they knew a hard time was going to come. They began to send people to have visions to see how we could survive this time.
People came on the east coast and they went across this land to the east and they were told in the prophecies that we should try to remind all the people that would come here of the sacredness of all things. If we could do that, then there would be peace on earth. But if we did not do that, when the roads went clear from east to west, and when the other races and colors of the Earth had walked clear across this land, if by that time we had not come together as a human family, the Great Spirit would grab the earth with his hand and shake it.
And so if you read the treaty negotiations from Red Jacket of the Six Nations on the east coast of this land clear to Chief Joseph and Chief Seattle on the west coast of this land, they all said the same thing. Chief Joseph said, "I accord you the right, and I hope you accord me the right, to live in this land." Always we were trying to live together. But instead of living together, you all know there was separation, there was segregation. They separated the races: they separated the Indians, and they separated the blacks.
So when they got to the west coast of this land the elders that were made aware of these prophecies said they would then begin to build a black ribbon. And on this black ribbon there would move a bug. And when you begin to see this bug moving on the land, that was the sign for the First Shaking of the Earth.
The First Shaking of the Earth would be so violent that this bug would be shaken off the earth into the air and it would begin to move and fly in the air. And by the end of this shaking this bug will be in the air around the world. Behind it would be a trail of dirt and eventually the whole sky of the entire earth would become dirty from these trails of dirt, and this would cause many diseases that would get more and more complicated. So the bug moving on the land, of course it's easy to see now.
In 1908 the Model-T Ford was mass produced for the first time. So the elders knew the First Shaking of the Earth was about to come about - that's the First World War. In the First World War the airplane came into wide usage for the first time. That was that bug moving into the sky. And so they knew something very important would happen.
There would be an attempt to make peace on earth on the west coast of this land and so the elders began to watch for this. They began to hear that there was going to be a League of Nations in San Francisco so the elders gathered in Arizona around 1920 or so and they wrote a letter to Woodrow Wilson. They asked if the Indian people could be included in the League of Nations.
At that time the United States Supreme Court had held that a reservation is a separate and semi-sovereign nation, not a part of the United States but protected by it. This became a concern because people didn't want the reservations to become more and more separate. They didn't want them to be considered nations. So they did not write back and the Native people were left out of the League of Nations, so that circle was incomplete.
In the League of Nations circle there was a southern door, the yellow people; there was a western door, the black people; there was a northern door, the white people; but the eastern door was not attended. The elders knew that peace would not come on the earth until the circle of humanity is complete, until all the four colors sat in the circle and shared their teachings, then peace would come on earth.
So they knew things would happen. Things would speed up a little bit. There would be a cobweb built around the earth, and people would talk across this cobweb. When this talking cobweb, the telephone, was built around the earth, a sign of life would appear in the east, but it would tilt and bring death. It would come with the sun.
But the sun itself would rise one day not in the east but in the west. So the elders said when you see the sun rising in the east and you see the sign of life reversed and tilted in the east, you know that the Great Death is to come upon the earth, and now the Great Spirit will grab the earth again in His hand and shake it and this shaking will be worse than the first.
So the sign of life reversed and tilted, we call that the Swastika, and the rising sun in the east was the rising sun of Japan. These two symbols are carved in stone in Arizona. When the elders saw these two flags, these were the signs that the earth was to be shaken again.
The worse misuse of the Guardianship of the fire is called the "gourd of ashes". They said the gourd of ashes will fall from the air. It will make the people like blades of grass in the prairie fire and things will not grow for many seasons. I saw on television not too long ago that they were talking about the atomic bomb, the gourd of ashes. They said it was the best-kept secret in the history of the United States. The elders wanted to speak about it in 1920.
They would have spoken of it and foretold it's coming if they could have entered into the League of Nations.
The elders tried to contact President Roosevelt and ask him not to use the gourd of ashes because it would have a great effect on the earth and eventually cause even greater destruction and a the Third Shaking of the Earth, the Third World War. I'll get to that in a few minutes.
So they knew after the Second Shaking of the Earth when they saw the gourd of ashes fall from the sky then there would be an attempt to make peace on the other side of this land. And because the peace attempt on the west coast had failed, they would build a special house on the east coast of this Turtle Island, and all the nations and peoples of the earth would come to this house and it would be called the House of Mica and it would shine like the mica on the desert shines.
So the elders began to see they were building the United Nations made out of glass that reflects like the mica on the desert so they knew this was the House of Mica and all the peoples of the earth should go to it. So they met and talked about this.
They said that in the 1920's they had written and they had not been responded to, so they said this time we better go to the front door of the House of Mica because things might get a lot worse.
So elders representing a number of tribes I believe drove to New York City. When the United Nations opened they went to the front door of the House of Mica and they said these words:
" We represent the indigenous people of North America and we wish to address the nations of the Earth. We're going to give you four days to consider whether or not we will be allowed to speak."
They retreated to one of the Six Nations Reserves in New York State. The Six Nations Reserves are keepers of the Great Law of Peace of the prophet that appeared here in North America, Dagonnorida. And this Law of Peace is still recited, it takes four days between sunrise and noon. Each year an Indian, by memory, must recite it about this time of year.
Four days later they came back and I believe the nations of the earth heard that the Indians had come to the door. And they voted to let the Indians in. They wanted to hear what they had to say. But the United States is one of five nations of the United Nations with a veto power and still they were concerned because this time the Native sovereignty was even stronger. And I believe they vetoed the entrance of the Native people.
So then they knew other things would happen on the Earth, and the United Nations would not bring peace on earth but there would be continuing and deepening confusion. And that the little wars would get worse. So they retreated to the Six Nations Reserve and they talked about this and they said the time is really getting close now, 1949.
They said, "We're going to divide the United States into four sections and each year we're going to have a gathering. We're going to call these the 'White of Peace Gatherings'." They began to have these around 1950. And they authorized certain men to speak in English for the first time about these prophecies.
One that I used to listen to many times, over and over, was Thomas Benyaka. He is a Hopi man. I believe he is still living. He was authorized to speak in English about what was on the stone tablets and he has dedicated his lifetime to doing this. And they began to tell us at these gatherings, they said "In your lifetime you're going to see things happen."
It was strange when they said it in the 1950's and 1960's but now it seems very clear. But then it was unusual. They said, "You're going to see a time in your life when men are going to become women. The Great Spirit is going to make a man on the earth. He made him a man but this man is going to say, "I know more than the Great Spirit. I'm going to change myself to be a woman:" And they will even nurse children. The Great Spirit is going to make the woman on the earth. She's going to say, "I know more than the Great Spirit. I want to be a man. And she will be physically a man."
They said "You're going to see a time in your lifetime when the human beings are going to find the blueprint that makes us." They call that now, DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid. They said, "They re going to cut this blueprint." They call that now, genetic splicing.
And they said, "They're going to make new animals upon the earth, and they're going to think these are going to help us. And it's going to seem like they do help us. But maybe the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren are going to suffer."
They are making new animals. The elders talked about this. They said, "You will see new animals, and even the old animals will come back, animals that people thought had disappeared. They will find them here and there. They'll begin to reappear."
They said (and I know many of you are from tribes that also have this prophecy, "You're going to see a time when the eagle will fly its highest in the night and it will land upon the moon." Some tribes say the eagle will circle the moon. Some tribes say the eagle will fly it's highest in the night. "And at that time," they say, "Many of the Native people will be sleeping," which symbolically means they have lost their teachings. There are some tribes that say it will be as if they are frozen: they've been through the long winter.
But they say, "When the eagle flies it's highest in the night, that will be the first light of a new day. That will be the first thawing of spring." Of course, at the first light of a new day, if you've stayed up all night, you notice it's really dark. And the first light, you want to see it, but you can't. It sneaks up on you. You want to see it change but it's dark and then pretty soon it's getting light before you know it.
We're at that time now. The Eagle has landed on the moon, 1969. When that spaceship landed they sent back the message, "The Eagle has landed." Traditionally, Native people from clear up in the Inuit region, they have shared with us this prophecy, clear down to the Quechuas in South America. They shared with us that they have this prophecy. When they heard those first words, "The Eagle has landed," they knew that was the start of a new time and a new power for Native people. There was absolutely nothing strong before us now. We may do anything we wish.
In 1776 when the United States Government printed the dollar, in one claw [of the eagle], if you've ever noticed, there is an olive branch in this claw. They said that represented peace. The Indian elders shared with me in South Dakota that to them that represents the enslavement of black people.
In the prophecies of the Six Nations people they say there will be two great uprisings by black people to free themselves. We've seen one about 1964. There will be a second, more violent one to come. I'll get back to what that means in a minute. In the other claw is 13 arrows. The founding fathers of the United States said that represents the 13 States. But the elders say that represents the enslavement of the Native people.
When the Eagle landed on the moon, they decided to print a special silver dollar to commemorate that. I don't know how many of you noticed it. The original design showed the spaceship landing on the moon but at the last minute it was changed to an actual eagle. And in the eagle's claws is the olive branch, but the arrows are gone. The elders said, "That's our prophecy, we have been released."
There was one more uprising coming for the black race of people and then they will be released and this is also going to have an effect on Native people, a good effect. There's a whole new set of prophecies from the Iroquois people about that and I won't have time to go into that this morning.
But we're in that time now. We're between the first light of a new day and the sunrise. The sunrise is about to come and when it comes up everyone is going to see it. But you know how it is in the village there's a few people that get up early, and there are some that sleep until noon. I'm probably one of those that sleeps until noon. They said when that Eagle lands on the moon, the powers will begin to come back to us.
Within seven days of the time the Eagle landed on the moon, the Freedom of Indian Religion Act was introduced into the United States Congress. The legislation was introduced in 1969, less than seven days after the Eagle landed on the moon. Eventually it was passed in November of 1978, signed by President Carter. These are the physical manifestations of the spiritual prophecies that we have.
So he said at this time you're going to see that things will speed up, that people on the earth will move faster and faster. Grandchildren will not have time for grandparents. Parents will not have time for children. It will seem like time is going faster and faster. The elders advised us that as things speed up, you yourself should slow down. The faster things go, the slower you go. Because there's going to come a time when the earth is going to be shaken a third time.
The Great Spirit has been shaking the earth two times: the First and Second World Wars to remind us that we are a human family, to remind us that we should have greeted each other as brothers and sisters. We had a chance after each shaking to come together in a circle that would have brought peace on earth, but we missed that.
Tonight they were talking on the news about the sign for the Third Shaking of the Earth. I heard it while sitting in the airport after I missed my plane. They said they're going to build what the elders called the "house in the sky".
In the 1950's they talked about this: they will build a house and throw it in the sky. When you see people living in the sky on a permanent basis, you will know the Great Spirit is about to grab the earth, this time not with one hand, but with both hands.
Many of you of Native background may have heard "the spirits will warn you twice, but the third time you stand alone." We've had two warnings, the first two World Wars, but now we stand alone in the third one. As it says in the Baha'i Writings, there will be no-one protected. When this house is in the sky, the Great Spirit is going to shake the Earth a third time and whoever dropped that gourd of ashes, upon them it is going to drop.
They say at that time there will be villages in this land so great that when you stand in the villages you will not be able to see out, and in the prophecies these are called "villages of stone", or "prairies of stone". And they said the stone will grow up from the ground and you will not be able to see beyond the village. At the center of each and every one of these villages will be Native people, and they will walk as "hollow" shells upon a "prairie of stone". They said "hollow shells" which means they will have lost any of their traditional understandings; they will be empty within.
They said after the Eagle lands on the moon some of these people will begin to leave these "prairies of stone" and come home and take up some of the old ways and begin to make themselves reborn, because it's a new day. But many will not. And they said there's going to come a time when in the morning the sun is going to rise and this village of stone will be there, and in the evening there would just be steam coming from the ground. They will be as steam. And in the center of many of those villages of stone when they turn to steam, the Native people will turn to steam also because they never woke up and left the village.
And this used to bother me when I was a young man. I used to ask the elders, "Isn't there anything we can do?" And they said, well, it's just that way that if a person does not have the spiritual eyes to see, it's very hard to show them. Or if they don't have the ears to hear, it's very hard to speak with them. We wish that we could go get them all but we can't. It's just that some are not going to wake up. But some will wake up.
And so they say there's going to be the Third Shaking of the Earth. It's not going to be a good thing to see but we will survive it. We will survive it. And when we survive it, then there's going to be another attempt to make a circle of the human beings on the earth.
And this time the Native people will not have to petition to join but will be invited to enter the circle because they say the attitude towards us will have changed by then, and people will let us into the circle and all the four colors of the four directions will share their wisdom, and there will be a peace on earth. This is coming close.
A lot of times when I share this message of the prophecies, people say, "Can't we change it? Could we stop it?"
The answer is yes.
The prophecies are always "either/or". We could have come together way back there in 1565, and we could have had a great civilization, but we didn't. Always along the path of these prophecies, we could have come together. We still could. If we could stop the racial and religious disharmony, we would not have to go through this third shaking.
The elders say the chance of that is pretty slim. It seems to me like it's pretty slim, too. But they say what we can do is we can "cushion" it. The word we use is "cushion". We can cushion it so it won't be quite as bad. How do we do this? We do this by sharing the teaching that will reunite us.
The Hopis in their prophecies say there will be a religion that comes here. Maybe it will be true and bring unity, or maybe it will not be true and not bring unity. If it does not bring unity, a second religion will come, and the people of this religion are known in the Hopi language as the Bahani, the people of Baha. Ni means "people of".
When I heard about these [prophecies], none of them made any sense. Now most of it has come to pass. Last I heard on the news, they said the "house in the sky" will be put up in 1996. It was going to be put up sooner, but it's been postponed for four years. Maybe it will be postponed again. But in not too long it's going to go up. The earth as we know it is going to change.
Each of us carry, I believe, a sacred drop of light.
But now we're going into the human world. The mind is going to be opened up to the radiance of our own soul and the cycle of the human beings is going to come back, and something so good is going to happen on the earth that it cannot even be described.
The elders say it in different ways. They say, there will be grass at that time when they make that circle and bring the peace on earth. There will be blades of grass that have not quite come through the earth. Even they will try to push themselves up to be part of that day when the sun rises.
You know, one time the scientist came to the Hopis and they said, "We want to take a piece of the stone tablets." They said "We want to take the stone tablets to a scientific laboratory to determine how old they are." The Hopis said, "We know how old they are". Well, the scientists said, "We want to confirm it." Well, the Hopis let them take a little piece, and they did that by the carbon dating method.
Editor's Note: This puzzles me, as stone cannot be carbon dated. Carbon 14 is taken in by organic life until the moment of death. Then the Carbon 14 is slowly released by that organic material and the rate of release can be calculated. Half-life computations tell the age of the tested material. Stone is not organic.
They found these tablets were at least 10,000 years old, maybe 50,000. So when I say, "Thousands of years ago, there were Native people that spoke of these things," that's exactly what I mean. They told their children and thousands of years ago, their children grew up and told their children, and then their children grew up and told their children. And they spoke about the people that will live in this time.
And now it is us. We are the ones they spoke of long ago. They say to be alive, to come into creation and to live upon the earth at this time is a great honor.
In the cycle of time, from the beginning to the end, this time we are in now will change the purification of all things. They say this is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive to live and see this.
In the state of Washington in 1855 they signed treaties and made 22 Indian reservations. They wanted to do it before there were problems. They thought they were advanced at the time, they had learned from what had happened elsewhere. They made 22 Indian reservations and the elders spoke in 1855 and they said, "We're going to become weaker, and you are going to become stronger, and if you wish to break these treaties, you may do so." They said, "But there's going to come a time when the earth itself will rise up and purify itself and this will be announced.
It will be announced by the speaking of more than 16 Great Ones on the West Coast of this land. And when the 16 Great Ones speak, the purification will have begun. There was a new [?] five years ago when Mt. Saint Helens, one of the 16 great volcanoes on the West Coast of this land, "spoke".
The Seattle Times did a special interest story. They went over to Watson Totus and Woodrow Bill. It was Woodrow Bill's son that made this hoop that I brought here today, my good brother Randolf Bill. They asked Watson Totus and Woodrow Bill as spiritual people of the Yakuma nation, "What does this mean?" What they said was so profound that they didn't put it on page 16, they put it on the front page of the Seattle Times.
They said, "This means that the races and nations of the earth should slow down and come together and talk to each other." That's exactly what it meant. And we had four years and four days to do that.
Four years and four days later, Mt. Saint Helens erupted the second time. That was last spring, just about this time. That was our grace period. We could have still done something really good. But now things are going to speed up. Now things are going to really happen fast. Time is going to go so fast.
The more we share the Message, the more we will cushion the Third Shaking of the Earth, and the easier it will be on ourselves and others.
We are now within the purification of all things. Non-Natives call this the "Apocalypse". The Native elders call this the "Purification".
But don't despair. It sounds terrible, but we will survive it. We will live through it. I don't think there's anyone chosen to live through it, but some people will.
So, in closing I would like to call on each and every person, regardless of who you are, young or old, Native or non-Native, to arise now, and to awake, to embrace this time, to learn everything you can about the Teachings and the Writings, to arise and awake and go forth, all the peoples of the earth.
Peoples everywhere are now receptive to the Message. This year is the year when that is really going to start, I believe, myself. Arise and awake.
There's people out there waiting to hear, waiting to hear... waiting to hear...
Dan Katchongva (1865-1972), Hopi Primary Source: Excerpts, The Hopi Story: Teachings, History, and Prophecies of the Hopi People: as told by Dan Katchongva, Sun Clan. Translated by Danagyumptewa
This talk was recorded on 1/29/70 and was published because Mr. Katchongva hoped that those causing this tragedy could not persist if they had an idea of the purpose behind Hopi resistance to foreign control. Dan agreed to the publication of this booklet on condition that it never be sold, insisting that to sell Hopi teachings would be like selling his own mother. In addition to the prophecies fulfilled during his lifetime, Dan was told by his father that he would live to see the beginning of the final event of this era, the Great Day of Purification. Dan Katchongva died in 1972.
Arrival of Another Race Foretold Time passed on, people passed on, and the prophecies of things to come were passed from mouth to mouth. The stone tablets and the rock writing of the life plan were often reviewed by the elders. Fearfully they waited as they retold the prophecy that one day another race of people would appear in their midst and claim our land as his own. He would try to change our pattern of life. He would have a sweet tongue or a forked tongue and many good things by which we would be tempted. He would use force in an attempt to trap us into using weapons, but we must not fall for this trick, for then we ourselves would be brought to our knees, from which we might not be able to rise. Nor must we ever raise our hand against any nation. We now call these people Bahanna.
The Forces of Purification We have teachings and prophecies informing us that we must be alert for the signs and omens which will come about to give us courage and strength to stand on our beliefs. Blood will flow. Our hair and our clothing will be scattered upon the earth. Nature will speak to us with its mighty breath of wind. There will be earthquakes and floods causing great disasters, changes in the seasons and in the weather, disappearance of wildlife, and famine in different forms. There will be gradual corruption and confusion among the leaders and the people all over the world, and wars will come about like powerful winds. All of this has been planned from the beginning of creation. We will have three people standing behind us, ready to fulfill our prophecies when we get into hopeless difficulties: the Moha Symbol (which refers to a plant that has a long root, milky sap, grows back when cut off, and has a flower shaped like a swastika, symbolizing the four great forces of nature in motion), the Sun Symbol, and the Red Symbol. Bahanna's intrusion into the Hopi way of life will set the Moha symbol in motion, so that the four great forces of nature (the four directions, the controlling forces, the original force) will rock the world into war. When this happens we will know that our prophecies are coming true. We will gather strength and stand firm. This great movement will fall, but because its subsistence is milk, and because it is controlled by the four forces of nature, it will rise again to put the world in motion, creating another war, in which both the Moha and the Sun Symbol will be at work. [My note: apparently referring to the swastika-like Moha (Germany) in conjunction with the Rising Sun (Japan)] Then it will rest in order to rise a third time. Our prophecy foretells that the third event will be the decisive one. Our road plan foretells the outcome. This sacred writing speaks the word of the Great Spirit. It could mean the mysterious life seed with two principles of tomorrow, indicating one, inside of which is two. The third and last, which will it bring forth, purification or destruction?
The third event will depend upon the Red Symbol, which will take command, setting the four forces of nature (Moha) in motion for the benefit of the Sun. When he sets these forces in motion the whole world will shake and turn red and turn against the people who are hindering the Hopi cultural life. To all these people Purification Day will come. Humble people will run to him in search of a new world, and the equality that has been denied them. He will come unmercifully. His people will cover the Earth like red ants. We must not go outside to watch. We must stay in our houses. He will come and gather the wicked people who are hindering the red people who were here first. He will be looking for someone whom he will recognize by his way of life, or by his head (the special Hopi haircut) or by the shape of his village and his dwellings. He is the only one who will purify us. The Purifier, commanded by the Red Symbol, with the help of the Sun and the Moha, will weed out the wicked who have disturbed the way of life of the Hopi, the true way of life on Earth. The wicked will be beheaded and will speak no more. This will be the Purification for all righteous people, the Earth, and all living things on Earth. The ills of the earth will be cured. Mother Earth will bloom again and all people will unite into peace and harmony for a long time to come.
But if this does not materialize, the Hopi traditional identity will vanish due to pressure from Bahanna. Through the white man's influence, his religions, and the disappearance of our sacred land, the Hopi will be doomed. This is the Universal Plan, speaking through the Great Spirit since the dawn of time. The Hopi have been placed on this side of the Earth to take care of the land through their ceremonial duties, just as other races of people have been placed elsewhere around the Earth to take care of her in their own ways. Together, we hold the world in balance, revolving properly. If the Hopi nation vanishes, the motion of the Earth will become eccentric, the water will swallow the land, and the people will perish. Only a brother and a sister may be left to start a new life.
The Hopi Indians have a prophetic tradition dating back thousands of years. One of their crucial prophecies was carved on a rock cliff in the Black Mesa of Arizona, some 2000 years ago. This petroglyph (as described by Sun Bear and others) depicts the great spirit pointing to two divergent historical paths across the era of our world (the fourth world).
[The above drawing is an interpretation of the carving on Prophecy Rock. Both the drawing and the explanation below come from Thomas Banyacya, Hopi Elder. There are other interpretations; most are similar to this one.]
Our Hopi history tells us that at the time of emergence we met the spirit who owns this world. He met us, and we asked him to be our leader. He refused, saying that we had our own mission to fulfill before he would consider becoming our leader. He set this life out for us. He gave us instructions. This is symbolized by his figure holding the line. Now the circle at the bottom of the drawing symbolizes the physical world and creation. We went forth into our journeys. We reached a certain point in time, who knows, maybe a thousand years. There we were met by Massau’u again. Here he gave us more instructions. To the Hopis he gave a path of life to follow. This is shown by the straight line that goes across. To the white brother he gave different instructions. The white brother went up, and the Hopis went another direction.
Now at this second meeting with Massau’u, he told us that within the life of this current world, there would be three phases of life where the whole world would be shaken up. Three nations would rise up and shake the world. This we interpret to mean world wars. Now up at the left side we see a symbol. This is what is painted on the Hopi ceremonial rattles that are given to children. The rattle symbolizes the world. The painting on the rattle shows the symbols of the countries that would shake the world three times. I think that the swastika in the middle symbolizes the German people, who had that for a symbol. They brought the United States into the First and Second World Wars. The sun symbol signifies the Japanese people who brought the United States into the Second World War. Pasivaya, an old religious leader from Shipaulovi, told me that the third nation to rise up would have its national symbols in red. The people would wear red caps or red robes. The world has been shaken up twice already. There is one more war left.
So after the second meeting with Massau’u the white brother went on his way, and we went on our way, according to instructions. But it was told that we would meet again some day, that this white brother would come back to purify us so that we would become one people again. So on the top, the line means this -- it shows the journey of this white brother. In the life of the white peoples, they would show themselves to be clever and gifted. They would invent many scientific things.
So the first three figures shown on the top line symbolize the stages of the white people, their scientific advancement, from the carriage to the automobile to the airplane. The circles right underneath the figures prophesy the three gourds of ashes that would fall on earth. The first and second circles are interpreted to mean the bombs that fell on Japan in WWII. The four headless figures on top show our Hopis who have become like the white people. These are Hopis who have forsaken their Life Plan and who have become like the Pahana [whites]. They have fallen for the white way of life -- the easy life, the modern conveniences -- and do not care for Hopi life anymore. These Hopis will say to other Hopis to follow their ways. Now if all Hopis fall for this trap, then life will be like the jagged line going up, toward the upper right corner. It will be up and down, turmoil, earthquakes, floods, drought. The old people say we are at this stage of life now.
But it is prophesied that a phase of life will come when those Hopis who have become like the white people will realize their wrongdoings and attempt to join again the Hopis who are holding on. This is symbolized by the line going down, back to the Life Plan of the Hopis. Now if this happens, then there will be times of unity, of all Hopis working together. We would have then come back to this Life Plan set out by the Great Spirit for us. This is symbolized by the circle and the corn. Now it is foretold that we would meet up with Massau’u one more time as symbolized by the figure on the right. He will judge us and, if we are deserving to go with him, he will accept to be the leader of the Hopis. And thereafter we will have a happy life.
Like the Maya, Aztec, and other Native American tribal wisdom traditions, the Hopi tell of a series of 'worlds' which have existed. Each may be thought of as a cycle of civilisation. A common aspect is that we are currently in the 4th world. The Hopi describe the demise of the other worlds as follows:
1st world: ended when all of the volcanoes of the world erupted and an all consuming fire engulfed and destroyed the first world.
2nd world: ended when the poles shifted and the earth was covered in ice. Mountains fell into oceans and seas.
3rd world: "The third world was very corrupt and this time it would be destroyed through water. Taiowa sent Spider Woman to talk to the people who still carried the Creator's song in their hearts. She taught them how to build large boats out of reeds.This, they did, and when their boats were sealed, the waters began to flood the world. The noise of the rushing waters was incredible. Large continents sunk and broke apart into small islands. Incredible rains fell. Then it stopped, and there was silence. The reed boats drifted the people over the silent waters for a long time. When their boats finally stopped on a new coastline, the people walked onto the dry lands for the first time. They had emerged into the fourth world. This is the world we are all living in today."
The Hopi account of the end of the previous 3rd world by a 'cleansing' by way of great flood fits in well with Cayce and others. In fact, similar traditions of a worldwide catastrophe exist among peoples of all continents including Scandinavians, Greeks, Egyptians, Hebrews, Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, Hindus, Fiji Islanders, Eskimos, native North and South Americans and many other sources.
The Hopis mark the end of the 4th world as a purge by fire (cf. Edgar Cayce above). The end of the fourth world (called Tuwaqachi by the Hopi) is described thus (see Book Of The Hopi, by Frank Waters). Eventually a gourd full of ashes would be invented, which if dropped from the sky would boil the oceans and burn the land causing nothing to grow for many years (atomic bomb). This would be the sign for a certain Hopi to bring out his teachings in order to warn the world that the third and final event would happen soon. That it could bring an end to all life unless people correct themselves and their leaders in time.
The final stage, called "The great day of Purification", has been described as a "Mystery Egg" in which the forces of the swastika and the Sun plus a third force symbolized by the color "red" culminate either in total rebirth or total annihilation, we don't know which. But the choice is yours, war and natural catastrophe may be involved. The degree of violence will be determined by the degree of inequity caused among the peoples of the world and in the balance of nature. In this crisis rich and poor will be forced to struggle as equals in order to survive.
Some markers and signs: Before the time of the great Purification, they will make metal roads for iron horses and hang metal ropes in the air. (pre-Colombian Hopi prophecy) First they will bring back pieces of the Moon which will upset the balance and unleash disastrous forces. (ibidem) Near the day of the Great Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky through which 'people will walk' . (ibidem) The Purification will begin shortly after humans build a great house in the sky (MIR and/ or new European/US space station?). By then there will be fires everywhere and greedy, selfish, power-mad leaders, internal wars. (ibidem)
Source: http://www.angelfire.com/music2
The Coming Cosmic Civilisation
The Last Emperor of Babylon and
the Coming Cosmic Civilisation
By Jose Arguelles
As I write this report from my interdimensional viewing-station someplace in Middle Time, on the surface of the Earth, on the West coast of the great North Atlantis Ocean, in a city called “Washington, District of Columbia,” the last emperor of Babylon is being crowned
No one ever says what the ‘W’ in the middle of George W. Bush’s name means or stands for, but since the first “president” of the United States of Atlantisia ( = Atlantis amnesia) was also George – George Washington – we may assume that the “W”, pronounced “dubbya,” is a reference to the first George of these North Atlantean States. Since George W’s father was also George, we may assume that we are now dealing with George the third. While he and his predecessors call themselves “presidents,” no president is he, this George W. Bush III, but the last emperor of Babylon.
Babylon, synonymous with the course of empire, warfare, taxes and imperial splendour, is a legacy bequeathed to the rest of civilisation since the beginning of the present historical cycle. Once that legacy leaped the Atlantis ocean, commemorated by Francis Bacon’s mystical text, New Atlantis, a cryptic reference to the founding of “America,” then Babylon triggered the ancient memory curse called Atlantis. Babylonian civilisation became full on Atlantean civilisation.
In the psychomythic analysis of cosmic history, when a world cycle has met its limit and gone full circle, its end meets and devours its beginning. Hence, the conquering Atlantean army marauds Iraq, with the news story released by the BBC on January 15, “US-Led Soldiers Said to Damage Babylon.”
Now an American military base, did George Washington ever think armies from his republic would be marching down and destroying the ancient brick highways, not to mention the famous Ishtar Gate of Babylon?
“Not only is what the American forces are doing damaging the archeology of Iraq,” said Lord Redesdale, an archaeologist at the site, “It’s actually damaging the cultural heritage of the whole world.” That is an understatement. At 387 million dollars per day just to keep his war going in Iraq, Emperor George III is also bringing about the destruction of many of that country's key cities. And since he refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol on green house emissions, he is destroying the biospheric legacy of planet Earth as well.
Why was George so silent when the 9.0 quake and tsunami – the most devastating and widespread catastrophe of modern history – swept across the Indian Ocean?
It should not be forgotten that George’s first response was to offer 15 million dollars in aid, a mere fraction of what he spends daily on the war in Iraq. By the time Atlantis-America was shamed into upping the ante to approximately what it spends on a single day in the war, Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, and head of Desert Storm – the first military conquest of ancient Babylon – was running around to all of the media talk shows telling the world America was not stingy.
Incidentally, it was not only the alternative press suggesting that maybe America had a hand in causing the quake – front page stories in the leading Cairo newspapers also wondered whether or not America didn’t detonate a nuclear or some other kind of device to cause the quake that set off the tsunami.
So today [January 20] the Emperor is being crowned. His ceremony is lavish by any standards. More than 40 million dollars is being spent on his “victory party.” In the meantime, the death toll of the tsunami rises while the effort to impose Atlantean values on the conquered of Babylon-Iraq continues to deteriorate daily as the “insurgents” (who called them that in the first place?) continue to show determined resistance against the Americans and their puppet regime. Such obvious callousness and disregard of humanity can only lead to the downfall of the perpetrators of the tyranny. Empires never last, and tyranny is often terminated by the violence it breeds.
But this is not just a normal Babylonian empire – this is its final, most virulent phase, the Atlantean amnesiac phase. Amnesia of what? Of the interplanetary wars? Of the collapse of civilisation on Mars? Red sands now blow in the withering wake of the combination of war and climate failure on Mars. And before that – Maldek, the asteroid belt, blown to smithereens like an apple smashing at high speed on a concrete sidewalk – by what force and perpetrated by whom?
What is occurring with the crowning of the last Emperor of Babylon is the last imperial amnesiac blow out. For surely there will be no Emperor to follow George III, even if it is the presidential Terminator, Arnold “Total Recall” Schwarzenegger. What he will inherit is the dust that is blowing in the winds of Iraq, of Afghanistan, of Sumatra, Somalia and Sudan. These are the blowing dusts of Mars as Earth’s temperature rises.
This is the Closing of the Cycle and what the tsunami showed us is that in the end times, the catastrophes are only that much more catastrophic. The fall of America-Atlantis should be a welcome event. Imagine all the world’s K-marts suddenly falling silent. Imagine Las Vegas covered with sand, its roulette wheels sticking up from eerie snow-like dunes. It has happened before, and it will happen again.
But what the galactic Mayan crystal ball also shows is that this is merely an Earth clean up operation. What we need now is an Earth Rescue. It is a moral emergency down here, and we need to send out the call to the Galactic Federation that we will soon need their presence.
I remember a bumper sticker from the early ‘70s that is more appropriate now than ever before: “Send down the ships – it’s too late to reeducate them!” This time, there will be an Earth Rescue, because this time sufficient numbers of people are remembering and learning the lesson. What is occurring is what precedes the invisible re-arising of the new Earth from within the shards of the old, and with the new Earth, Cosmic Civilisation.
Universal calendar reform – the perfect harmonic standard of 13 Moons and 28 days – is the harbinger of the coming Cosmic Civilisation. Perfect harmony negates history and historical time. The Cosmic Civilisation is based on the perfection of telepathic harmony among the species, and this can only be brought about by rejecting Babylonian time altogether and entering the galactic Mayan time.
It should be evident now after the tsunami and observing the continuing fiascos of Emperor George III, the last emperor of Babylon, that the house of cards is about to tumble. It is a planetary moral emergency and we need spiritual fortitude to weather the storm – for this is the solar-galactic year, Blue Crystal Storm.
It is for this reason that I will be suspending my retreat in Middle Time to reappear on the surface of the Earth this Easter, Solar Moon 19-21 (March 25-27) to convene an “alternative Easter/resurrection in time.”
This will provide the first training of the spiritual force necessary to pave the way to 2012 in full consciousness of the need to prepare now for the coming of Cosmic Civilisation. Join with me if you can, if not in the flesh, on the telepathic airwaves!
Valum Votan, aka Jose Arguelles, is the author of Time and the Technosphere (available in Australia from New Dawn Book Service for $46.00 plus $5 p&h), The Law of Time in Human Affairs, The Arcturus Probe, and the Mayan Factor, Path Beyond Technology. President and Director of Research of the Foundation for the Law of Time, he is supervising the Foundation’s major project, Noosphere II. For more information about the Seminar, Alternative Easter/Resurrection in Time, go to: www.lawoftime.org
Game Over
Quakes, asteroids, mass extinction — when the end comes, will it come from below, above or within?
No matter how you work out the endgame in your head, humans are destined for extinction: Apocalypse is built in to the human condition. Science, which defines and quantifies the heft of that apocalypse, is all about control — in naming the beast, it suggests, we gain power over it. So how do we prevent it? And what does apocalypse actuallymean in a real-world context?
In Los Angeles, partly, it means earthquakes. It means the fear of The Big One that will shake the land until the entire West Coast breaks off like a cracker into the ocean. Luckily, in California we have not just one but two motherly, reassuring “Earthquake Lady” scientists to chase the nightmare scenario away. “Southern California will certainly experience more earthquakes similar to the 1857 Fort Tejon and 1906 San Francisco earthquakes,” says Caltech seismologist Kate Hutton. “Those quakes both had magnitudes in the upper 7s, probably 7.8 or 7.9.” If the big quake happens during a Santa Ana wind season, she says, fires are inevitable, and the response will not be as fast as it normally is. If it happens during the rainy season, mudslides will complicate matters. But the biggest problems may come from disruption of the infrastructure: roads, water mains, power lines.
In her office at Caltech, Lucy Jones of the U.S. Geological Survey talks about the possibility of an earthquake causing damage of the magnitude that occurred in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina. “Oh, yeah,” she says, “we can be a lot worse than that. Our worst-case scenario doesn’t happen very often, but if we put a magnitude 7.5 under downtown L.A., which will happen at some point geologically speaking, you can imagine the damage.” There are 300 faults running through Southern California capable of a magnitude 6. Of those, a hundred run through the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The longest single fault we have, the San Andreas, is capable of producing a magnitude 8. (Northridge was a 6.7.) Earthquakes can even start on one fault and jump to another. The largest quake ever recorded was a 9.5, in Chile.
Jones, whose messy desk looks as if an earthquake has just hit, has run chains of seismometers up and down the Los Angeles River and set off explosions to see the geological structures below. Deaths result from the magnitude of the quake, the proximity of people to it, and the age of the buildings in the area. In Los Angeles, we model what will happen only to the biggest buildings in an earthquake. And we definitely don’t do full-size “shake tables” in L.A., in which an entire building is put on a table that shakes. It costs too much. The Japanese spent $600 million on theirs. “Will the perfect storm happen in my lifetime?” Jones says. “It’s hard to say. I’m getting older, so chances are it won’t. By definition the perfect storm is something that doesn’t happen very often. I’m over 50. I could live another 50 years, but that’s not that long in geologic years.” Given that at some point a big earthquake has to happen, and she’s studied it her whole life, Jones says she’d like to live to see it.
Death comes from above as well as from below. The ancient Mayans, who knew what they were doing sky-wise, kept a long-form calendar based on the movement of the planets. The calendar stops abruptly at the date December 21, 2012, the winter solstice, as if they couldn’t be bothered to track out the remaining days because there would be none. With that in mind, I visit NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena to seek wisdom from Don Yeomans, director of the Near-Earth Object Program, which monitors the comets and asteroids that enter Earth’s neighborhood. It is a sunny September morning — September 11, by coincidence, the anniversary of that day when the end of the world seemed a grave possibility. Yeomans is a tall, smiling, professorial fellow, and I ask him what the probability is that a large asteroid will hit Earth and kill us all.
“Slim to none,” says Yeomans, who has been studying comets and asteroids for more than 40 years. “When you say ‘large’ asteroid, you’re talking about something that’s a mile wide in diameter. Those events don’t occur but every several million years. We get hit by basketball-size asteroids daily. Volkswagen-size asteroids come in twice a year. None of those make it through Earth’s atmosphere. They would have to be half the size of a football field before they can make it through, and you don’t expect those objects but about every 600 to 700 years or so.” Nevertheless, he is keeping an eye on a short list of objects for which he can’t rule out an impact, but only because he hasn’t observed them enough to be able to refine their orbit.
For instance, there’s a big chance (“About 3 percent,” says Yeomans, “which is huge!”) we’ll get hit by the asteroid Apophis, named after the Egyptian god of doom, who lives in the eternally dark underground and tries, nightly, to destroy the sun. Apophis will more likely make a very close approach to Earth — lower than some geosynchronous communications satellites — on April 13, 2029. If it sneaks through a region of space 600 miles across, a “keyhole,” then it will return in seven years to hit Earth. But the chances of that happening are only one in 45,000, and as they refine the asteroid’s orbit, the chances will be even lower. Apophis will simply be visible to the naked eye as a graceful point of light moving across the night sky.
In fact, if scientists find these Earth-impacting objects early enough, 20 or 30 years prior to impact, say, they can slow them down or speed them up a tiny bit by hitting them with nukes or by “running into” them to change their trajectory. In 2005, NASA smashed the spacecraft Deep Impact into a comet, basically to get a closer look at the thing when it blew up.
Right now, five NASA-funded telescopes scan the entire sky every two months. “We can find the objects, we can track them, we can predict where they’ll be in space and time,” Yeomans says, “but if an object is found on an Earth-threatening trajectory, it’s not currently NASA’s responsibility to deal with it. In fact, it hasn’t been determined whose responsibility it is to deal with it. But that’s being worked out.” Yeomans leads the group of astronomers who compute impact probabilities. “There’s four in the group,” he counts on his fingers, “and about two of us who work full time.”
“That seems like... not enough,” I say. Yeomans laughs heartily.
Extinction is a natural phenomenon and occurs at all levels. University of Michigan physicist Mark Newman, who created a mathematical model for mass extinction, tells us that the vast majority of species become extinct within 10 million years of their first appearance on the planet. We humans, as a species, have been on the planet for about 200,000 years. So, all things being equal, we’ve got a way to go.
But all things are not equal. There have been five previous mass extinctions on the planet (205 million, 250 million, 375 million and 440 million years ago) caused by big geophysical events — supervolcanoes exploding, asteroids hitting, major climate shifts. The dinosaurs were the most recent of these mass die-offs. Dinosaurs were extremely abundant and successful, dominating the land ecosystem for 150 million years. Then they disappeared. They are now icons of extinction and evolution. I have always loved going to the Natural History Museum and gazing up in awe at the “Dueling Dinosaurs” in the grand foyer, at a tyrannosaurus locked in battle with a triceratops. An asteroid had the last say on those guys. These days, humans are causing the sixth wave of mass extinction, the only species-driven — as opposed to natural-phenomenon-driven — extinction in the history of the planet. And we’re not even trying to stop the extinction. At this point, we’re just trying to slow it down.
Harvard naturalist Edward O. Wilson estimated a current extinction rate of about three species an hour. Cheetahs, coral reefs, gorillas, tigers, killer whales, rhinos, salamanders, sharks, sea horses, you name it: If it’s cool and it’s alive, it is probably going extinct. As last year’s Biodiversity Summit in Australia put it, “Life is ticking away.” There are those in the scientific community who feel there is a kind of snowball effect to extinction, that once you head down that path, there is no return. For each species, there is a point at which it can never recover, when the numbers of animals in a population are too few to sustain it. I tried to look at the online Red List, the official tally of threatened species published by the World Conservation Union, just to get a feel for what’s going on; finally gave up because there were 41,415 entries.
Literally translated from the Greek, “apocalypse” means “lifting the veil.” Or, the progress from one phase of existence to another. Apocalypse in that nomenclature signifies not so much the end of the world as the end of an era. When the veil is lifted for us, Homo sapiens will perhaps have evolved into some new form of life that will study us and be fascinated by us, in much the same way that we study and are fascinated by our ancestors Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalis. Now they are even getting their own TV show soon by way of their popular Geico commercials. Is the Zeitgeist trying to tell us something?
I wonder, if this video holds proof, what force we are giving off in the universe by getting larger?
I mean,.. think about it.
Source: http://theangrydiary.livejournal.com/4164.html
The end of the world as we know it?
By Rush Button, T&D Columnist
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Well, happy New Year anyway! Watching, reading and considering the news between Christmas and New Year’s day, it has occurred to me that in stark contrast to that wonderful celebration of hope, the outlook for planet Earth seems pretty darn bleak.
Of course, the news channels were continuing to harp on the rogue nations of North Korea and Iran and their efforts to become nuclear powers. Considering the intent of their rabid and murderous leadership, they’ll have no qualms about using them, either.
Many of the “expert” commentators are asserting that this will, ultimately, touch off? World War III, which will destroy civilization and, possibility, with deadly radioactive poison enveloping the whole planet, virtually all life on earth.
Then I heard on the History channel that the world is coming to an end on December 21, 2012! The ancient Maya Indians made this stunning prediction more than 2,000 years ago. The program went into detail on how the Maya calculated the exact date of doomsday. The Maya were legendary astronomers and time keepers – their calendar is more accurate than our own. By tracking the stars and planets, Mayan astronomers assigned great meaning to astronomical phenomena and made extraordinary predictions based on them – many of which have already come true.
The troublesome thing is that scientists, archaeologists, astronomers and historians agree that there are some unique astrophysical events that will transpire right at that time – they say that the precise date of December 21, 2012 A.D, represents an extremely close conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of the galactic equator (equator of the Milky Way) and the ecliptic (path of the sun), what the ancient Maya recognized as the “Sacred Tree.”
Amazingly, the center of this cosmic “cross,” that is right where the ecliptic crosses over the Milky Way, is exactly where the December solstice sun will be in A.D. 2012. This alignment occurs only once every 25,800 years. According to the Mayas, the center of the galaxy is the cosmic womb: the place of dead, transformation, regeneration and rebirth.
Yeah, I know, sounds like mumbo-jumbo, but if you think it’s a bunch of hogwash, remember: the Wise Men determined the birth time of the Messiah by their observations of the stars and followed a “star” to His birthplace.
In these troubled times of Islamic terrorism, nuclear war, famine, disease and global climate change, it is not surprising there is a lot of talk about the end of the world. Scientists are struggling to find out what is causing global warming, and we wonder whether the planet may be destroyed by this, or by phenomena such as asteroids or comets.
Government leaders are fraught with concern about the terrorism menace pouring from Middle East. Many Bible scholars and believers in Biblical prophesy feel that Israelis are on the brink of an all-out war with their Islamic neighbors. These scholars and believers are preparing for the Antichrist, Armageddon and the second coming of the Messiah. They say the end of the world will happen in the next few years. Could all of this be coincidental with an even more destructive force from the heavens?
But perhaps it won’t be the “end of the world” but rather the “end of the world as we know it.” According to the Bible, Jesus is to return in the midst of the most horrifying war and annihilation of the human race that the world has ever seen, put an end to it all by defeating the armies of evil and establish His “Millennial Kingdom.” Will this happen on December 21, 2012? God only knows ... but considering that fact, it might not be a bad idea to say your prayers.
T&D Columnist Rush Button can be reached by e-mail at buttonrl@aol.com or by phone at 803-534-3724. His column appears every Tuesday. Discuss this and other stories online at TheTandD.com.
Crises in the Middle East have some saying the end times are near
By Helen T. Gray
McClatchy Newspapers
John Hagee and Stephen J. Stein are of completely different minds when it comes to predicting whether the world is fast approaching the biblical "last days."
Hagee, an author of 21 books and a San Antonio pastor with a worldwide radio and television ministry, is convinced recent armed conflict in the Middle East and the specter of Iran are proof that the apocalyptic battle of Armageddon - the war to end all wars to be fought in Israel - is not far off.
"The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching," Hagee writes in "Jerusalem Countdown," the latest of his six books on the end times.
Stein, on the other hand, is an Indiana University emeritus professor who has made a study of the apocalyptic predictions held by people like Hagee, and to date, he contends, they've all been wrong.
"There have been evangelical preachers in America talking about the end times for more than 2 1/2 centuries," said Stein, author of "The Continuum History of Apocalypticism." And the end has yet to come.
Historically the volume of talk of "end times" prophecies, of the "final days" and of Armageddon increases when armed conflict breaks out in the Middle East, such as the recent war between Israel and Hezbollah. And now, for Hagee in particular, the standoff involving the United States, Israel and Iran is a sign of biblical prophecy.
To arrive at these predictions, conservative Christian pastors like Hagee and the Rev. Jerry Falwell interpret sections of the Old Testament, particularly the books of Ezekiel and Daniel, as prophecy, or predictions, of coming events.
Falwell recently said that "the present-day events in the Holy Land may very well serve as a prelude or forerunner to the future battle of Armageddon and the glorious return of Jesus Christ."
Christians who subscribe to this biblical interpretation generally come from the conservative Protestant wing of Christendom. Other branches of Christianity, such as Roman Catholics and many mainline Protestant denominations, express little interest in end-times discussions. Among those who believe certain world events point back to biblical prophecy, not all agree about how it will come or when.
Is Iran Magog?
Recently, President Bush and Iran's president spoke separately to the United Nations. One issue on which the men disagreed is whether Iran should be allowed to develop its nuclear energy program, with the possibility it could build a nuclear weapon.
Iran plays a major role in how Hagee sees Old Testament prophecy playing out in the present.
"Israel cannot allow Iran to be nuclear," he said in an interview, "and America cannot allow Iran to be nuclear." Stopping Iran could mean some kind of conflict.
"Just before us is a nuclear countdown with Iran," he wrote in "Jerusalem Countdown," which came out earlier this year, "followed by Ezekiel's war (as described in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39), and then the final battle - the battle of Armageddon."
To Craig Koester, however, Hagee and others are reading too much into the Bible. That approach, said the author of "Revelation and the End of All Things," "generally involves arranging verses from the Bible in different ways to create scenarios of the future."
"Sometimes," said Koester, who teaches New Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., "they try to link specific verses with events happening in the news today."
Hagee, however, is not the only author who sees Iran having a major role in the final days. Best-selling Christian author Joel C. Rosenberg, whose novels deal with Bible prophecies, said the next war on the prophetic timetable will be what Bible scholars call the war of Gog and Magog.
Rosenberg foresees this fight "involving a military alliance between Russia, Iran and a group of other Mideast countries who try to wipe Israel off the map. Russia and Iran have never had a military alliance in the 2,500 years since the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel wrote that prophecy, but they are forming one today."
To the keepers of the Countdown to Armageddon Web site (www.countdown.org), Armageddon is actually a battle "where God finally comes in and takes over the world and rules it the way it should have been ruled all along."
In his book "The Shadow of the Apocalypse," Paul Crouch, co-founder of the conservative Christian-oriented Trinity Broadcast Network, writes, "Jesus Christ ... will rescue Israel, avenge those who have suffered in his name, punish the wicked, redeem the earth, imprison Satan and reign victorious over the earth."
The name Armageddon is found in Revelation 16:16. It is part of a vision of the Apostle John in which kings from the East gather to oppose God. The name in Hebrew means Mount of Megiddo.
"Since Megiddo was a place where various armies were defeated (in history)," Koester said, "the name Armageddon is suitable for the battle at which the forces of evil are defeated at the end of time."
The battle represents the final showdown between the forces of good and evil, said Cathy N. Gutierrez, religion professor at Sweet Briar College in Virginia, who writes on religion topics.
"While all three major monotheisms - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - believe in some version of an ultimate conflict between these forces, the use of the word Armageddon itself usually denotes a Christian understanding of these events," she said.
"The second half of the Book of Daniel (chapters 7-12) is the original Judaic source for an apocalypse, or the final confrontation," she said. "The Book of Revelation in the New Testament relies heavily on the predictions in Daniel, and many people have tried to use the two in conjunction to predict the arrival of the end time."
In addition to Revelation 16:16, the chapters of Isaiah 63, Joel 3 and Zechariah 14 also speak of the final victory of God, Koester said.
"The battle itself is pictured in Revelation 19:11-21, where Christ appears as a rider on a white horse," he said. "Literalistic interpreters generally focus on the devastation of the battle and link it to modern military technology, though they usually have to ignore the fact that the people in the vision are riding on horses.
"Interpreters who read Revelation literalistically will argue that armies will gather at the site of the ancient town of Megiddo," Koester said. "... Other interpreters point out that the Old Testament names used in Revelation frequently have a symbolic meaning."
During the recent fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, author Rosenberg told CNN that he sees Bible prophecy unfolding bit by bit in the Middle East right now. He has put forth his theories of events leading to the last days in novels such as "The Ezekiel Option" and "The Copper Scroll" and an upcoming nonfiction book, "Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future."
"There's no question that we're living in what the Bible calls the last days," he said.
But Gutierrez said that throughout history the end-times prophecy passages have been interpreted to relate to many different times and events.
"In the 20th century the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union were seen as signs," she said. "With the uncertainty in the world and particularly with any crisis in the Middle East, people reach to the idea of Armageddon in order to explain contemporary suffering and to fit scary events firmly into a divine plan so that history at least does not seem random or out of control."
Stein added, "Some Christians have talked about the re-establishment of the state of Israel, the rebuilding of the temple in Israel, the conversion of the Jews to Christianity, etc., as signs of the times that precede the final struggle," he said. "Others have identified the defeat of secular forces as the result of the battle. Any opponent or enemy can be linked to the evil side."
Koester said he doesn't think the Bible gives a step-by-step description of events that will take place at the end of time.
"Biblical prophecies give Christians the confident hope that God will defeat evil in the end," he said. "... The Scriptures call Christians to put their faith in God rather than in their abilities to know where we are on God's time line."
But Hagee is unwavering in his faith that his assessment that Ezekiel's prophecy is coming to life today.
"Following Ezekiel 38, Russia will give military leadership to the radical Islamics who want to destroy the state of Israel and control Jerusalem," he said. "That is the battle of Gog and Magog. And God himself will destroy the Russian-Arab coalition. The world will see God defending Israel as it hasn't seen since Pharaoh."
In February author Joel Rosenberg commissioned a national survey on the last days. Detailed results are published in his new book, "Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future."
Among the findings:
Statement: Events such as the rebirth of the state of Israel, wars and instability in the Middle East, recent earthquakes and the tsunami in Asia are evidence that we are living in what the Bible calls the last days.
Agree: 42 percent
Disagree: 44 percent
Don't know: 14 percent
© 2006, The Kansas City Star.
Visit The Star Web edition on the World Wide Web at http://www.kcstar.com
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
My feeling about the Bush Cheney War on oil rich lands is that it could precipitate the end. Other soothsayers warn of an earthquake period coming and punching out our lights, literally. And still others predict nuclear bombs set off everywhere by Palestinians, and the Internet Left Wingers warn that death will come with two things: First, the SMART MONEY card, without any greenbacks in circulation anymore. That would mean that only if you have a job can you get food.
The second shoe falling would be world wide depression, no jobs. Ted Turner must believe terrorists are going to bomb the cities and global warming will happen because in the wake of 911, he bought a million acre cattle ranch in Patagonia. Spielberg predicts in his movies that there could be comet, U.S. Gov would have us believe Arab terrorists will hit the nuclear power generators, there will be no electricity. If any of them are right, some morning we'll wake up and there will be no clocks, no banks, no T.V., no stock market, no SSI checks or entitlements, no jobs, and no food being trucked in to our city. ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
And in the place of that peaceful little vista outside your window, there'd cars tooting, curfews, massive unemployment, no food in stores, everybody hoarding cans and water, all that craziness!
If that happens, it will be dangerous as Hell to be in a big city. And as everybody who's ever jumped out of a plane with a folded chute and a prayer knows….WHAT FUN! Easy times made us fat. GIVE US HARD TIMES!, what say you?
In Tempus Disastrus, we can be certain that 1/3 of America would immediately not receive its monthly DOLE checks nor would employees who worked for big government' or the huge corporations that had governm't contracts. The resulting starvation, homelessness, chaos and fear could make panicky populations do ANYTHING. That's why you want a fence around you and why I prefer renting old houses with TALL fences, moats and dragons. "Oh give me a HOOOOOME, where a Rottweiler can roam and the kids and the servants can PLAAAAAAY." .
I don't have a rott but I'd sure put a picture of one on my gate And I'd sit behind the gate doing a gutteral growl., and there'd be a sign saying "Beware of SLUGGER. He eats throats first, butts second, and if your butt ain't big enough, eyeballs THIRD." See, my feeling is that I know how to survive on sheer bravado.
But a more reliable answer related to surviving a huge depression is to WORK hard and buy as few trinkets and crap in the marketplace as is humanly possible, feed on as little overpriced silly entertainment, both in the period leading up to this disaster and DURING. As George Carlin has said, we're too hung up on our STUFF.
I know I am. It took me 14 full full size U-haul truckloads to move here. Two trips a day for seven daysI Granted some were trees, plants and barrels of soil but I couldn't move this show out into the countryside and camp on a rock. I need a rented home with closets, a garage for my boxes, walls for art, two yards minimum for fruit trees. My orchard is small but it will bear just as this disaster period hits. The psychics say 2012 is definitely end time. My trees are already producing enough food to give me a few meals two seasons out of every year. And I am letting trees grow that will provide protein, as vegans know that nuts and avocados are just like beef.
I also grow vegies four seasons as I'm in California. No snow. Could grow them more efficiently if I quit growing FLOWERS but I love flowers. True, my rent in a RENTED HOME is a bit more than what an apartment is, but when my kid gets out of the loony bin, I will HAVE ANOTHER PERSON PAYING HALF. So it's going to be much less money than an apartment. Pro-rated for two.
I'd say, apartment dwellers? Got sane children? Earning real cash? START NOW. Rent a house and start that garden. Earn greenbacks full time whilst ye may. Do as little spending on fashion, decor or entertainment as possible. Seek a rented home with a huge yard, an acre is optimum, a nice landlord who won't raise the rent on you. I asked mine, did you raise rents on the tenants in your other 21 houses? He hadn't on anybody and many have been in those homes since the 50's. That was good news. He also thought this house had three bedrooms. It had FOUR! Because he owns 22 homes, he hadn't a clue. And he was glad that I was going to fill it with fruit trees. Brave man! But then, I politely asked where sewer lines were so tree roots would never heave one.
So concentrate on making the money to move your butt to an old tear down cottage like mine. Built in the fifties, nothing leaks but shabby as Hell so the yuppies wouldn't live here.
And you know what? If you want to earn some serious money starting now, do as little internet surfing as possible for a while. Surfing takes up time. Just cut down to three hours a day and you could use that time to do something new to earn moonlighting/ extra cash. Something you can do thru the Iraq War stagflation period where hourly salaries are really pretty high. Anything from cleaning chimneys and attics (very lucrative, ask me for the file) or Landscaping. I know a house painter who makes 24$ an hour. He says he can do 25 gallons of paint in a 7 hour day.
If you can't do the usual big money things: painting houses, cleaning attics, or cleaning houses for 45$ a day, try massaging people as massage gets you l00$ an HOUR. Don't like strange people's skins? Well then, type for students under the table, don't tell IRS. Always for cash. Keep the money hidden under the carpet, under the bed. Cut a slice in carpet, slide it under. Slice a hole in floorboards, set a tin box in there. A foot under a thorny rose, a waterproof tin box, strong 8 mil plastic wrap. When the fit hits the shan, the only thing any of us will need is GREENBACKS. Gold, Silver is hard to translate into a pound of protein, you know what I mean? DOLLAR bills will work!
Dirt poor? Then, I'd advise you to get some pals and rent an old house with a big yard. One that has space for fruit trees. Where you can grow soybeans, other proteins like aduki or mung beans, cowbeans (called blackeyed peas) ask seed exchanges for seed). Get on 'gardeners' lists so you can find protein seeds.)
Many of the pulse, grain/ seed foods are sproutable and store in winter months so you can have live proteins in January! Or let a comet black out the sun, you can grow vegies in six days! Beans/ pulse are also delicious cooked with non-nutritional but tasty foods like rice. And grow plain bean red or pinto or black beans and collard and salad greens which are a protein. Cook two incomplete aminos together you get a whole protein. You say not? Hey, look at the cow! He doesn't need to eat MEAT. Neither do we!
THREE tenants in a house like that will provide a super low rent. Survival in the mountains isn't for most of us. We're city folks who will "make it" even if the city is running red, (I mean starving hordes cutting necks and blood running red in the gutter.) We'll stay in the house with a butcher knife, go out Sunday morning for some basics like OIL, coffee and sugar....but with any luck, we'll have some chickens and won't need oil. (keeping some poultry in the shed gives us a certain fat. Now me, I couldn't kill one as I had Puck Puck and felt she was my daughter, but you might be luckier than I in that area) and slice thru poultry or rabbit throats blithely.
Other things are harder.We'll just have to go and pay hard cash for coffee beans. Though in Zone l0 you could grow them! We can bake our own whole grain bread, soak the grain overnight, til sprouted, then grind in a vita mix Mill. Or maybe forget about food addictions like white bread, Bisquick....Sara Lee, useless nose-plugging, mucus producing food it is. I switched to bible bread and never had a cold again, a good 20 yrs with no flu or colds when I gave up flour.
You can give up Hagan Das. What a waste of greenbacks these things were! Five little cartons of ice cream are the same money as a walnut tree. Or peach tree. Any effort to give up our vices and we're gonna do just fine living off our own acre.
Next, do we need guns? Just ask yourself are there any totally poor welfare dependents in your area?? When welfare stops, they do tend to cut affluent throats a little more easily than starving yuppies will. (But only slightly more). And maybe having all those clucking chickens in your yard isn't such a good idea. Even parakeets and canaries might look like a snack to a disaster time maurader.
So think it out. I started already. Put in my orchard. At HOME DEPOT 9$ each bareroot tree, bon marche prices, I got a plum, nectarine, 2 guavas, an apricot, cocktail grapefruit, (half tangerine, half grapefruit, very nice too.) An orange, a sweet lemon, avocado, lime, pomegranate and Eureka sour lemon tree. Apricots grow true to parents so they can be grown out of super market PITS! Or found at pals' homes, six inches high, surrounding the apricot tree. My daughter bought me a costly Persian black mulberry but I had seedlings from my purple mulberry trees, not an inch high, planted a lot of those. Today they are huge, loaded with berries!I have a mutt avocado. They are not true to species unless grafted. So it won't be a HASS but it'll be edible. My squirrels, Carlitos and Captain Cody Clarke actually planted two almond trees for me from their feedbin. I need a persimmon tree as I'm nuts about them with lime juice but haven't done that yet. I have several figs. They grow from whips you cut from other people's trees in January, sink half way in soil. Now my figs are 15 feet tall and loaded. I started in l999, too!
I bought six raspberry plants in l998 at the old house. They turned into 100 plans over a four year period! I bought three muscat grape vines in 2002, built arbors for each. The first grapes are visible now. Arbor was built out of four coffee cans with cement in them, half buried in a plug of cement, the poles were set inside coffee can, the cement up to its ankles with slanted sides so rain runoffs and poles don't rot. The poles came from the MELIA tree, 2" diameter. Straight and hard!
I always seek chayotes in the market that have a little tail sticking out and plant them and get chayote vines loaded with squash that climb 50 feet into trees and drop chayote fruits on you. Ditto with passionfruit, the Maui Purple passionfruit only.
Every year I go wild and grew something totally inedible: gourds, but they are warty, rainbow gourds, great decor at Turkey time. Next Xmas we'll string the gourds onto old Xmas tree lights. You have light-up weird fruits and one can sell them. GREENBACKS is all I want for Xmas. Greenbacks to survive the depression that Iraq war causes.
Now, if you're a yuppie, fer Gawdsake, at first sign of Apocalpyse, get out of the Stock market, mutuals and all; stash that cash in banks without spending. Pull cash out and midnight garden (bury it under a rosebush) because in a cataclysm, banks will have a RUN. A RUN? You don't remember l929? Germany in 33? OK. My parents lived thru both. Dad in Germany where it cost several hundred dollars in paper for a loaf of bread, my Mom in San Luis Obispo California where they turned their house into a boarding house!. They both suffered through bank runs. A RUN is like a Macy's sale only outside the bank and everybody's weeping and they shove you to the ground, not just push past you. You see, they are RUNNING into the bank to get their money and when they can't, they're running out screaming and breaking windows which is why it's called a RUN.
Then, as the big depression hits, you and your roomies or tenants will have tons of bucks under a rose bush and can buy forecloseure properties like gumdrops. SOMEONE will be employed out there, and you can rent to HIM.
We have all sensed that something is coming. Something big. The weather has changed, more people are going nuts and killing their own kids than in history or since BAAL was the official religion. Then, all those sexual crimes, disappeared little children, School shootings and now, children are murdering each other lately. We seem to be approaching the end of the world, and time is running out, I thought I should start to prepare for the inevitable... But I'm not sure just which cataclysmI should be prepared for. You want to help me decide?
Armageddon/Judgement Day/Rapture 2012??
2. Nostradamus -Rivers of fire, - ??
Solar Maximum FLARES .. We finally had one, recently. So don't laugh.
World War 3 - date and protagonists unknown ?? but Iraq is lookin' real good. China and Taiwan and the other brothers, Palestine and Israel
Kashmir war between India and Pakistan. LOTTA HOT SPOTS!
Earth Changes poles tilt, Antarctica melts, El Nino, RED TIDE, ozone evaporates, sun burns us all to chicharron, various calamities... dates unknown
Spielberg ain't dumb. he says an Intergalactic meteor bypass will pull the air away, or if it lands, cause a cloud so thick nothin' will grow for 50 years except mushrooms. Our dinosaurs will die, so will we unless we learn to eat mushroom linguini day and night.....say goodnite Gracie.
7. Pleiadean destructor fleet...?? Nahh, I've met them. They aren't killers. Now, the GRAYS, the Draconians, the Reptiles, that's a horse of a different color. But they are shy.
Cayce says earthquakes and tidal waves are due any day
Mayans said 2012 was end of it all. Vegetarians believe this. Don't know why them. Maybe something in tortillas and guacamole.
10. 143 Suitcase ATOMIC bombs are missing from Russia. Their Mafia sold them to terrorist nations. I expect a bomb to turn up soon on Wilshire Blvd which would be major overkill for those geriatrics worshipping at Sinai Temple In Bev Hills.
11. World Recession, banks, IRS, SSA and stock market will FREEZE. Western economy will collapse. Dollar collapsing right now. This one is practically a GIVEN.
I'm not sure whether I need to backup my tax records, do midnight gardening starting now, start praying, buy a pair of Ray Bans, or dig a big hole...?? Me? I'm planning on sticking it out right here, selling all my chatzkes and collectibles at a huge garage sale while the economy's still good.
My DREAM, of course is selling a movie script in which case I'm buying a 20 acre farm in the far west end of the valley and growing a diversity of foods like trees, fruits, chickens for eggs,(not meat) goats for milk and cheese, a reasonable diet. Putting in a forest for fire wood, a generator, and some fiiiine, café arabica trees.
If a comet makes a big cloud which enshrouds the planet and the sun goes out, one can survive and eat by SPROUTing seeds, beans and still have a healthy diet. You can survive looters if it's a comet because it'll be too dark for them to find you without a flash light. And the drug store will be totally out of batteries and only YOU can find your way around your own house in the dark. (There's a pony here somewhere.)
So be chipper. If it's something minor like no food supply in a total recession and bank meltdown, remember, you always thought you had a little extra blubber on you. You'll sail through a month or two of dieting.
And you can even survive a close hit with a neutron bomb if it's a Russian suitcase bomb put in a Temple on Wilshire by Saddam Hussein. Do it like me.... by moving to Reseda, a burough of L.A., 22 miles north of any radioactive cloud.
You can survive a quake if you live on bedrock. You can survive ozone with Raybans, you can survive a tidal wave if you have a rubber boat tied in the yard with a few hundred feet of cord so it won't be tied to the bottom of the sea (!) and always leave the back door open and have some raisins, canned bait, a straw hat and fishing line in the raft.
You can live without electricity if you have a windmill, you can live without a PC if you have a battery radio and a morse code set and you can live without a body or a planet if you have a soul.
This last one appeals to me as the supreme last ditch method as I was regressed to a prior lifetime, saw repeated lives in cinerama and technicolor so I have faith that the soul outlives the body but I'll allow not everybody would imagine there's a survival method THERE. As what if there's no EARTH? Would my soul know how to sail to another solar universe?
Sure it would. I've done it at times in my dreams. I visited an astral plane where everyone there had gorgeous storybook houses. I floated down a path into someone's living room. Two were sitting there. And they said knowingly, 'it's ok. don't let her bother you. She's dreaming.'
So, let's stop laughing. On a serious note, here are John Williams' Tips for Wrenching Times found on the net, at Consumertronics (Not the film composer.) These guys are at http://www.tsc-global.com/
1. Store up one year's supply of food. Don't rely upon frozen or canned food but primarily upon grains, soybeans, sprouting seed, beans, wheat and dehydrated & freeze dried foods. Get into gardening if you have the space and keep an ample supply of seed to meet any upcoming crunch. Easist way is to grow a crop in your yard, harvest part, dry seed for next year. Keep on hand large containers for storing water to be filled in a hurry when the collapse occurs.
2. If your home cannot be defended against riotous mobs by you and your family alone, pick a retreat in a nearby wilderness quickly accessible to you along some direct route that does NOT go through a populated area. Obtain maps of your retreat area, studies of its flora and fauna (Forest Service and game wardens), and camp on a regular basis in your area all year around to become accustomed to its feel and defensibility. Best is to buy an acre there, install septic tank, tent there while you compost it with all GREEN trashcans collected in your neighborhood, and nearby farmers' manure. Compost for a year if possible, Every autumn, turn compost into ground. Plant GREEN crop in spring, Alfalfa and legumes mixed. DISC that in 2 mos later. THEN plant your nut/avocado/fruit trees and vegie garden.
NOTE: If you live in a large city your best bet, as poor as it is, is to establish your retreat in your city neighborhood. When the collapse occurs, if you panic and try to make a wild dash to the country, you will end up doing it mostly on foot (all roads will become blocked beyond resolution) and you will likely die in the process. But you will need gun and ammunition to protect your orchard and vegie garden. Also, the many homeless will be trying to SQUAT in your home, burying YOU and family in your own yard so they can eat your poodle.
3. Carefully choose a survival arsenal. For every person in your group age 10 and over you should have one semi-automatic rifle (.223 or .30. In addition each person over 10 should have a reliable auto-pistol (9mm or .45), and the group should have a collection of .22 rimfire rifles, high powered revolvers, and shotguns. Finally, the group must have at least one highly-accurate (scope mounted) bolt- action rifle of high caliber (.308, .30-06, 7mm Magnum, etc.) Adequate ammunition stores must be provided for EACH gun in the arsenal, as well as all the things that go with guns (repair parts, reloading equipment, ammo components, extra magazines, bandoliers, holsters, cleaning equipment, ammo boxes, carrying cases, etc.).
4.Store up other survival components such as many hand tools, heavy-duty "work" clothes, medicines & medical supplies, communications equipment, energy supplies, hygienic supplies, camping equipment & supplies, ropes, bags, boxes, fishing equipment, fire starters, etc., etc.
5. Rough it! Cut your standard of living - particularly pleasure vacations. Do NOT get a second job or make any outstanding efforts to pay off consumer debts costing 2% or more below your inflationary rate. Right now, you need more than anything else the time to properly prepare you and your loved ones' survival when the collapse occurs. Having all the gear on hand is only 50% of the survival effort - you must be practiced and knowledgeable with their uses. When the crunch hits, if you don't start high on the survival learning curve, chances are you won't live beyond the first month.
Do NOT invest in one bag of silver coins per family member as Howard Ruff suggests! Believe me, they'll be few active coin collectors around after the shit hits the fan! Silver MAY be worth something, then again you coins may be as valuable as Confederate dollars were after the Civil War. But ammo will certainly become extremely valuable. Your best bet is .22 LR and shotgun ammo (12 gauge only) - these items translate directly into physical survival. So, after you have satisfied all of your other survival needs, invest ALL of your extra money into guns and ammo -particularly ammo!
Get into excellent physical condition. Play some racket ball sport to build speed, coordination, and maneuverability; lift weights to build substantial upper body strength; and run (I didn't say jog) on steep inclines and rough terrain to build endurance and leg power. But start gradually and work steadily (you don't want to injure yourself in your enthusiasm) and get yourself checked out by a physician because THAT would kill you faster and more surely than all the above cataclysms put together.
Source http://home.earthlink.net/~astrology/survive.htm
End of World Theories
By Jean-Claude Koven
I was recently asked how I interpreted the Mayan and Hopi Indians predictions that the world, as we know it, will end on the 21st of December, 2012. Would there be global war — possibly triggering a nuclear holocaust? Would the planet's life forms finally succumb to the ecological quagmire that's been building in our soils, oceans and atmosphere? Would the current steady increase of previously unknown diseases overcome our ability to defend against them? Or will we suddenly move into a new Golden Age in which the lion lies down with the lamb and struggle, pain, and suffering are gone forever?
This is no small question. Quite the contrary, it deals with some of the larger concepts in the universe. From a metaphysical perspective, the world ends and recreates itself every instant. December 21, 2012 is certainly no exception. However, it does offer a target date that brings all the possible scenarios into vivid focus.
What we perceive from our vantage point of being in human form is only a teeny sliver of the infinite swirl of interpenetrating realities that make up the universe. To us, there is a past, present, and future. Time appears to move predictably from moment to moment forming the days and years of our lives. 2012 is a real date on our calendars and each of the possible scenarios can be seen to be advancing steadily toward it like racehorses to the finish line.
If you were to ask the "2012 End-of-the-World" question of a gifted psychic, she (or he) would gaze into several of the parallel universes making up our possible futures and report back on the one that seemed to be the most vivid. This is like a handicapper picking the favorite in a particular race. Just as in horse racing, the favorite often wins or comes close. But, not always. On any given day, one of the long shots might cross the line first while the favorite trails the field.
From a cosmic perspective, picking the winning scenario is easy. Understanding the nature of how this can be done is considerably more elusive. Infinity is impossible to grasp in finite terms. When we pose a finite question in an infinite realm, it's like trying to cram a herd of stampeding elephants into a matchbox. It won't be the lack of effort that defeats us, but the minuscule size of the container we are trying to use. Our minds are the matchbox. We are going to have to think way out of the box to begin to grasp the answer to how our world will fare on December 21, 2012.
The simple answer is that every one of the possible scenarios you can envisage will find expression in one or more of the myriad parallel universes that manifests in every instant. And that includes the date spoken about by so many as the moment our world will come to an end. What adds weight to this date is the fact that with each passing hour more people are becoming aware of it, adding their energies to the consensus. We have already seen the power of agreement at work in events such as World Healing Day, The Harmonic Convergence and other similar moments of global focus. It was not the calendar date that created the power; it was the cohesive intent of those who took part.
Having said that, it is no mere coincidence that so many disparate cultures all around the world, that have had no known contact with one another, should focus on the same date. There is increasing evidence that the time leading up to the final solstice of 2012 does mark the presence of an energy portal that has never before been accessible to the human race. Each of us is being offered an opportunity to shift that may not again arise in thousands of years to come.
Whether December 21, 2012 actually marks an immutable cosmological event or becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy is moot. There is no question that it looms as a very significant moment. What concerns most people, is how they and their loved ones will be affected. At one end of the bell-curve of probabilities is total physical annihilation. At the opposite end is the arrival of the Golden Age we all dream about. Every other conceivable possibility lies between them. Somewhere near the center of the curve most people will find their most likely scenario in which the monumental moment will pass quietly like Y2K and their lives will appear to continue as if nothing happened at all.
December 22, 2012 will dawn as clocks continue to tick and the human race continues to move one day closer to whatever future harvest it has sown. That doesn't mean that many other people, who live their lives at the extremities of the curve, won't experience radically different events.
Imagine if you will, that you are in the center of a vast central train station. The tracks are arranged like the spokes of a giant wheel, each moving away from the center in a different direction. The trains are all scheduled to depart at the same moment on December 21, 2012. Every human being on Earth is at the station; free to board any of the trains he or she chooses. Each train is destined for a different parallel universe in which one of the innumerable possibilities is played out.
You (like everyone else) are at the station and must get on one of an almost infinite number of trains. But, like the psychic, you can only see one or two of them. Your choices appear meager — almost as if you had no choice at all and your future was determined totally by fate. Such is not the case at all — unless, of course, you allow it to be.
If you remember the station scene in the Harry Potter books (or movies) in which the wizard children were able to board the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4 by walking straight through a concrete pillar, then you will begin to see how all this works. What is delightfully easy for wizards is equally impossible for muggles (non-wizards).
The Hogwarts Express is bound for the next dimension — the Golden Age of our dreams. The problem is that until you become a wizard, you have no way of finding the right platform. The world, as you know it, will definitely end on December 21, 2012, if that's what you choose. You will definitely be there when it happens, seated on one of the infinite number of trains leaving the station. Every one of us will be required to be on board.
Now that you know where you will be on the day the world ends, you get to decide which train you'd like to ride. There is still time (according to the calendars of this illusion) before the trains must leave the station. Plenty of time for you to leave your muggle world behind and become the wizard you already are. The choice, as always, is yours.
Jean-Claude Koven is a Rancho Mirage, CA based writer and speaker. He is the author of Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense, the Allbooks Reviews editor's choice for the best metaphysical book of 2004. For more information, please visit: http://www.prismhouse.com.
The Gravity of Enlightenment and 2012
By: Vasily Souzdenkov
Source: http://guidemyspirit.com
2012 ? Is known as a date to spread fear and confusion into the minds of everyday people. From all those doomsday prophecies to the end of the world myths, this date has been turned about side down from what it is really supposed to mean. People know really little about the true meaning of 2012 and what it represents, not only what it represents to the human civilization but to the Universe itself.
I don?t want to talk too much about what is going to happen in 2012 or who tell about the prophecies and if it will happen and how. Those questions will always be unanswered until the day comes for us to see. Instead I want to talk about something more important that 2012 will bring to us and that is the journey of enlightenment and how much gravity 2012 has on it. People don?t understand that they shouldn?t be worrying about what is going to happen how, but instead they should take this time that they have and increase their level of consciousness and reach enlightenment, because at that point it won?t really matter what will happen.
Before I go into talking about meditation and enlightenment and how to progress towards that, I wanted to first show you some of the cultures that have their eyes fixed upon this date and are waiting moment by moment for it to enter their doorsteps.
Cultures and 2012
Hopi: An ancient civilization that currently live in Arizona, who predicted the coming of the ?White Man?, several of the world wars, and the nuclear dispute in the super powers of the world. They go on to say that there will be the New Age, where all of this will come to an end and humanity will enter into the ?5th world?.
Mayans: As we know the Mayans have the long count calendar that is coming to an end, and re-entering a New Age, they also pinpoint 2012, in fact they are the most talked about who predicted this date, although not the only ones. According to them we are entering the completion of creation.
Zulu: Give information saying that the ?whole world will be turned upside down?, which makes sense because the world as we know it is currently in space/time, but will be entering a time/space according to lot?s of sources.
Hindus: Following the Lunar calendar the Hindu prophecy of Lord Krishna is supposed to occur as well. The prophecy is almost precisely the same as the Mayans have predicted, yet both these cultures never met. They say this is the end of the Kali Yuga (end time of man) and the rebirth of the enlightened ones on this plane.
Incas: The Inca calendar also ends on the year of 2012, they also mention the turning over of life, the renewal of life. They mention several times of an aligning of the planets which will bring forth the New Age, which relates to the science community of the aligning of the Earth, Sun, and our galaxy.
Aztec: Also similar prophecies as to the Mayans and the rest of the ancient cultures. They too point to the date of 2012, in December at 11: 11 to be exact. They follow the long count calendar which is do to end on that date. For them it is a time of the 6th sun, a New Age of creation.
Dogon: Have a bit of a different take on it, they talk about a returning of a spaceship to form a new blue star, which seems to be relating to us and the Earth, and the new times ahead.
Cherokee: Another very ancient culture points to the date of 2012 as well.
Tibetan: The Tibetan teachings also prophesize of the New Age that is coming up ahead in our time, left by the Buddha himself.
Egyptians: Also have the same perspective, on their stone calendar, and it ending in 2012 A.D.
Those are just the main cultures that point towards this date/time of the coming age. This is backed up with lot?s of theories and metaphysical science, not all provable, and probably never will be for it will inflict the Law of Free Will on many levels.
Consciousness and 2012
Most people have a natural impulse to fear 2012 because they are shooting at it in the dark. What I mean by this is people know that something will happen in 2012 but they don?t know what, so they don?t know what to do about it. They resort to a lot of talking and little doing.
If a person talked continuously stating that one day he will be rich and one did he will have all the cars he wants and live in a big house, would he get all that just from talking? No, never. If he had that in mind and did everything in his power to reach that state, then he has a great shot.
Well guess what fear and 2012 go in the same direction as that example. People spend countless hours talking about what will happen in the future and how it will affect everyone, but those people really don?t have a clue about what they are going to do about it. The most important aspect to keep in mind is to do something about events like 2012. If this event does happen it won?t be to wipe out all of mankind, that wouldn?t be too progressive on the who ever runs this game. Instead progressing in consciousness is the best way to go, you really have nothing to lose if you do so, and you will no longer be in the dark about 2012, but instead have a light to guide your through it.
?Some calibrated ?facts?:
Here are some important statistics I found online I think everyone should know about, well at least who ever is interested in consciousness and 2012 that is. If you don?t know what wanderers are which there is right now 50% of the popular that consist of them, they are entities that are not really from Earth, but instead came here to help humanity to progress to the next level, but most importantly the Earth.
Percentage of ?Star kids/Seeds/Wanderers? on the Planet: 40 ? 45% of population (measured 04/10/08).
Average ?incarnation LoC? for all living Wanderers on the planet: around 360.
Average ?incarnation LoC? for all Terrestrials on the planet: around 150. ?
Right now the Earth calibrates at around the level of 200, just over the state of truth hood which was taken from the writings of Dr.Hawkins PhD MD. This means that out of the 1000 levels that humans have the potential of reaching most calibrate around 200. Levels of consciousness represent states that a person is one in life and emotion, but most importantly the state of their overall consciousness during the present time span. The reason why I say time span is because most people jump on these levels up and down during the day, but a person is on average always somewhere on that chart either going up or down over a long period of time.
Why is this important you ask? Well because 2012 is the gravity point of both sides of the levels of consciousness. What this means is that as 2012 comes closer and closer the weight of both polarities, this being positive and negative, are at their strongest influence upon humanity as a whole. So if a person is somewhat close to enlightenment and is on the level of love, as the time becomes closer to the date their calibration weight will heavily get boosted to the top, and those that are close to the negative side will get pushed down towards more negativity.
The Universe is simply balancing itself out and placing people in the positions they chose to go themselves.
Meditate Towards Enlightenment ? Practical Guide for 2012
I honestly did not want to get to technical with all those levels of consciousness and how it works because I could literally type up several hundreds pages about what I know on it. Instead of talking about what 2012 is about I want to talk about what to do about it. Since I feel this is a very left out position on every website I visit that is about 2012.
Meditation ? Please wait! I don?t mean you have to sit silently in a room full of candles and be thoughtless for hours, no way! In fact I think this hurts a lot of people who are used to very hectic days going from work to cooking and taking care of their kids. Instead what I am trying to point out is for you to have some time to remember. Meditation isn?t something that you do, but something that you are a part of. People sitting in a circle talking about their fantasies of the future are a meditating too and its just one of the ways to connect into unity with other people.
So get together with some like minded people and talk, connect about reality and express your minds, allow yourself to be part of something and enjoy life. Simply keeping life to just three aspects of compassion, simplicity, and joy can make all the difference in your day to day life.
Universe>You ? Another way to imagine this is to picture yourself compared to the universe and really absorb how small you are compared to the vastness of the wonders that we see in the sky at night. No this isn?t to make you feel down because you are not special, well you are and you are not, but the point of this is to really make you feel like you have no pressure and nothing to worry about than simply raising your consciousness and loving yourself and others.
Nature ? Nature is your best friend and will always be, so get in tune with it and spend some time outside near a tree or simply look at the sun once in a while. Pay attention to your surroundings and zone out from your singular consciousness. You are part of the oneness that exists everywhere, you simply need to start remembering that and life will really be better.
There is much more I can say, but I think this is enough for now, in summary what I am trying to tell you is not to worry to much about 2012 being something bad or negative, the Universe doesn?t work that way and never will, there is greater purpose than simply wiping out a civilization who can love other more than anyone else, if only we remembered why we are here.
Reflections on 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl
So what are you doing December 21, 2012? Made any big plans?
The date just a little bit more than five years away, gives one pause for thought. Especially, when one considers the hypothesis put forth in the book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck. Pinchbeck, a writer and founding editor of literary journal Open City, would on the surface definitely fit into your stereotypical role of member of the East Coast intelligentsia. But that description would probably fit a Pinchbeck from an earlier paradigm.
In Pinchbeck's first book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism we explore one writer's journey into the world of psychedelic substances and the mysticism and ceremony which accompany them. This is the story of his personal experiences and the realms opened to him while undergoing rituals surrounding such psychedelic plant essences from the Iboga tree and the Ayahuasca vine brew.
Following this, in The Return of Quetzalcoatl, we are given not only deeper insight into his experiences with these substances and their accompanying shamanic rituals, but also a work of scholarship pulling inspiration from knowledge gleaned on the journey.
What if there were phyiscal evidence in the world that suggested our days of living in this plane of existence were strictly limited? What if there were voices around us that told us we were at a true crossroads in our human history and planetary evolution?
I know that many of my fellow Zaadzsters who read these words can almost instinctively taste these ideas without a directed notion from the outside world. After all, it is a commitment that each of us have made to being a part of the change in the world that brought us here.
In Pinchbeck's book we are treated to a work of scholarship based on a solid editorial background, personal experience, and perhaps most importantly, a record based upon inspired perception.
I came to this book like so many other subjects in my life, based upon the inspiration of fear. I can recall a long line of subjects, people and ideas which societal thinking, mass media and popular opinion told me I should fear. In 1980, when hostages were taken in the country of Iran , I was given the American cultural mandate that all Middle Easterners were savages with aspirations toward killing every American in the name righteousness and riches in the afterworld. As a teenager, I would hear the stories of Tupac Amaru Shakur, a young Rapper who spoke of hatred toward women, whites and the noble American establishment. In each case, curiosity would lead me to removing the mask from the beast, to better understand just what it was that I was supposed to be afraid of. Usually, not only would I come to a place of deeper and more balanced understanding, but a place of great respect and fondness.
And then there's the biggest fear: The idea that you and I are living in humanity's end times.
It has been not only a need to remove the beast's mask, but an instinct that my own perceptions were sensing something deeper at work that led me to pick up the book in an effort to better understand what could be happening.
Pinchbeck postulates that what is going on is a global consciousness transformation that has been pointed to for thousands of years from cultures and records as diverse as the Vedas, Mayan cosmology, Tibetan Buddhism, Mystic Christianity, Kaballah and Native American spirituality. Not only have the recent and near recent voices of Rudolf Steiner, Carl Jung and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin spoken of these ideas, but science has gone on to reflect the truths in ideas put forth by these vast and seemingly divergent voices. Why, what we have come to learn from Quantum Physics in the past twenty years and it's support of spiritual ideas is enough to give one pause for thought.
My experience of reading this book was powerful. I found myself not only amazed and challenged by the ideas put forth in the book, but literally facing a series of shattered assumptions. Despite my desire to read the book in as few sittings as possible, I found myself needing to put the book down so as to give myself an opportunity not only to assimilate the ideas proposed, but to redefine my framework of understanding.
Central to the book is the concept of the idea of callendrical time, and humanity's seemingly intrinsic need to wield control over the uncontrollable. The book quite rightly asks why in a global culture so fixated on technology and innovation, do we base our daily lives around the Gregorian calendar dating back to 1582, and before that, the Sumerian culture which shifted paradigms of timekeeping from a lunar methodology to a solar model?
The book is full of questions and possible answers to the understanding of the human experience. It also asks us why we operate at such a discord from our own possible true natures and that of the universe we inhabit.
In reading this book, I was not left with some limited idea of the way things may be, should be, or could be, nor some construct based upon a particular “medicinally inspired” contingent's way of thinking, but more and more pulled away from a reductive way of thinking.
I have for sometime tried to think in expansive ways, frame my behavior and work my processes in ways that allowed for greater possibility in function and understanding, even before I knew beyond an instinctual level what that meant. At a certain level, this way of being and thinking is still at a highly instinctual and nascent level. But I feel as if the learning now taking place within this particular time in my life is tearing out faulty wiring. Destroying false constructs. Confronting paradox and contradiction. Taking greater leaps of faith every time I sit down to create something or consider a challenge. And with all of this I am left with a single core question:
If humanity has less than six years in which it can choose to take part in a positive manner in a coming global shift of consciousness, then what should I be doing with my time?
This question certainly begets other valid questions, but my sense is that the time of debate has past us. The idea of “who is right” is an ideal of humanity set in an adolescent mindset, the idea of being “right” further shackled to an even more childish mindset.
In my childhood, I remember through the specters of nuclear supremacy, terrorism, the cult of Nostradamus and fatalistic Christian end-time ideas, feeling as if I was inheriting a world preparing to flicker out due to it's own lack of wisdom, and God's desire to have “his” way with us all. Now in my own adulthood, I get the sense that the wisdom of humanity is here with us in ever-greater mass, and that the God we imagine is but a pale shadow of the true nature of what we think “him” to be. Instead, I now believe that we are about to inherit a world in a New Era in humanity and a coming expansive nature, infinite in possibility, unlimited in nature.
But still the big question that one is left pondering is if there are just a bit more than five years to prepare, what should I be doing with my time?
Source: http://darshan.zaadz.com/blog/2007/3/reflections
by: Roc HatfieldEvery ancient tribe or group has a deep rooted myth describing a worldwide all encompassing deluge. Flood myths are recorded in the histories of myriad religious texts from Egypt to Australia. All of these ancient myths have a number of elements in common. The Earth was filled with a corrupt civilization, the Supreme Deity became very dissatisfied with the population and covered the entire Earth with water, killing practically ever living thing on the planet. The One Supreme God warned a few select individuals before hand and they fabricated a boat or some kind of floating platform and were spared, subsequently repopulating the Earth. Researchers have documented dozens of these almost identical mythologies. The Hebrew Bible handed down in part by MOSES chronicles the story of NOAH. The flood story told by MOSES contains all the same elements of the Babylonian and Assyrian flood myths which were written hundreds of years before him. The Egyptians have a similar myth and MOSES would have studied these stories as a student growing up in the PHARAOH'S Palace. Many theologians do not believe MOSES ever
existed and that he is just the Hebrew's version of the myth teller. It is difficult to imagine that all of these far ranging cultures would develop a myth that featured so many of the same elements. Could a world wide flood that ravaged the Earths' surface killing all living things and destroying everything in its path have really happened? Scientists and Geologists have discovered evidence of a global flood in the fossil record. Today fossils of ocean fish can be found hundreds of miles inland and at high altitudes atop mountain ranges. A large body of evidence points to a time when water covered the entire Earth.What could cause the Earth to be completely covered by water?
The ancient flood myths all point to the need of the Supreme Deity to rid the Earth of a failed civilization. The complete destruction of all humanity and its global accomplishments. This violent behavior is out of character for a universal benevolent creator, but seems to be more like an eye witness account retold by the unwitting descendants of the few who survived. The Earth is subject to cyclic changes that transpire over the course of thousands of years. The Greeks call it the "Great Year", the MAYAN, "the Long Count" many other ancient tribes refer to an astrological event now known as the "Procession of the Equinox". The Earth wobbles like a spinning top; it wobbles in a circular pattern on a track that takes 25,920 years to complete. Many ancient civilizations were aware of this sophisticated astrological data. How this was discovered is unknown. The Mayans known as great astrologers charted these slow cyclic changes and incorporated them into the most accurate calendar known to exist. Even today our calendar is considerably less accurate. Perhaps one of the most profound predictions of the Maya is that their Super Tech calendar ends December 21, 2012 at 11:18 AM GMT. This is a calendar that has remained perfect for over 4000 years and it just stops. Ancient Mayan texts proclaim that this is the end of the current age and the start of a new age when the Supreme Deity will return and the world will be destroyed by water. The Egyptians and Greeks were aware that the North Pole points to all of the star constellations of the Zodiac as it sweeps through the "Great Year". Every 2500 years pointing to a different constellation like a grand hour hand on a galactic clock face. Now the "Great Year" is coming to a close, or a fresh beginning depending on your point of view. And what star constellation will the North Pole be pointing to on December 21, 2012? Aquarius. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. And we all know that Aquarius is the sign for "WATER". Is it possible that every time the North Pole completes a 25,920 year cycle around the Zodiac and stops on the sign of Aquarius that we take a big drink? Could our Ancient High
Tech fore fathers have seen through their corruption long enough to know that the Earth has a built in washer cycle? In the Atlantium continuum during the last "Age of Aquarius" the Earth tilted down like a Top ready to fall over, pulled by gravitational forces from our astral neighbors. The world then fell on it side one quarter turn. This put the old North Pole now at the Equator. The worlds oceans would have sloshed out of their basins and covered the planet with a tidal wave as high as any mountain and would have swept the Earth at a speed faster than sound. The result would have been the complete scrubbing of the Earths' surface by water. Just a few lucky souls would have survived and "they" are the NOAHs of our Flood Myths. ATLANTIUM. Roc Hatfield/Author
Source: http://atlantium.blogspot.com/2006/11/atlantium-episode-v.html
It will begin suddenly,without warning. Many scandals that will disclose true backgound about how the System works will shake human masses. Disclosures about how international energetic megacompanies earn billions selling oil, preventing at the same time inventions of free energy to come to public. Disclosures about pharmaceutical trusts that earn money with "healing" diseases that are spread with viruses created in hidden laboratories. Disclosures about efficient cures for AIDS, cancer and other diseases that are known for quite some time, unkonwn to human masses. And about world media and censorship there, which is a logical consequence of a fact that few individuals own most worldly known newspaper, media and telecommunication companies. And finally disclosures about a secret world government that has most prominent politicians as its puppets and which creates profit out of wars and human suffering for millenia, a small group of beings that you work for in your jobs and voluntarily give them a significant amount of your monthly salary.
When lists with names, supported with facts will be known, human masses will arise. When facts will be known about what is happening in the stock market and where the money really goes, this will create a world stock market crash and fall of the current monetary system. Riots will begin as a consequence of released emotional energy which was suppressed for so long. In the chaos of those days members of the Resistance movement will reveal themselves to humanity and give guidance and support. They will penetrate to the surface from their undergound realms and bring along technology that will help humanity to get over those critical moments. They will cure most of currently known diseases with their medicaments. With their free energy sources they will end world energy crisis and stop environmental pollution. They will bring information that will open the eyes of people. Finally people will realize that they have lived in quarantine for millenia.
Money will disappear and will be replaced with exchange of goods based upon vibrational economy. The Resistance movement will assist in establishing new world government which will be chosen by humanity with its free will and that will lead humanity based on the principles of the Galactic codex. At that point the energy field of the planet will be cleared significantly. Memories of Atlantis will be returning to people and they will begin to create a New Atlantis, a new civillization of light. Buildings will be constructed in a combination of Atlantean and modern architecture which will be in harmony with nature. Many will be in a pyramidal or half spherical shape. Spiritually developed individuals will begin to gather in New age communities, so called islands of light. Everybody there will follow his vision aligned with the divine plan in deep connection with the universe.
When people will release the past, everybody will experience clarity of mind, emotional aliveness and physical health. The basic cell of society in islands of light will not be a family of personalities (father, mother and children) but a family of souls (twin souls, soulmates and other members of a soul family). People will connect there energetically and telepathically with angels, guides and extraterestrials. Through islands of light a physical connection between the surface of the planet and extraterrestrial civillizations will be established.
There will be teleportation chambers in islands of light through which it will be possible to travel into the Resistance movement, for some people into the Atlantean network and also towards the Pleiadian motherships. When the network of light will be strong and stable enough this will enable mass landings of Pleiadian starships. The Pleiadians will assist humanity during its transition towards the New age and with the process of acceptance of this planet into the Galactic confederation. They will anchor energy columns that will guide planet Earth throuh its transformation during its entry into the inner section of the tachyon belt.
When the critical mass of consciousness will be achieved the first wave of Ascension will occur. Motherships of the Galactic confederation will hover as brilliant white clouds above the islands of light, where teleportation beams will descend and lift the volunteers into the motherships. Those volunteers will reappear on Earth shortly in Ascended state in their rainbow bodies of light. Soon afterwards another critical mass will be achieved and the second wave of Ascension will happen. Masses of Ascended masters that will return to Earth will prepare humanity for the third wave of Ascension and for the Evacuation. Great planetary cataclisms will begin then as a cleansing of the physical matter of the planet. At the moment of most intensive cataclisms a polar shift will happen and that will trigger the third wave of Ascension with final Evacuation. Linear time as we know it will end and Earth will enter a new, higher dimension. This is a moment when the Mayan calendar ends, a moment in 2012
Source: http://www.karinya.com/ishtar5.htm
Prophecies of Nostradamus on World War III
Those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus say that he has indicated the possibility of a Third World War. Indeed, in some of his quatrains he mentions terrifying battles and events occurring in and around Europe, Asia and Africa which do not seem to have happened till date. There is, however, a difference of opinion among the experts about the overall sequence of these events and most of all, their timing.
My approach to deciphering the quatrains is based on the assumption that if a world wide war of this magnitude indeed takes place, it must have been mentioned in prophecies written in various religious texts and prophecies of non-religious nature which are part of the folklore of different cultures. I believe that a comparative study of all such prophecies vis-à-vis those of Nostradamus, along with insights into the local culture, tradition, history etc. may enable us to construct a more detailed picture of the prophesized events than what is possible by studying an individual prophecy in isolation. Most of these prophecies concentrate on the local perspective of a global war. But by finding out the similarities with other prophecies, we can find the global connection of the local events.
Contrary to what many of us think, prophesized events are neither inevitable nor are their time of occurrence fixed. A prophesized event is the one which is most likely to happen. It is merely one of the several possibilities. Similarly, even if an event takes place, its timing is not fixed. The deciding factor is the human free will. Collective human free will can alter an event, change its timing or even stop it entirely. Some events are hard to change for it requires a collective decision moving away entirely from the "logical" course. Sometimes, even an individual's decision may alter an event having wide implications. Most affected by human free will is the timing of an event. While collective human behavior is hard to change, the time of the event taking place changes according to collective or individual decisions. Some prophecies do indicate a timing of the war, not in terms of the exact date but by mentioning the appearance of certain signs like a specific astrological conjunction or an event preceding the war.
Broadly speaking, the various prophecies indicate that the Third World War will be preceded by an unprecedented increase in large-scale natural calamities all over the world like big earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, famines etc. Localized wars, revolutions, political disturbances and large scale terrorist attacks will increase. Assassinations of high profile leaders will take place and tensions between various countries will rise. The economies of various countries will be severely affected, leading to unemployment or inflation. The actual war would be of a short duration but is said to be several times more destructive in terms of the cost of human lives and property than all the previous world wars taken together.
To summarize what I have analyzed in this site, based on various prophecies, the Third World War would start when Russia suddenly attacks Europe in coalition with certain Middle Eastern countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya and probably China. Prior to the World War III, USA would be severely crippled by terrorist attacks, assassinations, a civil war and an economic collapse. Prior to that, there would be a civil war in Italy, during which the Vatican would be overrun by the mob. The Pope would escape but many of his cardinals would die. The palace and the chapels would be burnt down. While on the run, the Pope would be captured and killed. There would be a schism in the Vatican and three Popes would reign at the same time, propped up by competing powers. Supported by US and other catholic countries, the Papacy would be shifted elsewhere and a "true" Pope would be elected there. Europe would be almost overrun by the Russian and eastern forces and many of its cities and also those of USA would be destroyed by conventional weapons as well as weapons of mass destruction like nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Russia would attack from the North as well as from the East of Europe. An Arab
/ Iranian army would attack from the south. The Pope, and later the British Prime Minister would be forced to flee to the US. Paris would be destroyed by "revolutionaries" within France. The attack on the US would stop the Civil War there. New types of weapons, like Chemical Weapons and particularly what appears to be portable Laser weapons, would be used in the war. At the same time an unprecedented disaster would take place. A comet would suddenly appear over the earth in the peak of the war, would break into several pieces and fall to the earth. Smaller pieces would rain fire on cities and forests all over the world, burning them down. A large piece would fall into the sea creating a Tsunami of Biblical proportions, flooding parts of Europe (including Britain), USA and Africa. One medium sized chunk would fall on land, creating a huge crater, resulting in earthquake and volcano activities all over the world. This event would loosen the grip of the invading army over Europe. A joint coalition of US and European forces under the leadership of a charismatic leader "Chiren" would organize a counter-attack against the invading forces in Europe and elsewhere. The Russian forces in Europe would be almost destroyed by the counter-attack and this would lead to a revolution in Russia and the Russian leader who started the war would be assassinated. Russia, under a new leader would then join the western coalition and fight against its former allies, who would eventually be defeated. The Pope would return to Europe and Chiren would be crowned the Monarch. Peace would return to the world after a loss of almost two-thirds of its population and the wealth of nations accumulated over millennia. But this would surely not be the end of the world.
It is hard to understand at this stage why Russia would suddenly attack Europe. Yet, most of the prophecies seem to agree on this part. Logically too, it is only Russia which has the capability to take on the might of USA and Europe, even after the break up of its empire. It still has sufficient nuclear weapons, technology and manpower to do so. The overall picture of the events leading to the World War is not clear. What appears from some prophecies is that immediately preceding the war, Russia would have tensions with the west over some Middle Eastern affair. But the actual war would begin after the assassination of a political leader in the Balkan area, who could be the famous "Mabus" often discussed in the context of Nostradamus's prophecies. The Russian attack might be a result of its perception that the assassination, probably in one of its friendly countries, could be a prelude to an western invasion and the best way would be to pre-empt it. A major terrorist attack on the US, assassination of some world leaders and another war in the Middle East may precede the Third World War, apart from numerous natural disasters. Some prophecies say that before the 3rd World War, Israel would grant statehood to Palestine. Then oil would be discovered there and a war would start between Israel and Palestine. It is probable that it is this war that would generate tensions between USA and Russia, since US and Russian fleets are said to confront each other in a tense standoff in the Mediterranean before the war in yet another prophecy. The Bible and the Islamic texts also mention Iraq. It is said that the river Euphrates would dry up and something would be discovered in its dried up riverbed, which would cause much tension among nations. There are also prophecies on the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque / Temple Mount in Jerusalem before the war and the death of Saddam Hussein in US custody even before his trial begins.
Source http://ww-iii.tripod.com/
Nostradamus Concerning Comets in the future
Quatrain II.46
After great misery for mankind an even greater one approaches, when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.
Quatrain II.41
The great star for seven days will burn, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff all night will howl, When the great pontiff changes countries.
The great star will burn for seven days and the cloud will make the sun appear double. The large mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his abode.
Line 1 & 2: The great star is a comet, and the cloud the coma. The comet will burn so brightly in the sky it appears that we have two suns. (Alternative translation :'The great star for September days will burn'). Since it is visible at the same time as the sun (a daylight comet such as the Great Daylight Comet of 1910) we can conclude it approaches from the sun's sector of the sky. It's brightness indicates a close approach. Line 3: Nostradamian scholars usually identify the mastiff as representing Britain - so we have a period of national distress in Britain. Line 4: Events necessitate the Papacy's relocation from Italy.
Quatrain VI.6
There will appear towards the North, Not far from Cancer the bearded star: Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria, The great one of Rome will die, the night over.
(Editor's Note, In May 2001 Planet X was two years away and seen approaching from Orion.")
Line 3: Seismically active areas Line 4: Pope will die, along with many.
PROPHECIES Nostradamus Concerning Comets in the future
Quatrain I.69
The great mountain round of seven stadia, Afterwards peace, war, famine, flood, It will roll far away sinking great countries, Even antiquities, and great foundation.
Line 1: What type of mountain is round? A good reference here is to the burning mountain of Revelations which John describes as being thrown into the oceans - a clear reference to an asteroid or comet [Revelations 8:8]. So it appears we have a meteor or asteroid which AFTER (i.e. the hit) causes war, famines, floods, great countries to be sunk.
Quatrain II.43
During the bearded star's appearance, The three great princes will be made enemies: Hit from the sky, peace earth trembling, Pau, Tiber overflowing, serpent on the brink placed.
During the appearance of the bearded star, the three great princes will be made enemies. The tremulous peace on earth will be struck from the skies; the Po, the winding Tiber, a serpent on the shore
Line 1: Comets were called bearded stars. Line 2: Three great nations - only 3 possible major powers are USA, China and Russia. So they are possible candidates Line 3: A strike from the sky shatters peace (asteroid in comets tail) Line 4: Earthquakes in Italy/ France resulting from impact causing flooding.
Quatrain II.70
The arrow from heaven will make it's journey. Dead while speaking; a great execution. The stone in the tree, the pond nation brought down. The rumour of a human monster, purge and expiation.
Line 1: The asteroid approaches from the heavens like an arrow. Line 2: The death toll of the impact - people die unexpectedly. Line 3: stone is the asteroid, pond nation probably England/ Britain (see next quatrain) Line 4: May possibly refer to the Anti- Christ
PROPHECIES Nostradamus Concerning Comets in the future
Quatrain II.62
Mabus will soon die and there will happen a dreadful destruction of people and animals. Suddenly, vengeance will appear, a hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when the comet passes.
Line 1: The identity of Mabus is still unclear. He is not necessarily the AntiChrist. One strong candidate is Saddam Hussein (invert his first name in a mirror, by which he is universally known). Line 2: The effects of the impact Line 3: Note the use of suddenly Line 4: The comet PASSING is the cause of the turmoil and misery.
Quatrain III.70
The whole of Great Britain, including England, will be covered by very deep floods. The new league in Ausonne will declare war so that they will ally against them. Line 1 & 2: Continuing the theme, Britain will suffer flooding from the impact. Line 2 & 4: Italy (Ausonne in south of Italy, stand for whole) involved in war.
"Then a great empire of the Antichrist will begin – where [once] Attila[‘s empire] and Xerxes descended [Central Asia and Persia] – in numbers great and countless, so many that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree [of latitude], will make a transmigration, driving out the abomination of the Antichrist [who is] making war against the Royal [Pope] who will be the great Vicar of Jesus Christ, and against his Church, and his reign for a time and to the end of time. And this will be preceded by a solar eclipse more obscure and more dark [and mysterious], than any since the creation of the world except for the death and passion of Jesus Christ, from that time ill now, and there shall be in the month of October some great movement and transference [of the globe] and it will be such that one will think that the Earth has lost its natural [gravitational] movement, and that it will be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness; there will be initial omens in the spring, and extraordinary changes in rapid succession thereafter, reversals of kingdoms and mighty earthquakes, with the increase of the new Babylon, the miserable daughter, augmented by the abomination of the first Holocaust, and it will last no less than 73 years and 7 months…”
[after this a period of peace and harmony is seen – the 1000 years of peace described in the Bible]
Source: http://www.angelfire.com/music2/fullcircle/
Vanishing Bee Colonies, Doomsday Scenarios and Sunspots
Albert Einstein once said : “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”
Apocalyptic for sure. We haven’t reached that point yet, but some worrisome indicators suggest dramatic drops in the bee population of the US are likely to impact crop production. This is not a small agricultural sector that is being impacted either. In the US bees pollinate more than $14 billion worth of seeds and crops each year.
The disappearing bee phenomena isn’t restricted to the US. In Europe countries are experiencing varying degrees of what investigators describe as “colony collapse disorder” (or CCD). Countries effected include Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. However the most serious losses have occurred in the US. On the West Coast keepers have seen bee population losses in the 30 to 60 percent range. On the East Coast and Texas it gets as high as 70%. These are catastrophic drops for an industry that considers around a 20% population decline to be an off-season norm.
There are a number of different theories about why this is happening. After looking at a cross-section of scientific opinion I tend toward the view that the decline in the bee population is being triggered by a variety of factors, rather than a single overriding cause.
There is evidence that the immune system of bees has been adversely effected by modern agricultural practices. These range from use of insecticides to the controlled raising of bees in order to have an army of pollinators ready to service crops on schedule. Some researchers take the view that genetically modified crops are a contributing factor in bee population decline. Stress figures into it too, given that increased pressure is being placed on colonies as their habitat is squeezed each year due to urban development. Parasites are also an issue. The varroa mite introduced from Asia has proved to be problematic.
The decline in the health of the colonies can be demonstrated by research data. You know the problem has reached crisis levels when a guy like Dennis van Englesdorp with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture uses an Aids analogy in an attempt to underscore the seriousness of the threat to bee populations.
Researchers have discovered multiple infections co-existing in some colonies, many of which were also infected with fungi, an indicator that the bees’ immune systems were seriously compromised. This compromised immune function may be related to genetically modified crops and scientists are currently working to try to determine any possible links. When you look at the stats though, on the surface there does seem to be a generalized cause and effect pattern. In the US, which has experienced the most severe bee losses, 40% of the corn is now a GM insect-resistant strain. By contrast in Germany we are only talking about 0.06%, mostly grown in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg regions.
A number of earlier studies investigated whether or not GM crops were having a negative impact on bees. One such study took place at the University of Jenna from 2001 to 2004. The researchers used a GM maize variant named “BT corn” that includes a gene from a soil bacterium in order to make it insect-proof. At first the study seemed entirely positive. No discernible negative effects were detected in the bees from the BT corn. Then researchers discovered that when the bees were attacked by a parasite, the portion of the colony exposed to the BT corn had a much lower ability to fight off infection and showed much more rapid levels of decline.
There is a second set of factors though that raises concerns about quantum-mechanical effects related to magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves. The majority of losses have been occurring as a result of bees being unable to navigate back to their hives. Bees have been expiring singly, in a seemingly disoriented state far from the hive and this can’t simply be attributed to immune system issues.
There are two possible causes. One being our high-tech gadgetry, particularly mobile phone technology. The other cause odd though it may seem, relates to so-called “sunspots” - the effect of solar activity.
At first glance it seems a bit far-fetched to make a connection between the life of bees and mobile phones. However research suggests there may indeed be something to this theory. German research has determined that bees showed a marked change of behavior when in the vicinity of power lines, and a study conducted at Landau University found that bees avoided returning to the hive when mobile phones were placed nearby.
A study by the mathematician Barbara Shipman, provides one of the more fascinating … one might even say ‘esoteric’ theories. A critical aspect of bee activity hinges obviously upon finding pollen sources and returning to the hive. According to Ms Shipman this routine is facilitated by the dance the bees perform. She indicates that the dance is influenced by factors such as the polarization of the light of the sun and variations in the earth’s magnetic field.
She goes further though and suggests bees are capable of identifying quarks. I think it’s a leap to suggest that bees can ‘perceive’ the quantum field or even use it as a type of frame of reference. My hunch is that their activity is pretty much instinctual, based upon their highly specialized circuitry. Questions about whether or not they can perceive quarks seems almost a moot point, especially since there is no way of proving it.
Where the sunspot theory does hold up is that bees appear to be very sensitive to energy fluctuations. One study exposed a colony to bursts from a high-intensity magnetic field and concluded that the bees’ reactions revealed a high sensitivity to nuclear magnetic resonance, or NMR. This occurs when an electromagnetic wave alters the orientation of the nuclei of atoms.
Some scientists take the view that the next solar maximum may be one of the most intense ever. Mausumi Dikpati, an astronomer with the National Center for Atmospheric Research predicts a solar maximum for 2012, a phenomena that last occurred in 1958. The sunspot generates intense magnetism that can be felt on the earth. Dikpati even believes that it is possible electronics will be effected, for example GPS and mobile phone technology. Since solar cycle 24 began in 2007 according to Mausumi’s estimate, it’s possible that the behavior of bees is already being effected to some degree.
The dramatic declines in the bee population appear to be due to a combination of factors. Insecticides, crop engineering, shrinking habitats and parasites have impacted the overall health and immune system of bees. The other factor contributing to bee decline relates most probably to side-effects of technology and solar activity.
Polar Shift by 2012?
New Evidence and Theory Suggests Einstein May Have Been Right
By Carl Peterson
Science has long speculated that the earth's center rotates at a different speed from the crust. The big question really has been "What holds the earth's crust in equilibrium with the center?" Visionary writer and inventor Carl Peterson may have discovered the answer. In looking for the reasons "magnetic north" lies far from the North Pole, Peterson has stumbled upon a scientific explanation that also fits with past polar shifts; and offers probable causes, timing, and local effects of the next shift. His theory complements and completes a Charles Hapgood theory endorsed by Albert Einstein, in which the poles, aided by massive ice build up, are eventually thrown by centrifugal force to the equator.
If the center rotates at a different speed from the crust, there is good reason to believe that this is the cause for the static electricity apparent on the earth's surface. If that is true, then North Pole on the crust must have an opposite magnetic charge from north in the earth's core.
The obvious conlusion is that "magnetic north" is not a specific designated point on the globe, but rather an "average" location determined by the confluence of the magnetic north of the massive earth center, and what must be in reality the weaker "magnetic south" of the earth's crust, which in fact rests at the North Pole.
If the earth's center has a pronounced "wobble" as it spins, slipping and sliding as it were beneath the crust, it is then the intense magnetic attraction between the two that defines the speed of the earth crust rotation. In other words, the crust spins at exactly the same speed as the wobble, or interior "precession". This effect can be demonstrated with a gyroscope or simple child's top. The top can have a high exterior spin rate, and at the same time a slowly wandering wobble.
The magnetic characteristics of the crust are then probably electromagnetic in nature, fully dependent upon the core for activation. If so, it will require a relatively weak catalyst to break this bond, sending the ice at the poles on a journey once again down (or up) to the equator.
Science knows that the ice on the polar land masses continues to build up rapidly. Warmer polar temperatures actually deposit more ice and snow, now more than two miles deep in some places.
A whole raft of prophesies and predictions (Cayce, Nostradamus, Hopi and Mayan Indians) point towards an event like this happening soon.
In his book "Earth Changes" Peterson goes one step further in actually detailing a step by step scenario of the next polar shift. Are there ways to avoid the next shift? Probably not. Are there ways to survive it? Undoubtably, being in the right place at the right time with the right gear can make a huge difference.
Carl Peterson is truly a man for all seasons. Carl has authored several books including his most recent, "The Zen of No Tax" revealing a simple alternative to the NWO tax conspiracy. Inventor and founder of the Peterson Portable Sawmill, Carl has done the corporate experience, lived in a remote British Columbian religious commune, lived on a Fijian jungle plantation for 13 years, and survived a brutal beating at the hands of armed Fijian soldiers following the '87 Fiji coup. At the moment Carl is focusing on a New Zealand tax revolution in order to restore freedom, abundance, sanity, and common sense to government leaders; and working on a new book promoting deeper relationships and connections between individuals. For more information about this article, Carl, or his work, go to http://www.truthaboutax.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Peterson
Timewave Theory
Emergent behavior from complex systems, elementally founded upon fundamental, indivisible, and subatomic elements presents a pattern that if we stare into far enough we can see all of reality imprinted inside it. To a certain degree, everything has analogous properties, bearing elements of likeness, within a family of self-similar attributes. Time, as contemporary Westerners organize it, breaks into segmented parts: milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years. We know this system to be flawed; within our 365 days per year model, we are occasionally required to modify a month with a given extra day here and there. Our flawed measurement of time differs from saying that time itself is flawed. Time appears to be mutable, or at least at times bent and yet time is not a thing, it is not material— meeting at the cusp of space in a fractional universe, exerting force ever forward (to our perceptions). Chaos reveals itself as a dominant force in the universe, with its strange attractors allowing the more admirable and beautiful natural phenomena to occur. Is there perhaps some attractor pulling us forward through time?
Modern physicists and ancient Asian philosophies agree— time is change. Time is flux, from Heraclitus to the Tao Te Ching. The I Ching, or The Book of Changes has long led as guidance to Oriental cultures, originating in China. Though artificial and of human conception, the I Ching, if its mathematical and qualitative features are validated (besides its efficacy as a work of art and poetry), is a direct product of the complex interactions of the people who created it and their understanding of time.
The King Wen sequence of the I Ching divides into 64 hexagrams, each a combination of six lines holding the properties of yin or yang. Each hexagram, according to the tradition, represents the archetypes of human interactions. Assuming that the world is governed by seemingly random events and causality, the chaos in hexagram selection by the I Ching diviner compliments the chaotic nature of reality, thus tapping in to its very nature allowing insight to life's possibilities. The I Ching influenced and confounded such modern intellectuals as the psychologist and mystic Carl Jung, Philip K. Dick the author and cosmic by-product, and most relevant to the theories discussed here, Terence McKenna.
Terence McKenna was a psychonautical explorer, a special kind of genius who believed in the power of psychedelics to unlock the mind's ability to ascertain the secrets of the universe. If anything can be learned through the theories of complexity, it is the interconnectedness and gestalt through all things. Through the use of psilocybin-containing fungi and DMT-containing aboriginal mixtures, McKenna began formulating a theory of time that at first was very intuitive and abstract. Through the aid of his ethnobotanist brother, Dennis McKenna, morphogenetic fields theorist Rupert Sheldrake, and chaos scientist Ralph Abraham, McKenna further clarified his theory of novelty with a refined mathematical base.
A few basic terminologies must be established so that I am making sense in my descriptions here. First and foremost, I establish that my knowledge of mathematics is limited to pre-calculus. My knowledge of chaos theory and fractals are limited to the handful of books and classes I've taken on the subject. I am no physicist— just a guy with a sincere interest in reality, perhaps more open-minded than I should be. I make no claims that these theories are entirely scientifically sound, nor do I believe in them any more than I believe in a time model without structure. As humans, we are pattern-forming creatures, and for our own personal comfort we tend to invent rationalizations of the universe that fit within a model that can make us happy— that says something is happening beyond randomness. As I understand complexity theory, it only further enhances the arguments that can be made here&mash; that time and a fractional imprint could possibly dictate causality.
Timewave One is the evolved theory, as it stands today. Through many revisions by the meticulous investigations of mathematicians Matthew Watkins and John Sheliak, it has evolved into more than just an abstract psychedelic whim. Consider that like light, time fluctuates in a waveform, albeit one more complicated than one of such simplicity as a sine wave. This wave is a fractal, wherein the wave when plotted over time (x) remains the same shape regardless of whether time is seen as a large portion of time or a smaller unit. In this graph y would represent novelty, or the occurrence of time.
According to Alfred North Whitehead:
Creativity is the principle of novelty. Creativity introduces novelty into the content of the many, which are the universe disjunctively. The creative advance is the application of this ultimate principle of creativity to each novel situation which it originates. The ultimate metaphysical principle is the advance from disjunction to conjunction, creating a novel entity other than the entities given in disjunction. The novel entity is at once the togetherness of the many which it finds and also it is one among the disjunctive many which it leaves; it is a novel entity, disjunctively among the many entities which it synthesizes. The many become one, and are increased by one. In their natures, entities are disjunctively many in process of passage into conjunctive unity. Thus the production of novel togetherness is the ultimate notion embodied in the term concrescence. These ultimate notions of production of novelty and concrete togetherness are inexplicable either in terms of higher universals or in terms of the components participating in the concrescence. The analysis of the components abstracts from the concrescence. The sole appeal is to intuition.
On the timewave's graph, periods of high novelty are where key events in history have taken place. McKenna's plotting, through his Timewave Zero software developed by John Sheliak, indicates at its highest novelty points key moments in history, such as the formation of the sun, the earth, and onward.
When looked at over a smaller timescale, the graph repeats itself with new key points.
The graph presents time over a scale of 6 billion years, or the same illustrates the last 94 million years. Or one can leap ahead to the past 360 years; the timewave remains the same as key events are plotted according to McKenna (which I admit may be the more subjective, arbitrary flaw of the theory):
The most compelling piece of information within these graphs is the end point at 2012. According to the software McKenna used, and the information supposedly released upon him by the collective unconscious (or the logos) was a future end date in that year, precisely December 21, 2012. This end date is not the Armageddon usual in end-of-the-world theories; instead it is the point of highest novelty throughout time. This could be interpreted as the most major paradigm shift we have ever known, and limiting it only to humankind would be folly. McKenna has theorized that it may be the year we make contact, or realize some means to transverse space and time, or artificial intelligence becoming such a reality that it becomes an omega point of sorts for the universe. His personal conviction, and also the one I most subscribe to if I were subscribing to any of this, is a return to the Invisible Landscape, a means to leave our fleshy bodies behind and become one with the cosmos.
Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenetic field theory here enters into the equation. The morphogenetic field is the idea of the collective unconscious married to physics, and while highly experimental and without verifiable proof, anyone with any serious encounters with psychedelic spiritual plants like DMT, Salvia Divinorum, and psilocybin have come into contact with this field, and its morphic resonance within us has been more real than any hallucination-model would suggest. It is a shame that most psychedelic research in this country has been stifled over the years, and such a social stigma has been placed upon their use. One need just mention the word psychedelic and all their research flies out the window as incredible. Ralph Abraham hypothesizes 2012 as the strange attractor time has been following all along, that we are being pulled towards this point through complexity.
A means to discovering this pull may be within the supposedly-reflexsive nature of the I Ching. One may attribute this ability to the controversial, experimental, quite possibly false but unfalsfiable theory of the morphogenetic field. From this field, it could be speculated, the ancients had withdrawn their knowledge and encoded within the fortune-telling device. It is interesting to note than independent to Terence McKenna's ruminations on the subject, the Mayan calendar had a projected end date of 2012 as well. This corroborating evidence further suggests the possibility of a morphic resonance through time of this end point.
The Timewave theory is not without its criticism. In 1994, Matthew Watkins raised an issue with what he thought to be arbitrary construction of McKenna's math. Later, at least according to McKenna, the mathematical errors were corrected in the computer program. According to Watkins, "The timewave is a mathematical function defined by applying a 'fractal transform' to a piecewise linear function. The latter function is an expression of 384 'data points' (positive integer values) derived from the King Wen sequence." Watkins' objection was that at some point in the math, numbers are brought to the -1nth power. He saw no clear reason why. The mathematician who wrote the computer software called this the half twist. Despite his doubt in the significance of the timewave itself, Watkins says "It wouldn't surprise me if a fractal map of temporal resonance was encoded into the King Wen sequence, just as it wouldn't surprise me if something quite remarkable does occur on December 21, 2012. The world can be a very strange place, and we all have much to learn. McKenna's hyper-imaginative speculation has fired the imagination of many. With this particular 'theory' he has spread awareness of the I Ching and the Mayan calendar, both fascinating and poorly understood systems of ancient human thought. I should therefore end by suggesting that the remainder of his published thought should not be dismissed as a result of my findings which are discussed here."
But these are just words; these are not necessarily belief. I find these ideas incredibly fascinating, and only wish I could understand the math to any degree. The concept of a novelty wave, oriented with time is yet another attractive alternative to God and destiny; an endpoint both terrifies and excites, because it's the end of one thing, and the beginning of another.
Terence McKenna's Time Wave Zero
There is another odd pointer to the 2012 date, American psychedelic shaman Terrance McKenna's Time Wave theory. In that theory, the year 2012 is called "Time Wave Zero." McKenna took the I Ching, did some kind of mathematical fractal operation with it, and produced a computer program which supposedly produces a "time wave" which maps out something called "novelty" across the scale of time, from the Big Bang to the Eschaton, the ending of time. And guess what? The mapping of time mysteriously ends at 2012. The Omega point.
I found out about the time wave zero because I had been interested in McKenna's work for quite some time. He was primarily an expert on psychedelic substances, especially as religious sacraments and as used by shamans throughout history. He recounts, like Ginsberg and Burroughs before him, memorable journeys to the Amazon region in search of the mystic brew called "Yage" used by shamans there as an entrance to the "other world" beyond our ordinary consciousness. He was also a heroic taker of, and expert on, that explosive beyond-LSD drug called DMT or dimethyltryptamine. His accounts of his trips using that are really amazing to read, and he seriously believed that this particular drug enabled telepathic contact to occur with extraterrestrial intelligences, or what he called "the self-transforming elves." He felt that DMT opened up direct perception of hyperspace.
I will confess straightaway I don't understand his time wave scheme or its mathematics at all. It seems very complicated. But I thought I would check out some links today and present them for anyone who is interested in investigaing this strange linking of the very ancient (I Ching) and the very modern (computers & fractals). I am not very good at mathematics so it is a bit beyond me, but the whole thing is intriguing, especially in that he arrives at the same date pointed to by the Maya calendar.
Here is a time wave graph showing the fluctuations in "novelty" over a vastest scale, starting with the Big Bang and ending on Dec. 21, 2012. Apparently the fractal function can be graphed for any time period at all, but this one is the overall widest period, 25 billion years:
Exactly what this shows, I am still not sure. I am trying to figure it out. To show how the fractal graph, somehow derived from the 64 I Ching hexagrams (King Wen Sequence), here is another graph of a much smaller chunk of time:
Apparently the fractal function depends especially on the sequence (order) in which the hexagrams are taken. You may have seen fractal pictures before. One of their features is that you can zoom in on them forever and each emerging tiny detail reveals the same structure of the overall whole. The two diagrams above represent this kind of "zooming in."
McKenna explains how he derived the Timewave from the I Ching in an article called "Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams," which you can look at here. If anyone can understand this article, please write to me and explain it! It contains the key to McKenna's whole system, but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. As I said, my mind gets kind of fuzzy when I try to dive into mathematics. Anyway, he arrives somehow at the following graph of the 64 hexagrams, of which he says "Here is the complete graph of the King Wen first order of differnce with its mirror image fitted against it to achieve closure:"
"Using techniques that I developed for the problem I was able to mathematically collapse the hexagram construct into a self-similar fractal curve that can be used to map the unfolding of temporal variables and their resonances on all levels of duration."
I will leave it to the more mathematically gifted to try to understand this derivation of the Time Wave, but I find it fascinating that anyone would even think of trying this in the first place. If anything is modern computerized esotericism, this is it! Has any reader figured out what all this means?
McKenna sums it up this way:
"Such quantized transitions from one modality to another are called "changes of epoches" By Whitehead. The appearance of life in an inorganic world, of consciousness in an unconscious world, or of language in a world without language are all examples of such epochal transitions. Our lives are filled with such transitions, but they are terminations of relatively short cycles in the quantified hierarchy. Terminations of cycles or epoches of really long duration cause extreme accelerations toward the zero state. This idea is similar to Whitehead's conception of concrescence and the Vedic conception of world ages which grow shorter as they tighten around an axis point. The spiral image of the Christian apocalypse is another example of this intuition that time is a series of tightening gyres around the quantized emergence of transformation."
Using his computer program based on the structure of the I Ching McKenna could generate what he called "Novelty Reports." On another page called Novelty & Concrescence he explains what he means by "novelty" by quoting Alfred North Whitehead:
"Creativity is the principle of novelty. Creativity introduces novelty into the content of the many, which are the universe disjunctively. The creative advance is the application of this ultimate principle of creativity to each novel situation which it originates. The ultimate metaphysical principle is the advance from disjunction to conjunction, creating a novel entity other than the entities given in disjunction. The novel entity is at once the togetherness of the 'many' which it finds and also it is one among the disjunctive ' many' which it leaves; it is a novel entity, disjunctively among the many entities which it synthesises. The many become one, and are increased by one. In their natures, entities are disjunctively 'many' in process of passage into conjunctive unity... Thus the 'production of novel togetherness' is the ultimate notion embodied in the term concrescence. These ultimate notions of 'production of novelty' and 'concrete togetherness' are inexplicable either in terms of higher universals or in terms of the components participating in the concrescence. The analysis of the components abstracts from the concrescence. The sole appeal is to intuition." (Process and Reality, p. 26)
I'm not sure that helps much. Western philosophers! They drive me crazy. I can read that paragraph forever and have no idea what it says! Let's forget about it for now and go on. On another page McKenna describes what the "Omega Point" is, or Time Wave Zero, 2012:
"Novelty Theory suggests that on December 21 of 2012 AD, at the coincidence of the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic center, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase. Theory does not make clear the nature of the ultranovel event, however. Speculation as to the nature of the encounter with the trans-dimensional object at the end of time includes the following:"
Hyperspatial Breakthrough
Planetesimal Impact
Alien Contact
Historical Metamorphosis
Metamorphosis of Natural Law
Solar Explosion
Quasar Ignition at the Galactic Core
Eschatology is defined as "a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of mankind," and McKenna calls this "trans-dimensional object at the end of time" the "Eschaton." Applying his time wave formula to various periods of history he produces more of those time graphs like those at the top of this page. You can see more of them, with explanations, on the page The Time Wave and History. Just exactly WHY the grand time wave ends in 2012 is something I have still not figured out. Probably one needs to grasp the mathematical formula to understand that.
On another page called From Here to the Eschaton he gives the following image which shows the novelty graph from now upto 2012.
As far as I can figure out so far I think the points where the graph changes greatly, going up or down, are the points of great novelty or change, in other words, big events. And notice at the point of 2012 the graph no longer fluctuates, it goes to zero. That is Time Wave Zero, the Omega point, the Eschaton.
Remembering that this fractal time wave can be magnified to show increasing detail, you can look at some more sample "Novelty Reports" generated by McKenna's I Ching/Novelty program to get more of an idea of how it works.
If this all seems fairly whacky, another page describes how a couple of noted mathematicians went over McKenna's work. One of them, John Sheliak, found an error in basic formula I guess, AND CORRECTED IT, putting the whole thing on firmer mathematical ground. McKenna was very excited about this.
"I owe a real debt of gratitude to both Watkins and John Sheliak, but especially John. His work now makes explicit every stage in the construction of the timewave, any interested mathematician can now satisfy him or herself as to the precise details of the construction of the timewave. What is exciting to me and what makes me very confident of the new formulation is the fact that we are now getting a better fit of the Novelty graphs to historical data in a number of key areas where before, with the old version, we had some problems. Just to mention two examples. The new wave, which we are calling Timewave 1, to distinguish it from Timewave 0, the new wave gives a much better picture of the ebb and flow of Novelty during the Second World War and during the century of the birth of Islam, than did the old wave. These are exciting times for Novelty Theory. I am happy to admit my error in the construction of the wave. Novelty Theory can now mature into a genuine intellectual discipline in which we can hope to see the contributions made by many people exploring the field. Many exciting discoveries now lie ahead."
Sheliak's work on the time wave theory can be found here:
Sheliak states in the forward to his consideration of the Time Wave:
"Does the mathematical or philosophical structure of the I-Ching, reveal anything of an underlying connection with nature or the cosmos, that could explain how it (the I-Ching) might work? When it is viewed as a system that reflects or represents a process of flow, motion, or change in nature and the human experience, it is one that finds considerable correspondence elsewhere in philosophy and science, including elements of quantum theory. The flow of yin to yang, yang to yin, finds correspondence in the flow of matter to energy, and energy to matter - revealing a dynamic and ever changing universe. The First Order of Difference (FOD) number set, described by McKenna and others, is derived from the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching and is assumed to contain meaningful information about the nature of the physical universe, that is intelligible to us and consistent with our experience. If correct, Novelty Theory is then a description of the form in which this information expresses itself - i.e. the TimeWave."
McKenna has written a number of books and they are all fascinating. One book is called "The Archaic Revival," which he describes in an essay.
"What the Archaic Revival means is shamanism, ecstacy, orgiastic sexuality, and the defeat of the three enemies of the people. And the three enemies of the people are hegemony, monogamy and monotony! And if you get them on the run you have the dominators sweating folks, because that means your getting it all reconnected, and getting it all reconnected means putting aside the idea of separateness and self-definition through thing-fetish. Getting it all connected means tapping into the Gaian mind, and the Gaian mind is what we're calling the psychedelic experience. Its an experience of the living fact of the entelechy of the planet. And without that experience we wander in a desert of bogus ideologies. But with that experience the compass of the self can be set, and that's the idea; figuring out how to reset the compass of the self through community, through ecstatic dance, through psychedelics, sexuality, intelligence, INTELLIGENCE. This is what we have to have to make the forward escape into hyperspace."
I have no idea what it is that the Mayan calendar points to and the Time Wave formula points to, in the year 2012. McKenna doesn't pretend he knows either. He just calls it "the eschaton," a "something" that has been pulling mankind toward itself since the beginning, like a great attractor. Is it mankind's graduation at last into hyperspace? One can't help but be reminded of that great science fiction book by Arthur C. Clark called "Childhood's End," where the "last generation" of children comes of age and transforms into something completely beyond mankind as we know it. Clark has often been called a prophet in realm of science, but I think "Childhood's End" may have been his most prophetic book of all. Looking toward that end, the eschaton, McKenna writes:
"We are flesh which has been caught in the grip of some kind of an attractor that lies ahead of us in time, and that is sculpting us to its ends; speaking to us through psychedelics, through visions, through culture, and technology, consciousness. The language forming capacity in our species is propelling itself forward as though it were going to shed the monkey body and leap into some extra-surreal space that surrounds us, but that we can not currently see. Even the people who run the planet, the World Bank, the IMF, you name it, they know that history is ending. They know by the reports which cross their desks: the disappearance of the ozone hole [?], the toxification of the ocean, the clearing of the rain forests. What this means is that the womb of the planet has reached its finite limits, and that the human species has now, without choice, begun the decent down the birth canal of collective transformation toward something right around the corner and nearly completely unimaginable. And this is where the psychedelic shaman comes is because I believe that what we really contact through psychedelics is a kind of hyperspace. And from that hyperspace we look down on..., we look down on both the past and the future, and we anticipate the end. And a shaman is someone who has seen the end, and therefore is a trickster, because you don't worry if you've seen the end. If you know how it comes out you go back and you take your place in the play, and you let it all roll on without anxiety. This is what boundary dissolution means. It means nothing less than the anticipation of the end state of human history."
"This is not a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse. This is not a pseudo-millenium. This is the real thing folks. This is not a test. This is the last chance before things become so dissipated that there is no chance for cohesiveness. We can use the calender as a club. We can make the millenium an occasion for establishing an authentic human civilization, overcoming the dominator paradigm, dissolving boundaries through psychedelics, recreating a sexuality not based on monotheism, monogamy and monotony. We.. All these things are possible if we can understand the overarching metaphor which holds it together which is the celebration of mind as play, the celebration of love as a genuine social value in the community. This is what they have suppressed so long. This is why they are so afraid of the psychedelics, because they understand that once you touch the inner core of your own and someone else's being you can't be led into thing-fetishes and consumerism. The message of psychedelics is that culture can be re-engineered as a set of emotional values rather than products. This is terrifying news. And if we are able to make this point then we can pull back, we can pull back and we can transcend. Nine times in the last million years the ice has ground south from the poles pushing human populations ahead of it and those people didn't f*ck up. Why should we then? We are all survivors. We are the inheritors of a million years of striving for the unspeakable. And now with the engines of technology in our hands we ought to be able to reach out and actually exteriorize the human soul at the end of time, invoke it into existence like a UFO and open the violet doorway into hyperspace and walk through it, out of profane history and into the world beyond the grave, beyond shamanism, beyond the end of history, into the galactic millenium that has beckoned to us for millions of years across space and time. THIS IS THE MOMENT. A planet brings forth an opportunity like this only once in its lifetime, and we are ready, and we are poised. And as a community we are ready to move into it, to claim it, to make it our own.
It's there. Go for it, and thank you."
What is the I Ching?
(yee jing)
The I Ching, also known in the West as The Book of Change, may be the oldest book in the world. Originating thousands of years ago among the courtly shaman-diviners of ancient China, it springs out of the unconditioned consciousness of primeval humanity. Here are truly fundamental perceptions of reality, distilled into inter-related images of physical and spiritual reality. The images are associated with numbers, and the numbers may be derived from certain technical manipulations that enable a skilled psychic reader to use the book as an oracle. In fact, the book has been used and abused for fortune telling from its earliest days. It had itself evolved out of a still more ancient divining tool known as the Tortoise Oracle, which wisdom it incorporated.
In Chinese, "ching" means book. "I" means change, or changes. Thus the name may be translated as The Book of Changes. But "I" means not only change. Strangely enough, it also means permanence, or the unchangeable. The Book of Changes views all of the changes that we and the world go through as an unfolding of the immutable laws and principles of existence. By explaining our present situation in terms of the natural laws that have given rise to it, we can know where we are headed and what the future is likely to be.
The I ching views the universe as a natural and well-coordinated system in which the process of change never ceases. It presents human nature and destiny as based on principle and order. Study of the I ching thus makes it possible for us to orient individual human activities and situations within the larger context of harmonious interactions between people, nature, and the cosmos.
The I ching is a practical guide through the perplexities and insecurities of daily life. It roots our actions, experiences and expressions in the fundamental ground of existence. It's beautiful commentaries help to give us the moral strength we need to fulfill our ideals. The loveliness of its images provide endless joys of meditation, study and contemplation.
The heart of the book is in its images. There are sixty-four in all, and the psychic reader must be familiar with the particular meaning of each one, as well as the ways in which one image relates to, and may change into, another image in the course of time. Age-old traditions describing the images through the medium of imaginative verse help the intuitive and psychic personality to disclose the underlying themes. And, in addition, a great number of philosophers have written commentaries about the images in the I Ching. The legendary contributions of Confucius, or Kung-fu-tse, from about 500bc are the most celebrated, but there have been many others of comparable scope and quality. The images have been interpreted from the point of view of many of the world's religions, including Christianity, and they have been related to secular concerns in translations like the one that has guided the affairs of present-day Japan's pre-eminent corporate leader, Matsushita.
Indeed, the I Ching may be consulted for a psychic reading on virtually any subject or concern. All things in Heaven and Earth are dreamt of in this philosophy, Horatio.
Source: http://www.wholarts.com
Mayan Year of Destiny - 2012
by John Van Auken,
Editor of the Ancient Mysteries Newsletter, an A.R.E
At present, the year 2012 is only of interest to those of us who believe in the wisdom of ancient cultures. But soon, very soon, everyone is going to be looking for more information about this Mayan prophesied year of destiny, which many believe to be the end of the Mayan calendar and thus the end of time as we have known it. Let’s look at this calendar and date more closely.
The Long Count Calendar
Actually, it all began with a discovery that has been known for decades about the culture that invented what is known as the Long Count Calendar. On the Pacific coastal plain of Chiapas, Mexico, a few miles from the Guatemala border, the astrological observatory of the Izapa civilization was located. Some believe that the Izapa were the transitional culture between the older Olmec civilization and the emerging Maya; others believe the Izapa were Olmecs.
For almost a thousand years the Long Count Calendar was recorded by the Izapa on monuments and ceramic vessels. Most of the dates refer to local, mundane events, like the crowning of a specific king. However, some of the Long Count monuments refer to mythological events that occurred at the beginning of the current “World Age” that we are living in and which is soon coming to an end.
Time Cycles
Scholars have figured out how the Long Count Calendar correlates with our own Gregorian calendar (using a lot of arithmetic), so we know that the legendary time of the beginning of our present World Age – when all the values were set to zero – occurred on August 11, 3114 BC. And using a complex system of Mayan Baktuns (measurements of time), we can calculate when their calendar reaches a new zero point – basically, every 13 Baktuns (5,125 years), the Long Count resets to zero – the calculated time when our present World Age ends and a new cycle of time commences.
Creation, Fall, and Resurrection
Several Creation monuments describe events that occurred in 3114 BC. The texts associated with these Creation monuments state that “creation happens at the Black Hole,” at “the Crossroads,” and “the image” will appear in the sky. The Maya adopted the Izapa calendar, creation myths, and time cycles counting method.
The renowned researcher and author Linda Schele (in Freidel, Schele, and Parker’s Maya Cosmos) wrote: “I realized that every major image from Maya cosmic symbolism was probably a map of the sky. . . . [The] patterns in the Milky Way and the constellations were directly related to the Maya vision of Creation.” Her realization has opened the door to understanding the Mayan cosmology and prophecy.
In order to grasp the Mayan message, we need to understand a little about how they saw the sky and how events in the sky indicated times of death, rebirth, and the passage of time for souls living in this galaxy and in this solar system.
The Milky Way is their major image in the sky. As we know, we live on the outskirts of our galaxy and the Milky Way is the dense cluster of stars when looking toward the center of our galaxy. It appears as a long strip of stars in the sky above us. For the Maya, the rising, passing, and descending of the Milky Way in the sky marked major points in the cycle of time. Also, parts of the Milky Way and other stars prominent in our sky have specific meaning to our lives and the history of humanity and the heavenly realms, the realms of the gods.
To the Maya, the Milky Way’s major features and the changes in its position and shape during the night reveal our origin, passage, and destiny. They are the Tree of Life; the Celestial Crocodile that gnaws at the Tree of Life; the Cosmic Canoe of the “Paddler gods” that follows after the Crocodile; the “lying down sky,” or Black Dream Place; and seven stars in the Big Dipper, representing the egocentric Seven Macaw, who attempted to take the place of the Sun.
Simplistically, the heaven passage tells the story of the rise of the Tree of Life at sunset, followed by the rise of egoism and self-seeking (as seen in Seven Macaw), which brings the rise of dangerous lower urges that crawl on their belly (as the cursed serpent in the Garden of Eden) and attack the rising of life. But these are driven off by the Paddler gods, and eventually the Tree of Life is reborn and rises again near dawn – the complete story of the rise, fall, and resurrection of life.
Rebirth on 2012
On August 11, 3114 BC, a new Solar Age began and the Sun Lord was reborn. Creation Lord deities are often portrayed attending the rebirth of the world, including one called Bolon Yokte K’u, who is closely associated with war, conflict, and the Underworld. Despite these associations, Bolon Yokte is a god that is often present during Creation events. He is portrayed on a ceramic called Vessel of the Seven Lords, which contains the date 3114 BC, the beginning of our present 13-Baktun cycle. Of course, the date that interests us is the beginning of the next 13- Baktun cycle, which occurs on December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar. A recent translation of a text from Tortuguero, a Classic Maya site north of Palenque, explicitly points to the date December 21, 2012. Translated by Mayan epigrapher David Stuart, the legible part of the text reads: “At the end of 13 Baktuns, on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin,; something occurs when Bolon Yokte descends.” The verb glyph describing what happens is effaced, so it is replaced with the word something, but the creation lord Bolon Yokte is depicted, meaning that 2012 was thought of by the Maya as a creation or recreation of the world, possibly during a time of war, conflict, and dominance of the Underworld and the Lords of the Underworld.
As we can see, the end of the Mayan Calendar is simply the end of the present World Age. And, important to us, it simply marks the beginning of the next cycle of rebirth, renewal.
There are no specific markings or statements about the year 2012 on the archaeological artifacts at Izapa, but there are numerous images at Izapa that portray a rare celestial alignment that appears in the skies in the years around 2012. This galactic alignment marks the rebirth of the December solstice and the rebirth of the Sun Lord over Seven Macaw’s attempts to replace him. The Sun Lord rises through the Dark Rift in the Milky Way, located between Sagittarius and Scorpio. Scorpio is depicted near the base of the Tree of Life in Mayan illustrations. Souls on Earth experience a change of galactic seasons, a celestial time-cycle shift, with our Sun moving into rebirth at the “Black Hole” at the celestial base of the Tree of Life (a location in the great Milky Way). December 21, 2012, signals the end of this 5,125-year age that we’ve been living in and the commencement of a new Earth Age.
When asked what the New Age means to humanity, Edgar Cayce replied: “by the full consciousness of the ability to communicate with the Creative Forces and be aware of the relationships to the Creative Forces and the uses of same in material environs. This awareness during the era or age in the Age of Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu brought what? Destruction to man, and his beginning of the needs of the journey up through that of selfishness.” (1602-3)
Cayce is informing us that in a previous time cycle, humanity had a level of consciousness and relationship with the Creative Forces that allowed us to live at higher levels of material, mental, and spiritual activity in the Earth and beyond. Unfortunately, we misused this consciousness and the power that came with the close relationship to the Forces. This misuse brought on the destruction of our great cultures and a long, karmic soul journey through the pain and confusion that resulted from our selfishness and self-centered focus on our will without regard for the will of the Creator and others. Now, as the cycles come around again, we are nearing a time when the level of consciousness and relationship with the Creative Forces will allow us once again to regain these powers. How will we use them this time?
Before we despair that humankind is going to misuse these again, let’s remember that many, many souls and even the Logos, the Word, have come and continue to come into materiality to help prepare the way for this rebirth. We overestimate the power of the world and its leaders. The unseen, heavenly forces have greater power and will overcome the world’s darkness and selfishness, breaking through with a light that will transform this realm for a thousand years, when all evil and temptation will be bound and a golden age will reign. The biblical book of the Revelation conveys this prophecy: “I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole inhabited earth, and bound him for a thousand years.” (Rev. 20:2)
Is 2012 the beginning of the fulfillment of these wonderful prophecies by Edgar Cayce and the Revelation, or just another step on the long journey toward such fulfillment?
Source: http://www.edgarcayce.org/2012.asp
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